Flamethrower49's Strategy

You are correct on the cards not doing damage a second time because the card text is blank, but the card type remains, and so you can still do things like have Bunker draw twice from Ammo Drop. Savage Mana is still good against Akash though, you can get some limbs temporarily out of the way, and so some decent damage with them.

Akash'bhuta can be easy to destroy: all you have to do is focus on her limbs. She basically ends up killing herself. Choose high-damage characters like Ra, Haka, Tempest, etc. The MVP against Akash is, as has been mentioned, Fanatic. End of Days just kills her. In the case of Haka, Rampage works wonders, expecially when used in conjunction with Savage Mana. Just resign yourself to a long hard slog; don't fix for one big shot. You gotta plink >___< At least, until you End of Days her away.


Hmm. I've also often found Nightmist to be very useful against her. Oblivion!

This is not a topic to discuss general AB strategies, it's for discussing Flamethrower's guides.  If we want to continue discussing AB strategy, we should probably take it to its own topic so this one doesn't get too gummed up.

(I shouldn't have tossed in my comment about AB strategy either ;)

Well, a guide for her should be written up then...

Not so subtle hint.

Pydro's amazingly in-depth Bunker guide has finally been added to the first post.  Amazing work, good sir.

I'm not looking forward to revising my guides to account for ruling 15.  :)  Nonetheless, it will happen.

A question. Would there be space or interest in a new NightMist guide? See, I've been thinking about writing one since she's my favorite hero (thus far anyway), but since she's been around a long while, I'm worried that writing one would be...superfluous. Thoughts?

Misty is my favorite as well at the moment; I haven't read the existing guides, and might not read yours either, but in general I think a hero as complex as her deserves a good bit of talking about.  So put me down as one vote in favor, but of course you'll want to hear multiple opinions before you decide.  Ultimately, it's your time and trouble that you'll be investing, so I'd say wait for an uproarious degree of approval before committing.

Don't be worried about the game being "too old." IR is being reprinted, so there will be a large influx of new NM players. As long as you have the time and are willing to write it, write it. Even if you know everything, pyutting the words down could make you a better NM player. I originally wrote the Bunker guide for myself. I wanted to see what his options really were. While I am still confused, just putting the words down did help me understand him a little better.

I'm working on a guide for Baron balde (and his alternate form Mad Bomber Blade) I know Baron Blade is the easiest villain but Baron Blade can still pull victories out of his Hammerspace if your not careful.

I might enjoy writing one of these guides (especially since doing the necessary research would give me an excuse to play more, without it being an entirely self-serving exercise).  Who's a hero that you think deserves more attention than they've gotten in the existing guides?  Preferably a hero who isn't in RC or IR, since I don't have those and can only play those heroes at my friend's house.  (Those are admittedly the heroes most likely to need such guides for the reason Pydro mentions, but perhaps The Scholar would work since he's also not in the EE?)

King of Souls, I think a BB guide would be a perfect addition to our growing collection of guides. Baron Blade is often the entry point villain of most, if not all, people, so a guide on how to beat him would really come in handy.

Also, I have lost against old BB more times than I would care to admit, so yeah, a guide would be great :D

I still think that at least Advanced BB is more dangerous than Advanced Omnitron (at least outside of environments that play villain cards...Rook City and Ruins of Atlantis are probably places Omnitron is dangerous even on regular, and I can't think of any like that for Blade).

I still have never lost to Blade.  He has all those great cards, but it never seems to avail him when I am involved in a game, even when I just run the villain deck and boost him up to ridiculous toughness.  Curse you Freedom 5!

Blade has beaten us what feels like an embarrassing numebr of times lately - he even achieved Moonfall against us once. The main bane of our existence? Devious Disruption. And one time he managed to play it three times (due to trash-into-deck shuffle on flipping)! Bah :P.

I have seen requests for this sort of thing over on BGG. I know you've linked these there in a thread before. Any chance of finishing the series? These are THE BEST How Tos I've ever seen. I've directed several people to the BGG page about these.

Awesome work Flamethrower.

Has anyone put together strategies for the new vengeance heroes?

There's a great Setback guide that's just been posted on the SotM wiki.

I'm debating writing one on KNYFE and possibly The Sentinels or Parse after that, but I'd like to get some more games with all of them under my belt before I feel qualified in writing a guide.

I'm just about to start work on a Naturalist guide, though I expect it will require improvement since I've never written such a thing before, and have played Natch only twice (plus seen him played in a third game), one of those being a solitaire game (which I lost).  I'm quite surprised that some of the Kickstarter backers, who've had Vengeance for like two months, haven't done this already.  But since a void exists, I figure I might as well take my best stab at digital immortality.  And it's convenient that my favorite of the five new hero decks is also, apparently, the one that neither Donner nor PW has any plans regarding.

Welp, here goes nothing....

Here's links to all my Vengeance Guides:


The Community Guide to K.N.Y.F.E.


The Community Guide to Parse


The Community Guide to Setback


The Community Guide to The Naturalist


The Community Guide to The Sentinels