In general, I support waiting until you have full details before explaining what's going wrong. But if you are going to miss a deadline, I'd much prefer to hear about it [i]before[/i] the deadline than after, even if the before message is "We're going to be late, and we're still figuring out why. In a month we'll be able to tell you what went wrong."
I, personally, am very curious about the redesign that delayed Spirit Island. The way it was described made it sound like a fairly sweeping change, but it couldn't have required significant playtesting, which puts me at a bit of a loss as to what it could have been.
Also, I think that you guys need to get Craig (or whomever is doing the Kickstarter updates) a new cell phone data plan, as his apparently can't support more than seven pictures.
[quote="Spirit Island Kickstarter, December update"]
Hey, everyone!
It's the first Tuesday of the month, and you know what that means!
There's been a really huge development. The factory is getting us samples! Apparently we really shocked them with the scope of this project, and they've been scrambling to get something great put together.
So we should should be receiving those here in the office soon. As soon as we get them, I'll take so many pictures to show you that it'll require a "you might not want to do this on your cell phone data plan" warning.
More seriously, while I know that there is no way to make the delays go faster without compromising quality, and it wouldn't be practical to add more content like you did to OblivAeon, the one way you could apologize would be to post more content previews. You never did do more than a paragraph on Bringer of Dreams and Nightmares, Shadows Flicker like Flames, Surge of Rampant Growth, or Thunderspeaker.
One of the main selling points of Spirit Island (to me, at least) is the beautiful art, but the last time any image with a color other than white, brown, or gray was added to the Kickstarter page was 10 days short of half a year ago.