Hero Personalities

That would be citizens Sex, Drugs, Rock, and Roll :stuck_out_tongue:


Citizen Kane
Interests: Bobsledding and fratricide

In introducing this game there is always enough in the gameplay to explain I rarely get to introduce the story and personality behind the characters which is such a fun part of what makes sentinels an experience and not just a game. So here I’m asking you how you would describe each heroes personality in no more than three words. So for example with mr. Fixer I don’t want “martial arts expert” that describes how he plays, what his specialties are…I want “silent reserved shy” or whatever you think his personality is like.

So what do you think…how do you describe the heroes personality in three words or less?

So just let it be known that Unity has (in my opinion) the best personality of the heroes, making her my new favorite.

Haka in 3 words - Jovial strong bear

Absolute Zero: Sarcastic, reluctant ally.

I find Zero really interesting - both in terms of gameplay and storyline. I’ve heard Christopher say he’s kind of a d-bag, which mostly appears to be true, but is understandable given what he’s been through before and after his transformation. He seems to have a keen sense of irony, so I’m sure it wouldn’t be lost on him that his name’s Frost and he’s ‘the cold guy’. He spent two years in a cryo chamber before he even tried the suit on, so he isn’t initially up for a fight - but if he’s on your team (and you get his setup right) he’s pretty useful to have around, for sure.

I would have put him as “Snarky, reckless berserker.”

He’s pretty reluctant to fight; he would rather sit at home, and in fact tried to, but he has to fight villains to keep the suit.

When the fight starts, he would rather just get it over with, which explains why his style is basically just rushing in and hitting everything, not caring if he gets hurt – and in fact sometimes goes out of his way to – while constantly reminding his team mates that he really doesn’t care what’s going on.

Having played as Zero again, I now definitely agree with that assessment. :smiley:

Now knowing that Haka is actually a kindergarden teacher in his free time really makes him one of the most likeable heroes. He's a warrior who's around 400 years old, and what does he do with his time? Help teach kids. That's a real hero.

What do we think about Nightmist and THE ARGENT ADEPT* (*spoken in booming voice)?

While I think their decks are among the most interesting, their personalities seem kind of.. flat? I can't really get a good feel for them, but their personality basicly seems to be *just* their power. Every line of flavor text they utter is Serious, like they're too cool to be cool. Sort of makes me dislike playing with them, despite the awesome decks. Perhaps they just have had less opportunities to shine, but I'd have liked them to be more pronounced from the start. Or perhaps it's intentional, and arcane and divine powers just make you Serious Business. But at least Fanatic has her.. fanaticism and Ra his megalomania to make them stand out.

I think Nighmist has the same problem as a well known comics occult investigator : people around her tend to suffer and even die. She tries to protect them, but her powers are dangerous, and demons always near - and they spare no one. Sometimes, to protect humanity, she has to make sacrifices... She may be more used to dark endings than the other heroes. And of course, the unstability of her body can be an obstacle to building a romantic relationship. I think she would like to stay away from people, to protect them, but can't help having friends and romantic involvements - but it always end in a very bad way. She probably feels very guilty about it.

AA is an interesting case - I see a "happy go-lucky" nightlife guy who suddenly found himself with a big responsability on his shoulders. He is very serious about it, but in his free time, he may well need to unwind and be a party man. His looks, voice and civilian life probably mean he has a lot of girl (or boy) friends around, and his out-of-costume stories may be about his lovers, his old friends and all the things he did "when he was young" - and how he tries to "fix" some of it now that he has acquired more wisdom. I think heroes that work with him may find he has a very different behavior on the battlefield and in his civilian life.

In the "birth day party" situation, I see Nightmist sipping some punch in a corner, always happy to chatter, but not trying to begin conversations, while AA is mixing drink at the counter, telling wild stories about his "youth" and defying Haka to an improvized poetry contest with the words "morning", "chocolate" and "catapult" - all the while keeping an ear to the "background music" for potential need of... The ARGENT ADEPT !


(I do so love the party scenario, it really works great)

what you describe matches my own thoughts from when I read the background stories. I just wish we would see carefree Drake and caring Nightmist on some of the cards, even if only indirectly. They feel so serious now :)

We might get more quotes from them on the next set...

Lol, that should be the promo environment for the next kickstarter.  "Sentinel Cocktail Party".


It would probably have a decent number of things to help the heroes, but I can see accidents and attempts by bad guys to take them all out in one fell swoop being part of it as well.


The quotes and art would be STELLAR.

I know this is most likely entirely incorrect, but my friends and I have constructed in our minds that Nightmist is the hero who the others see as the "weird, unintentionally silly, slightly annoying" friend. And this whole idea came from one card: "Enlightenment" in NM's deck. We all just found the image of NM grabbing AA's face to be hilarious. We filled in AA's dialogue: "Nightmist... What are you doing? Please let go of me." I know, of course, this is totally just a construct of our imaginations, but we keep to this idea just for the laughs. And we have dubbed the act of grabbing someone else's face as "Nightmisting".

AA is a bit tougher to decide for me. Essentially, I honestly just see him as being a normal, everyman sort of character. Serious when things need to get done, but mostly laid back.

Unity, of course, we've discussed elsewhere, and her personality is just painted over every single card in her deck. And she is wonderful.

I would be interested in seeing the kind of interaction Ra and Fanatic may have in their duo series... Their first meeting probably was memorable !

Fanatic : Who are you ?

Ra :  I am Ra, god of the sun.

Fanatic : There is only One God !

Ra : Well, I said "god", not "God", but the difference may be lost in translation. Could you put this sword down ?




Fanatic : So that's what you do ? Put people on fire ?

Ra : Among other things.

Fanatic : I think I may have uses for you. *grin*

Fanatic and Ra really are the heroes I have the hardest time getting right, socially.  Flavor text shows them both to be very serious/melodramatic, as befits mystical supers, but that's not great for differentiating them.  They're also the two heroes who responded to the appearance of their nemeses by going and brooding (three days for Fanatic, and years for Ra), which I simply find hard to cast in a positive light.  It's a shame, too, since I love the mechanics for both, and their themes are quite cool.  Mostly,  play Ra as something of a dangerous loner, only half-willing to co-operate with mortal heroes at all (similar to, but less of a jerk than, Ultimate Thor); meanwhile, Fanatic is incredibly dedicated and genuine, but the other heroes sometimes worry about her - the name "Fanatic" just doesn't set a positive tone.  Imperfect ideas both.


Argent Adept amuses me, since he's a bit of a joke among my group.  This is likely to change once we actually get Infernal Relics (his mechanics sound awesome), but right now, he just seems like a straightforward everyman hero with everyman sauce that we didn't have much to go on... except that a running joke of ours (in honor of the truly terrible Desmond Miles from Assassin's Creed) is to call lackluster protagonists "out of work bartenders"... and it turns out that poor Adept fits that description literally.


Like so many, my favorites are the incredibly energetic Tachyon, the tough-but-enthused Bunker, and the awkward impending doom of Visionary.  The latter is especially priceless when Legacy saves her life.


As an aside: do we have anything to indicate that Ra sometimes puts Blake back in control of his body, as per old-timey Thor/Captain Marvel/Miracleman/etc?

I believe Blake gets control of his body once it's nighttime. Ya know, because the Sun goes away at night, and he's the god of the Sun (even though actually the sun is on all the time so we don't freeze instantly). As for Ra, I don't think he's that unwilling to cooperate, and he does have some moments of humor (mainly with Fanatic), so I think he's more like Indiana Jones or Drake if they were also the god of the Sun… or something.


I personally like Absolute Zero. He's so angry! And his life sucks!



Oh, I agree that there are no canon  ind icators that Ra  is  in any way standoff ish towards other heroes (except that t ime that he lost a f ight, and therefore abandoned everyone for years, but that was more about self-conf idence than co-operat ion, most l ikely) - I'd just been go ing that route s ince  it's a neat theme to explore, and gave h im a more d ist inct feel.  Also, because he was a total k ill-stealer  in the f irst game of Sent inels I ever played, tak ing out Voss just one turn before poor Tempest would have had the honor.  I had forgotten about h is little Monty Python quote, though - that m ight have potent ial.


Absolute Zero I really d idn't l ike at f irst (personal ity-w ise - I have always been fasc inated by h is gameplay), but,  if you w ill pardon the express ion, I've been warm ing to h im lately.  It  is a l ittle unfortunate that h is or ig in makes Tachyon look l ike such a jerk, but them's the breaks.

I always saw Fanatic as kinda like, an absolutely crazy zealot "kill the sinners" sort of crimefighter.  Not someone who hangs out with other heroes at all, and if they happen to cross paths, it ends with her totally impaling some crook and Legacy or someone being all "What have you done?" as she flies off.  They'd probably see her as a dangerous lunatic.  I might be way off base, but man, her cards are all like stabbing people and dropping them from the sky and bringing about the end of days.  Kinda seems like she's straight up killing murderers and dirtbags.


I guess my point is, if my version of Fanatic showed up at this party, the heroes would probably be trying to get a straight jacket on her while she screamed about their heresy before she got to do much hanging out.