Episode 2: Advanced Kismet - VICTORY!



The Scholar - BlueHairedMeerkat

Fanatic - cmschex

Ra: Horus of Two Horizons - celette482

Expatriette - ketigid

Bunker: Engine of War - Zalrus9


The FInal Wasteland



Kismet HP 70

Cards in Play

The Talisman - Enchanted Heirloom HP 7


Are we playing on Advanced or normal?

Here's the Scholar's initial draw: Solid to Liquid, Transmutative Recovery, Keep Moving, Bring What You Need.

Beard Ra's initial draw: Blazing Tornado, Staff of Ra, Flame Spike, Scorched Earth

Expatriette's hand, Tactical Shotgun, Speed Loading x 2, Unload.

Fanatic starting hand:  Chastise, Sanctifying Strike, Final Dive, Divine Sacrifice

Wait for a Bunker or start?

Do we have a bunker?

Mezike said he had to pull out, so not at the moment.

Fear not! I shall be Bunker!


Starting Hand: External Combustion, Grenade Launcher, Ammo Drop, and Maintenece Unit.


Let's have a Blast!

Ok everyone is here. When I get a chance I will play Kismet's first turn.

Also, does anyone know a how to setup a Google Doc that we can all acces?

I lazily copied and pasted the format from the Episode 1 game onto this https://docs.google.com/document/d/12RQEYw1R1kCO9uxH9BuCyDXtg-yEsv02h3dQp56clkw/edit?usp=sharing which I think should be editable by all.

Thank you!

Round 1

Start of the Villain Turn

Talisman in front of hero = False

Therefore, each hero takes 1 psychic damage.

Play a Villain Card

Unlucky Break - No effect

End of the Villain Turn

Revealed Two Left Feet - Not played but shuffled back into the Villain deck


Kismet - Charmed Scoundrel

HP 70

Cards in Play

The Talisman - Enchanted Heirloom HP 7


Unlucky Break

Additional Effects in Play




Well, she didn't do much this turn. Once we have the doc up, I will fix all the HP for the 1 damage.

Also, are we running advanced?

I think we should play on Advanced; after all, we have the advantage of being able to consider our moves for longer and discuss our plans.

So, with that in mind I'm going to dive straight in! :D


The Scholar

HP: 28

Hand:  Solid to Liquid, Transmutative Recovery, Keep Moving, Bring What You Need

In Play: None. 

Trash: Empty. 


Start of Hero Turn: nothing

Play a Card: Bring What You Need.

Use a Power: Bring What You Need; revealed Expect The Worst, Don't Dismiss Anything, Flesh To Iron. Putting the first two in my hand and Flesh to Iron on the bottom of my deck.

Draw a Card: Keep Moving

End of Hero Turn: nothing


HP: 28

Hand:  Solid to Liquid, Transmutative Recovery, Keep Moving x2, Expect The Worst, Don't Dismiss Anything

In Play: Bring What You Need

Trash: Empty

Bottom of Deck: Flesh to Iron



HP: 29

Hand:  Chastise, Sanctifying Strike, Final Dive, Divine Sacrifice

In Play: None. 

Trash: Empty. 


Start of Hero Turn: nothing

Play a Card: Sanctifying Strike, deal 1 damage to Ksimet, regain 1 HP and draw Smite the Transgressor

Use a Power: Exorcism, doing 1 to Kismet and 1 to the Talisman, 68 and 6 HP respectively 

Draw a Card: Brutal Censure

End of Hero Turn: nothing


HP: 30

Hand:  Chastise, Brutal Censure, Final Dive, Divine Sacrifice, Smite the Transgressor

In Play: Nothing

Trash: Empty

Bottom of Deck: Sanctifying Strike

It worked last game that after your turn you pm the next guy/girl. Let’s see if that works again.

Ok a couple of things: Was 1 hp taking off of each hero (I don't know there max HP off hand)? Do we have someone controlling the the Final Wasteland? Also, why is the Scholar at 25?

Beard Ra

HP: 29

Hand: Staff of Ra, Blazing Tornado, Scorched earth Flame spike

In Play: None. 

Trash: Empty. 


Start of Hero Turn: nothing

Play a Card: Blazing Tornado

Use a Power: Blazing Tornado, 3 to Kismet making her 65HP

Draw a Card: Scorched Earth

End of Hero Turn: nothing


HP: 29

Hand:  staff of ra, scorched earth x2, flame spike

In Play: Blazing Tornado

Trash: Empty

Seems to be strightforward right now.

Can everyone access the doc?


It is just an easier way to see everything at once instead of scrolling through every post.