Episode 2: Advanced Kismet - VICTORY!

Exorcism deals 2 instances of damage to 1 target (or did I remember wrongly?), so it's either Kismet or Talisman.

Btw, I'm ok with Advance.



HP: 28

Hand: Tactical Shotgun, Speed Loading x 2, Unload

In Play: None. 

Trash: Empty. 


Start of Hero Turn: nothing

Play a Card: Tactical Shotgun

Use a Power: Tactical Shotgun, 4 to Kismet.

Draw a Card: Submachine Gun

End of Hero Turn: nothing


HP: 28

Hand:  Speed Loading x 2, Unload, Submachine Gun

In Play: Tactical Shotgun

Trash: Empty


It certainly does.  So lets say the Strike does 1 to Talisman and Exorcism does 2 to Ksimet


Bunker, Engine of War

HP: 26

Hand: Internal Combustion, Maintenence Unit, Ammo Drop, Grenade Launcher

In Play: None. 

Trash: Empty. 


Start of Hero Turn: nothing

Play a Card: Grenade Launcher

Use a Power: Grenade Launch! 2 to Kismet, 2 to the Amulet

Draw a Card: Heavy Plating

End of Hero Turn: nothing


HP: 26

Hand:  Internal Combustion, Maintenence Unit, Ammo Drop, Heavy Plating

In Play: Grenade Launcher

Trash: Empty

The Final Wasteland

In Play: None


Start of Environment Turn: Nothing

Play a Card: Unforgiving Wasteland

End of Environment Turn: Nothing


In Play: Unforgiving Wasteland

So if we let the environment kill off Kismet, she's out of the game for everyone, forever, right? That's how this works.

If she is that unlucky, she deserves to be gone.

Round 2

Kismet - Charmed Scoundrel

HP 58

Cards in Play: The Talisman - Enchanted Heirloom HP 4

Trash: Unlucky Break

Additional Effects in Play: None


Start of the Villain Turn

Talisman in front of hero = False

Therefore, each hero takes 1 psychic damage.

Advanced: No Hero has a Jinx.

Play a Villain Card

Weak Heart - Played on Bunker

End of the Villain Turn

Revealed Violent Trickster - Each player must discard a card. Bunker takes 2+1 damage.


HP 58

Cards in Play: The Talisman - Enchanted Heirloom HP 4, Weak Heart (Bunker)

Trash: Unlucky Break, Violent Trickster

Additional Effects in Play: None



Each player needs to discard a card.

Also would the advanced start of turn effect work the turn she flips?




I'll discard... Solid to Liquid, I guess. 

The Scholar

HP: 27

Hand:  Transmutative Recovery, Keep Moving x2, Expect The Worst, Don't Dismiss Anything

In Play: None. 

Trash: Solid to Liquid 


Start of Hero Turn: nothing

Play a Card: Transmutative Recovery; draw Proverbs and Axioms, Bring What You Need.

Use a Power: Bring What You Need; revealed "Get Out Of The Way!", Know When to Turn Loose, Flesh To Iron. Putting the first two in my hand and Flesh to Iron on the bottom of my deck.

Draw a Card: Don't Dismiss Anything

End of Hero Turn: nothing


HP: 29

Hand:  Keep Moving x2, Expect The Worst, Don't Dismiss Anything x2, Proverbs and Axioms, Bring What You Need, "Get Out Of The Way!", Know When to Turn Loose.

In Play: Bring What You Need

Trash: Solid to Liquid, Transmutative Recovery

Bottom of Deck: Flesh to Iron x2

I'm curious as to when people would want a Don't Dismiss Anything/Proberbs and Axioms. DDA I'm thinking I might play next turn, as I have a second in hand now for if people need trash retrieval later on, but I'm open to opinions.

I'm at work so don't have my deck, but do we want to flip her this turn?  I could final dive the talisman at her

I think it's a little early for Proverbs?


I don't see why not flip her, though with only weak heart out, are we in much danger? I mean, if the big thing is that you want to final dive it to pull off 4 damage against Kismet, then I whole-heartedly support that course of action.

Also the Talisman is a character card, which Final Dive doesn't work on.

Yeah, that makes sense, I don't have the card in front of me so I forgot that non-character card proviso



Discard Divine Sacrifice


HP: 29

Hand:  Chastise, Brutal Censure, Final Dive, Smite the Transgressor

In Play: Nothing

Trash: Sanctifying Strike



Start of Hero Turn: nothing

Play a Card: Brutal Censure, doing 2 Damage to Ksimet and drawing Aegis of Resurrection

Use a Power: Exorcism, doing 1 and 1 ti Kismet, she's at 54 HP

Draw a Card: Holy Nove

End of Hero Turn: nothing


HP: 29

Hand:  Chastise,Final Dive, Smite the Transgressor, Aegis of Resurrection, Holy Nova

In Play: Nothing

Trash: Sanctifying Strike, Divine Sacrifice, Brutal Censure

Discard Flame Spike


Beard Ra

HP: 27

Hand: Staff of Ra, Scorched earth x2

In Play: None. 

Trash: Flame Spike


Start of Hero Turn: nothing

Play a Card: Staff of Ra, gain 2 HP

Use a Power: Blazing Tornado, 4 to Kismet making her 50 HP

Draw a Card: Fire Blast

End of Hero Turn: nothing


HP: 29

Hand:  staff of ra, scorched earth x2, fire blast

In Play: Blazing Tornado, staff of Ra

Trash: Flame Spike


Note: I waivered about which one to discard, but given that we're in the Final Wasteland, I'm thinking Scorched Earth is gonna be a beast of card, so I want to keep them.

Pst! Bearded Ra has a Max HP of 29.


I just thought we were playing the 1st edition.

Discards Speed Loading.



HP: 28

Hand: Speed Loading, Unload, Submachine Gun

In Play: Tactical Shotgun. 

Trash: Speed Loading. 


Start of Hero Turn: nothing

Play a Card: Submachine Gun

Use a Power: Tactical Shotgun, 4 to Kismet.

Draw a Card: Quick Draw

End of Hero Turn: nothing


HP: 28

Hand:  Speed Loading, Unload, Quick Draw.

In Play: Tactical Shotgun, Submachine Gun.

Trash: Speed Loading


Bunker, Engine of War

I Discarded Maitenence Unit

HP: 26

Hand: Internal Combustion,  Ammo Drop, Heavy Plating

In Play: Grenade Launcher

Trash:  Maintenence Unit


Start of Hero Turn: nothing

Play a Card: Heavy Plating

Use a Power: Grenade Launch! 2 to Kismet, 2 to the Amulet (Kismet 44, Amulet 2), Kismet deals 1 Damage to me (+1 from Amulet, -1 from Heavey Plating)

Draw a Card: Flak Cannon

End of Hero Turn: nothing


HP: 25

Hand:  Internal Combustion, Flak Cannon, Ammo Drop, 

In Play: Grenade Launcher, Heavey Plating

Trash:  MU