DE Disparation: Guessing time! (Ha ha, time travel pun)

Did Parse ever interact with Cosmitron? I do think that standard Miss Info should be a nemesis to the FF, and Vengeance Miss Info should be a nemesis to Parse.

I mean, just look at this:

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Open to being corrected, but I believe that Parse was created by the remains of Cosmitron, but never interacted with it pre-destruction.

My memory is that Parse is the original Miss Info’s Nemesis because she was the one who uncovered that Aminia Twain was Miss Information, whereas the Vengeance Miss Information was back to her rage at the Freedom Five. It’s a sort of non-linear nemesis issue; Miss Information hated the Freedom Five most, but they didn’t have any advantages against her so they don’t get Nemesis icons, whereas she and Parse were actually matched enemies.


I believe she was created by the creation of Cosmitron. She was looking at Omnitron’s code when OblivAeon interacted with it.


Looks like she shot it in the Enhanced Edition art for Targeting Arrow. Attributed to Cosmic Concurrence #1. Not sure if that was an “oopsy” before the Timeline Project, though.

There was a retelling of the Cosmic Omnitron story in the 2000s in the Cosmic Concurrence series that inserted characters who weren’t part of/around the first time.


In Rook City Renegades . . .

  • Of the 9 Villains, 3 were in the original Rook City (Chairman, Spite, Plague Rat), 3 were in Enhanced Edition but in other products (Ambuscade, GloomWeaver, Kismet), and 3 were entirely new to DE (TerrorForm, Fey-Court, Carl).
  • 2 of the Environments were from Rook City (Pike Industrial, Rook City), 2 were from other EE sets (Realm of Discord, Temple of Zhu Long), and 1 was new (Diamond Manor).
  • 2 of the Heroes were from Rook City (Fixer, Expat), 3 were from other EE boxes (Setback, NightMist, Harpy), and 1 was new (Alpha).

Disparation could follow those trends.

Also, I’m just going to quote the list of Hero Variants that I theorized could be in Disparation awhile back in another thread:

I think it’s very unlikely for Disparation to have both an Aeternus Environment deck and an Aeternus Villain deck.


Yeah, on reflection you are right. Aeternus isn’t a big enough deal for a hero, villain, and environment. I’m going to revise and say that the last environment will be an actual other universe, rather than a time travel zone.

In fact, I’m going to swing for the fences. The fifth environment will be The XTremiverse!

And speaking of swinging for the fences - C&A also mentioned in the last podcast that there is one deck in Disparation that no one would have predicted. What extremely weird new thing do we think they’re adding?

  • Dragons
  • Secret Lads
  • The Cave
  • Voltron
  • The Fellowship of the Ring
  • The Crew of the Starship Enterprise
  • The Doctor
  • The X-Men
  • Aquaman
  • Orbo
  • OblivAeon
  • @Ronway
  • Pigeons
  • Waffles
  • Santa Claus
  • The King of England
  • H. G. Wells

The Spanish Inquisition! Who could’ve expected that?!


@fjur - Unless “nobody could predict this” was a flat-out lie, there’s no way it could be something like Orbo or Secret Lads, because they’ve talked about those things. And it can’t be anyone else’s IP for obvious legal reasons.

I would be SO happy about that…but there’s no way in hell.

I don’t think Aeternus is going to be an environment, but I could be wrong.
Agree on most stuff. I actually don’t think the Southwest Sentinels are going to be in this one. I could be wrong, but they appear so much later than original planned (a side effect of C&A hashing out the timelines), I think that they’ll be rolled into a “Cosmic” set, either with their Void Guard decks, or have individual decks with Void Guard as their main alternates.

I think La Comodorra will be one of the heroes, here. If nothing else, the set is Disparation, and who are the main characters of Disparation V2? Maria and Jim.

If Iron Legacy is in there, I imagine that one of the Variants we’ll see is Young Legacy.

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Not an environment, but I think we’ll be getting the XTreme Prime Wardens as variants. Maybe F5, too, though their XTreme story wasn’t as interesting.

I’m sorry, is there a connection I’m missing between Iron Legacy and Young Legacy? That doesn’t make sense to me.

And Southwest Sentinels don’t make sense in space, only Void Guard do. They also don’t work in Vengeance. And it’d be a real shame if the Sentinels didn’t appear as a stand-alone deck. I would actually be pretty upset about that.

I don’t think Comodora will be here, despite leading the book. She’d make sense here, but also still makes a bunch of sense in OblivAeon. And if she was going to be in this, why wouldn’t she appear in the back of the RCR rulebook instead of Visionary?

Legacy became Iron Legacy because Young Legacy was killed in his reality. So story-wise, her debut as a hero had to have come first.

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Ahh okay, I guess that makes some sense. But if it was fully based off of timeline-reasons, she would be in the core box so she could fight Voss.

In hindsight, it may have been prudent to clarify that my previous post was in jest.

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What??? I was sure you were seriously suggesting Santa Claus and The King of England might show up.

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@fjur, @ronway is already in the Enhanced Edition!

Regardless of how well it fits into the story, an X-tremiverse environment would be totally awesome. It’s a universe they’ve visited a number of times, clearly resonates with the (meta and real) fans, is tied to a number of different character backstories, and would be EXTREMELY FUN. The art would be amazing and the games would be ridiculous. It’d be a shame for that not to hit the table. So I’ll get on board with that guess! :grin:

I’m also in the camp that La Comodora is non-negotiable here. She headlines the book, her whole thing is time travel/dimension-hopping, and she appears in the story trying to repair the multiverse much earlier than OblivAeon.

Edit: I will also throw in a totally unexpected guess for something that I don’t think I see above, courtesy of my wife: Shear Force


Having listened to these episodes, while I can see Frostbite AZ, Boldest Legacy seems entirely pointless. He has a different personality and history, but his powers are largely the same, so other than not having the Baron Blade nemesis icon prior to his latest story, I don’t see what his card could have that would make him different from Paul the 8th in game mechanics terms. The only reason to make him a new card would be him having a different skin color, and IMO that’s a superficial difference that shouldn’t justify printing a new card. It would be the same as printing a card solely for a different costume that a hero wore for a while, when they had basically the same powers and skills and general toolkit; sure you could make up a different Power for them, or alter their HP, or pick different incap powers, but why? If the only real difference (in terms of the way they manifest in the card game) is the character’s appearance, they shouldn’t get a new variant IMO.

Not pointless, but I agree that he doesn’t seem to add anything unique from a mechanical perspective. I can see him being some kind of ally card, either in a on Oblivaeon-style mission or in a cross-dimension environment deck. Or some kind of event card. He’s one of the alternate universes that I would like to see fleshed out, maybe in some kind of alternate RPG setting.