Episode 2: Advanced Kismet - VICTORY!

Bunker is actually at 21:


-1 (start of turn effect)

-1 (start of turn effect) 

-(2+1) (Advanced start of turn)

-1 (Weak of Heart)


The Final Wasteland

In Play: Unforgiving Wasteland


Start of Environment Turn: Nothing

Play a Card: Rat Beast HP 7

End of Environment Turn: Rat Beast deals The Scholar 4 melee damage.


In Play: Unforgiving Wasteland, Rat Beast HP 7.


Notes: Scholar and Fanatic are tied for second highest. Who is going to take the damage?

EDIT: Fixed so Scholar takes the damage.


I volunteer as tribute, unless Fanatic fancies a bit of self-sacrifice.

Scholar's probably in a better position right now

Round 3

Kismet - Charmed Scoundrel

HP 44

Cards in Play: The Talisman - Enchanted Heirloom HP 2, Weak Heart (Bunker)

Trash: Unlucky Break, Violent Trickster

Additional Effects in Play: None


Start of the Villain Turn

Talisman in front of hero = False

Therefore, each hero takes 2 psychic damage.

Advanced: Bunker takes 2+1-1=2 damage.

Play a Villain Card

Fortune's Smile - Kismet gains 5 HP, each hero takes 2 psychic damage, play a card

Hapless Strike - Fanatic deals Bunker 2 energy damage.

End of the Villain Turn

Revealed Karmic Disjunction - Shuffled back into the Villain deck


HP 49

Cards in Play: The Talisman - Enchanted Heirloom HP 2, Weak Heart (Bunker)

Trash: Unlucky Break, Violent Trickster, Fortune's Smile, Hapless Strike

Additional Effects in Play: None



Total damage done:

Scholar 25-2-2=  21 HP

Fanatic 29-2-2=  25 HP

Ra 27-2-2=   23 HP

Expat 27-2-2=  23 HP

Bunker 21-(2-1)-(2+1-1)-(2-1)-(2-1)=21-1-2-1-1=   16 HP




The Scholar

HP: 21

Hand:  Keep Moving x2, Expect The Worst, Don't Dismiss Anything x2, Proverbs and Axioms, Bring What You Need, "Get Out Of The Way!", Know When to Turn Loose.

In Play: Bring What You Need

Trash: Solid to Liquid, Transmutative Recovery


Start of Hero Turn: nothing

Play a Card: Let's throw out a Don't Dismiss Anything - everyone may either put a card from their trash on top of their deck or play the top card of their deck. Scholar plays Grace Under Fire - 3 damage to Kismet, putting her at 46HP.


Use a Power: Bring What You Need; revealed Know When to Turn Loose, Grace Under Fire, Solid to Liquid. Putting the last two in my hand and Know When to Turn Loose on the bottom of my deck.

Draw a Card: Grace Under Fire

End of Hero Turn: nothing


HP: 29

Hand:  Keep Moving x2, Expect The Worst, Don't Dismiss Anything, Proverbs and Axioms, Bring What You Need, "Get Out Of The Way!", Know When to Turn Loose, Grace Under Fire x2, Solid to Liquid.

In Play: Bring What You Need

Trash: Solid to Liquid, Transmutative Recovery, Don't Dismiss Anything, Grace Under Fire

Bottom of Deck: Flesh to Iron x2, Know When to Turn Loose





Plays Absolution as the top card of her deck


HP: 25


Hand:  Chastise,Final Dive, Smite the Transgressor, Aegis of Resurrection, Holy Nova

In Play: Absolution

Trash: Sanctifying Strike, Divine Sacrifice, Brutal Censure


Start of Hero Turn: nothing

Play a Card: Holy Nova, each hero gains an HP and doing 1 each to Kismet, Talisman (1HP) and Rat Beast (6 HP)

Use a Power: Absolution doing 3 Radiant Damage to Kismet

Draw a Card: Consecrated Ground

End of Hero Turn: nothing


HP: 26

Hand:  Chastise,Final Dive, Smite the Transgressor, Aegis of Resurrection, Consecrated Ground

In Play: Absolution

Trash: Sanctifying Strike, Divine Sacrifice, Brutal Censure, Holy Nova

Beard Ra


Whoops, I forgot don't dismiss anything. Is that ironic? Sorta


Anyway- top card is Living Conflagration, goes into play. Does kismet 3 fire making her 39 HP

HP: 24 (thanks, Fanatic)

Hand: Fire Blast, Scorched earth x2

In Play: Blazing Tornado, Staff of Ra, Living conflagraion

Trash: Flame Spike


Start of Hero Turn: nothing

Play a Card: Fire Blast- 6 Damage to Kisment, making her at 33HP

Use a Power: Blazing Tornado- 4 Damage to kismet, putting her at 29 HP

Draw a Card: Scorched Earth

End of Hero Turn: nothing


HP: 24

Hand:  scorched earth x3

In Play: Blazing Tornado, staff of Ra, living conflagraion

Trash: Flame Spike, Fire Blast


Kismet is at 29 HP

EDIT: To include Don't Dismiss Anything

I won't have my deck until Monday. Pydro, will you help me play a card for Don't Dismiss Anything?

Expat's top card: Reload.

Bunker's Don't Dismiss anything card: Upgrade Mode! Thanks!


HP: 23

Hand:  Speed Loading, Unload, Quick Draw.

In Play: Tactical Shotgun, Submachine Gun.

Trash: Speed Loading, Reload.


Start of Hero Turn: nothing

Play a Card: Quick Draw (gets Pride)

Use a Power: Tactical Shotgun, 4 to Kismet, now 25 HP.

Draw a Card: Hairtrigger Reflexes

End of Hero Turn: nothing


HP: 23

Hand:  Speed Loading, Unload, Hairtrigger Reflexes.

In Play: Tactical Shotgun, Submachine Gun, Pride.

Trash: Speed Loading, Reload, Quick Draw.


Bunker, Engine of War

HP:  16

Hand: Internal Combustion,  Ammo Drop, Heavy Plating, Flak Cannon

In Play: Grenade Launcher, Upgrade Mode

Trash:  Maintenence Unit


Start of Hero Turn: nothing

Play a Card: Ammo Drop, Flak Cannon

Use a Power: none

Draw a Card: Upgrade Mode

End of Hero Turn: nothing


HP:  16

Hand:  Internal Combustion, Upgrade Mode

In Play: Grenade Launcher, Heavy Plating, Ammo Drop, Upgrade Mode 

Trash:  MU


The Final Wasteland

In Play: Unforgiving Wasteland, Rat Beast HP 6.


Start of Environment Turn: Nothing

Play a Card: New Jersey Devil HP 4

End of Environment Turn: Rat Beast deals Kismet 4 melee damage. New Jersey Devil deals Bunker (14, only takes 2) and Scholar (17) 4 damage.


In Play: Unforgiving Wasteland, Rat Beast HP 6, New Jersey Devil HP 4.


Notes: Kismet and Fanatic were tied for Highest HP. I figured we would take it off Kismet. If you think Fan should take it, just say so


Round 3

Kismet - Charmed Scoundrel

HP 21

Cards in Play: The Talisman - Enchanted Heirloom HP 1, Weak Heart (Bunker)

Trash: Unlucky Break, Violent Trickster, Fortune's Smile, Hapless Strike

Additional Effects in Play: None


Start of the Villain Turn

Talisman in front of hero = False

Therefore, each hero takes 2 psychic damage. (Bunker completely reduces this damage.)

Advanced: Bunker takes 2+1-2=1 damage.

Play a Villain Card

Violent Trickster - Each player discards a card, Bunker takes 3-2=1 damage. Now at 12.

End of the Villain Turn

Revealed Imminent Destruction - it is shuffled back into the Villain deck.


HP 21

Cards in Play: The Talisman - Enchanted Heirloom HP 1, Weak Heart (Bunker)

Trash: Unlucky Break, Violent Trickster, Fortune's Smile, Hapless Strike, Violent Trickster

Additional Effects in Play: None



Everyone must discard a card.


  • The Scholar
  • Discard Grace Under Fire
  • HP: 15
  • Hand:  Keep Moving x2, Expect The Worst, Don't Dismiss Anything, Proverbs and Axioms, Bring What You Need, "Get Out Of The Way!", Know When to Turn Loose, Grace Under Fire, Solid to Liquid.
  • In Play: Bring What You Need
  • Trash: Solid to Liquid, Transmutative Recovery,  Don't Dismiss Anything, Grace Under Fire x2
  • -----------------
  • Start of Hero Turn: nothing
  • Play a Card: Know When to Turn Loose - discard nine cards for nine damage to Kismet, bringing her to 12HP.
  • Use a Power: Bring What You Need; revealed Keep Moving, Offensive Transmutation, Know When to Hold Fast. Putting the first two in my hand and Know When to Hold Fast on the bottom of my deck.
  • Draw a Card: Truth Seeker
  • End of Hero Turn: nothing
  • -----------------
  • HP: 15
  • Hand:  Keep Moving, Offensive Transmutation, Truth Seeker
  • In Play: Bring What You Need
  • Trash: Solid to Liquid x2, Transmutative Recovery, Don't Dismiss Anything x2, Grace Under Fire x3, Keep Moving x2, Expect The Worst, Proverbs and Axioms, Bring What You Need, "Get Out Of The Way!", Know When to Turn Loose.
  • Bottom of Deck: Flesh to Iron x2, Know When to Turn Loose, Know When to Hold Fast

I have a strange feeling that Kismet won’t make it out of this turn.



Discards Chastise



HP: 26

Hand:  Final Dive, Smite the Transgressor, Aegis of Resurrection, Consecrated Ground

In Play: Absolution

Trash: Sanctifying Strike, Divine Sacrifice, Brutal Censure, Holy Nova, Chastise


Start of Hero Turn: nothing

Play a Card: Final Dive the NJ Devil into Kismet taking her to 8 HP

Use a Power: Absolution doing 3 Radiant Damage to Kismet, taking her to 5 HP

Draw a Card: Embolden

End of Hero Turn: nothing


HP: 26

Hand:  Smite the Transgressor, Aegis of Resurrection, Consecrated Ground, Embolden

In Play: Absolution

Trash: Sanctifying Strike, Divine Sacrifice, Brutal Censure, Holy Nova, Chastise,Final Dive,

Discard Scorched Earth


HP: 22

Hand: Scorched earth x2

In Play: Blazing Tornado, Staff of Ra, Living conflagraion

Trash: Flame Spike, Fire blast, Scorched earth


Start of Hero Turn: nothing

Play a Card: Scorched Earth, 3 damage to Rat Beast (3HP) and Kismet (2 HP)

Use a Power: Blazing Tornado- 4 Damage to kismet, Dead





Congratulations everyone!