blows the dust off The thread continues to sort of slowly shamble onwards, with the addition of our seventh environment…
Step 1: Green Zone
Our Green Twist options are:
- Minor: Hinder One (Mid), Hinder One (Mid), Hinder All (Min), Boost All (Min)
- Major: Two Targets/Two Actions (Mid then Min), Increase Existing Challenge Difficulty
… huh. Well, there’s gonna be a Hinder. Let’s take a Hinder One (Mid) and Boost All (Min) for our minors, and for the majors… let me see if I can do anything with increasing an existing challenge’s difficulty. That’s going to be an odd one, because it means there has to be a challenge attached to this environment.
Step 2: Yellow Zone
In Yellow, we end up with:
- Minor: Hinder One (PE, Mid), Mid and Min against one, 2 Actions using Mid against two, Hinder All (Min)
- Major: Action One (Mid+Min), Add simple challenge + effect
… let’s be challenge-focused! For our two minors, I’m going to go with hitting one person with a Mid effect and a Min effect, and hitting two people with two Mid effects. For our major, an extra simple challenge and effect!
Step 3: Red Zone
For Red we have…
- Minor: Two Targets (two actions Mid & Min), Two Targets (two actions using Min, PE), add stronger lieutenant, fully heal lieutenant
- Major: Heal all minions/lieutenants, advance scene tracker
So, uh… hadn’t really noticed this, but there’s a red minor twist which is weaker than a yellow minor twist. I think the yellow version is meant to hit each person with a different one of two actions, while the red hits both with both, but there’s no actual indication of this.
Oh well.
For our minor, I’ll just go with two different ways to hit two people, because it’s late for a minion, especially since I want to advance the scene tracker on a major! This red zone doesn’t last long…
Step 4: Where Are We?
Welcome to the Proving Grounds!
This ancient facility was once, long ago, home to a reclusive sect of mage-warriors, and served as their final challenge before accepting their sigils and taking their place among the ranks of their fellows. The sect was wiped out centuries ago, but the magic of the Proving Grounds lingers, centered on the ancient crystal at its heart.
Curator Varras is seeking that crystal, attempting to solve the Proving Ground’s challenges and claim the prize. He knows that simply blasting through the challenges will cause the crystal to overload as it tries to defend the location; only passing the trials will defuse it safely. The heroes can pursue him, trying to take him down, or work to resolve the Proving Grounds before he can.
The Proving Grounds generally have a series of simple challenges that must be resolved to advance. The heroes can resolve their challenges as a group; Varras and whatever lieutenants or minions he has brought can do the same.
The Proving Grounds are potent but unpredictable, with the traits Mystical Wards d12, Ancient Traps d8, and Baffling Puzzles d6.
Step 5: What Do We Do?
Getting through the Proving Grounds is simple, but not easy.
In the Green Zone, the Grounds deploy mystical barriers to slow down anyone that’s breaking the rules by starting fights with other competitors, applying Hinders to their actions. If everyone is playing along, the wards actually empower both sides, providing a minor Boost through physical empowerment to encourage them to get a move on. Of course, that only gets you through the first challenge. If you clear it while the scene is still Green, the Grounds compensate by making the second challenge more difficult, speeding up traps or adding layers of puzzle.
In Yellow, the Proving Grounds begin to actively oppose the challengers, unleashing radiant energies against random targets. If someone is insistent on cheating, the Grounds will attack them with Infernal power and use that power to Boost their target. At some point, a new ward rises up out of the ground, spraying forth a poison fog until it is disarmed.
If the Grounds haven’t been resolved by the time the situation goes Red, they’re unlikely to be. Sections of the trial begin to collapse onto unwitting heroes, and mystical energies begin draining rapidly. If someone messes up a challenge badly enough, it can advance the scene tracker immediately, likely resulting in a summary loss for all parties and the permanent destruction of the crystal that powers the location!
The Proving Grounds
Traits: Mystical Wards d12, Ancient Traps d8, Baffling Puzzles d6.
Green Zone
Minor Twist: Enforcement Spell. The Proving Grounds target someone who is cheating by attacking competitors or bypassing traps. Hinder that target with the Mid die.
Minor Twist: Fair Play. The Proving Grounds enact their early power, giving all competitors a chance to start moving. Boost all participants with the Min die.
Major Twist: Layers Upon Layers. The heroes have moved too quickly. The Proving Grounds adds an extra challenge box to a single challenge in play. Do not use this Major Twist against the first challenge of the Proving Grounds; they won’t respond that early.
Yellow Zone:
Minor Twist: Radiant Burst. It’s critical to keep an eye out for enemies. The Proving Grounds attacks a random target. Use the Mid + Min dice to total the damage of the Attack.
Minor Twist: Enforced Opposition. The Proving Grounds target a participant who is intent on cheating. Attack that participant with the Mid die, and then Boost whoever they were attacking or undermining with the Min die.
Major Twist: Poison Fog. Black wards spark to life along every passageway, and purple mist begins to leak out. Attack every participant for 2 irreducible toxic damage. Each environment turn, increase the damage of this effect by 2 and then attack again. Succeeding at an Overcome to disable the wards stops this effect.
Red Zone:
Minor Twist: Maze Collapse. Sections of the Proving Grounds flare, sending rocks collapsing down onto unsuspecting participants. Choose two nearby participants. Attack each one with the Mid die, and then Hinder them with the Min die.
Minor Twist: Mystical Devastation. The mystical energies of the Proving Grounds lash out, draining unsuspecting targets even as they bind them. Hinder two participants twice using the Min die – once from the physical bonds slowing them, and once from the magical energies tiring them. Both penalties are persistent and exclusive.
Major Twist: Aggressive Failure. While trying to resolve a threat, someone makes a terrible mistake. Advance the Scene Tracker immediately. If this ends the scene, one more character may take an action before the trials are failed. This twist should only be used in response to an Overcome against one of the Proving Ground’s trials.
Okay, I wasn’t sure where I was going with this at first, but I think I got there. The Proving Grounds want to test people, and they’re willing to mess with them to do it.
You don’t need Curator Varras for this one, obviously. Any villain who is sufficiently beefy should do the trick. You definitely do need a sufficient multi-step challenge to be part of the action scene, though, or else the Proving Grounds won’t make a lot of sense.