Compiled List of All Typos

The card backs will be different due to different print runs and you will be able to tell that Darken the Sky is coming just from the different coloured backs.

As long as the backs are /darker/ I will accept it on pun value alone.

I wish to make another request. I understand that for Absolute Zero's deck, 1 Coolant Blast was substituted with 1 Frost-Bound Drain in the Enhanced Edition.

Is it possible to upload the full card image of Frost-Bound Drain so that I can print it out and slot it in front of my 1st Ed Coolant Blast card?

Thanks in advance.

Something like this?




so awesome!


If we order a replacement card, does it come with this higher resolution image?

Unfortunately, no. The replacement cards are just cards removed from other copies of Rook City, and we are still solidly in the first print run of Rook City.

I found a typo tonight on one of the Argent Adept's cards - the quote at the bottom of Musaragni's Harp reads "It's strings can play as quietly as a mouse, or as loud as a lion!". The first word of that sentence shouldn't have an apostrophe - otherwise it's basically saying "It is strings can play..." ;).

Understood, thank you Christopher. Originally thought only some people got the lower resolution copy.

Well, damn! Slipped past us.

Sigh. Here's an actual quote from me in the playtesting forum in which we proof-read Argent Adept: " Wow. I am NOT proofreading these as well as I thought I was."


Lol. I'll let you know if I should happen to spot any more, but other than ones that have already been noted ("Checmical Explosion" and I think a repeated word in the text for Imbued Fire), I don't think I've ever spotted any others on cards :).

This isn't a typo, but does anyone else have something funny going on with the colors on the backs of Apostate's deck?  Mine seem to differ greatly between cards.  Some are a lighter gray with others very dark.  It hasn't affected our gameplay yet, but I imagine in time we will be able to tell which cards have a lighter back and which have a darker one.

Hmm, yeah, I think you're right, but as I'm looking at them under my bedroom light rather than daylight it's hard to tell and it's making my eyes go all weird, lol. I don't think it makes much difference, though, since it's not as if only certain cards are dark/light. I mean, I looked at one "dark" card and one "light" one, and turned them over and it turned out they were both the same ("Fallen Angel" One-Shot). I think there's enough of a mix of cards that you can't tell what's gonna come up, even with this slight difference in card backs.

At first I was mistakenly looking through Ambuscade's deck, and I was thinking, "These people are crazy. There are _no_ differences."


Then I looked at Apostate's deck and it was clear that there are!

For example, pull out the two Apocalypse cards and the three Profane Summons cards. I bet that just be looking at the backs you can tell which ones are which.

Argent Adept has a card 'Akpunku's Drum' which (more or less) has the following text:

"Perform the accompany text of a Rhythm card and the perform text of a Melody card"

Nothing ostensibly wrong with this, other than that every other instrument lists the perform text first. Don't know why but this card always sticks out like a sore thumb because of that.

It is that way on purpose. Both because of the order of play makes for interesting interactions, and because it's a drum, which is primarily an accompanying rhythm instrument, but occasionally can be used to lay out a primary musical line, depending on the type of music.

Thanks for the clarification! So does this mean you have to play them in listed order? It is then rather than and? I've been reading the and as meaning that the order of activation doesn't matter.

Order written on cards is always done in the order written, no matter what conjunctions are used to combine them.  Someone started the idea that the word "and" started simultainious actions, thus allowing the players to decide order, but, the only thing I've ever heard from the developers is that order occurs in the order on the cards.  And, for precedent, Fanatic deals 1 target 1 melee and 1 radiant damage.  It has always been stated that you first deal one target one melee damage, and then deal that same target one radiant damage.  Never the other way.

While I know that the effects on the Adept's instruments must occur in order, one of my most frequent uses is that of the harp to play the Perform and then the Accompany of a Harmony card. The Perform that I activate is the one that lets you use another power (Inspiring Supertonic, I think). So I should then immediately interrupt that first instrument's actions to play another power, which itself might be to let myself play another power. So I normally just act out the second part of the harp's actions (usually just healing myself with Supertonic's Accompany section) in order to avoid confusing myself. I figure it's okay in those instances, since it doesn't affect the gameplay that I take that particular action before I'm supposed to. Or at least, it hasn't so far. I don't want to have to keep track of too many things - the Adept is complicated enough as it is! :D

Technically, yes, these actions should be put in a stack.  And, for the most part, simply recovering a point of HP will likely never alter the outcome, except in the corner case that the targets regaining HP are nearly depleted, and some action you do could result in that target's destruction had you not restored HP.

But, really, if you did want an easy way to keep track of that stuff, you could always literally stack the cards as you use their powers, and when one instrument is done, take it off the stack to resolve the next instrument underneath.  You could even have the instruments oriented one way or the other to determine whether the instrument is currently on it's first action or it's second action, and then stack them in another pile once they have been fully used.