I'm assuming that Dark Legacy will be the reveal on Tuesday. I think most people believe that the death of his daughter is what makes him crack and go evil. I hope that his backstory reveals that it is the Vengeful Five that is responsible for her death. This would continue the generational feud between him and Baron Blade AND get more people excited for the next expansion, hopefully getting the kickstarter over $150,000.
Being that he's my favorite hero, I also hope that he eventually turns back to being a good guy.
Personally I'm thinking that the storyline for Shattered Timelines was for the Sentinels to fix all the problems that had created the dystopian future. So I think they would have to have stopped Blade from killing young Legacy. Also, I'm hoping that they eventually release her as a stand-alone deck of her own. Standing on her own two feet and all, outside of her daddy's shadow.
I get the feeling that this iteration of Legacy comes from a crapsack future that doesn't get better, since Visionary travels to the past (present Sentinels setting) to prevent her terrible present from ever happening. I don't think OUR Legacy is ever gonna go down that path, but I doubt this ST Legacy Villain is gonna be redeemed...unless, of course, "You've been redeemed" is Redeemer Fanatic's catch phrase after she takes down a villain.
Hehe, actually kinda reminds me of Twisted Metal Black. There was a guy that drove an El Camino, and he would launch faithful church goers strapped with dynamite at the enemies, and they would scream "REPENT!" as they flew through the air, right before they blew up on you. As a result, any time I see/hear the word "repent", I see/hear that game saying it in my head.
I want Baby Legacy to stay dead and Daddy Legacy to stay angry in his timeline. This ain't Marvel, for Pete's sake.
The Vengeful Five can't be from the same timeline as Angry Legacy, because that would mean Fright Train were simultaneously a good guy (Engine of War Bunker) and a bad guy (Fright Train).
The angry Legacy is in the future though, the Vengeful Five could still be the ones that cause Young Legacy's death and then Vengeful Five may break apart at some point or Fright Train turns a new leaf and finds himself a old Bunker suit that he hollows out and fights under his rival's old mantle.
My bad! Guess you'll just have to play with vanilla Fanatic to wash the preacher out of your brain! For what it's worth, you've now given that image to me. You will not suffer alone!
If the Vengeful Five did kill young Legacy do you really think future Legacy would have any truck with a hero team that included one of her killers? I'm thinking her killers are dead dead dead (and possibly people who helped her killers too).
I'm guessing Legacy was done with the Freedom (#) long before Fright Train came into the mix regardless of the Vengeful Five being responsible for the death of Young Legacy or not.
I would suspect The Assistant of the murder. She knows everything about the Legacy family, and is seen by them as friend or at least not as a threat. She could easily arrange to destroy Legacy's life and family...
But if grief-fueled Legacy goes out and immediately lets out his anger on Young Legacy's killers, which is being speculated as being the Vengeful Five, I don't see Fright Train surviving the experience to later join the Freedom (#). I conclude from this that either Legacy does not go out and go all Killer McdarkLegacy immediately (which I dismiss… because I just see him shattering almost instantly) or that the Vengeful Five were not part of the crew that killed Young Legacy. I also dismis the idea of the V5 killing her after Fright Train leaves because I think a mind warped by grief to this extent would hold all members of V5 accountable, whether past, present or future (and I don't get the feeling that the "Fright Train Bunker edition" is hiding out/there for his protection).
Thought these are just my wild speculations.
Oooooo, nice speculation, very dark. Although, wasn't the Assistant a runner up in the villain contest? And the Multiverse story had been planned out long before that.
You never know, with time travel And retcons happen all the time in comics
She is probably not the one responsible (if there is a murder) but she would be a good suspect. Even if she just "helped" the killer by giving him informations in secret… Or framed someone else.
But anyway, with GtG, I expect the unexpected, we will know soon.
Those are good points, Matchstickman. I would personally prefer if it was Baron Blade, considering their whole rivalry thing. It's like Death in the Family. Jason Todd didn't get offed by The Penguin. It was Bats Archnemesis: The Joker. Granted, Sentinels is far more than a carbon copy of DC and Marvel, but I'd be more than a bit disappointed if I found out Young Legacy was killed by Citizen Spring. Or Hippocalypse.
My biggest fear is that current Legacy will somehow be responsible for Young Legacy's death. (Baron Blade makes him choose between saving Megalopolis or his daughter?) Then I really don't see him coming back to the good side after that.
Or perhaps the Vengefull 5 are indeed responsable of Young Legacy death, more or less directly. Then Legacy turn himself to angry legacy and first killed Baron Blade, then go tracking the other ones.
The Freedom Five are ashamed of the act of their leader and try to reason/stop him. When Angry Legacy took on Fright Train, Bunker sacrifice himself to save the life of his old army buddy. Having a conscience crisis at what he done and the death of his old friend Fright Train switch side and take the identity of the fallen Bunker as a way to redeem himself and join the F6 and stop Angry Legacy.
Except the part where you say that Fright Train and Bunker are buddies.
Vance and Graves HATE one another. Graves doesn't respect Vance until he gets a promotion and at that point he follows the chain of command. While your point seems plausable - I don't see it as Bunker saving the life of a friend, but possibly just saving a life in general and doing the right thing.
Although it does bring up the bigger question I've been having - what DOES happen to bunker? Legacy doesn't have any abilities that could vaporize the Bunker Suit - maybe pummel it into mush...but even I don't think he would be that excessive (although I could be wrong!) I do think that Bunker missing has to be connected to Young Legacy's Death. Maybe stopping a bomb or something?
Your point has some merit to it, Fright Train taking up the Bunker suit as a way to redeem himself is something some villians have done when they've changed sides. Although I would like to believe that Graves just knows Military mechanized units and protocal that he's able to drive a suit that fits him.
Sure they are rivals and dont like each other very much. But they know each other for very long, have a lot more in common than with their respective team-mates.
I really think that when you have been adversary for so long, for such grudged warrior, some king of bondings happen, as a favorite foe. I also think that is why Fright Train is not the real nemesis of Bunker, more a favorite ennemy than a lethal foe.
I cant totally see Fright Train realise that with the lose of Bunker he lost what he had that is closest to a sibbling, a rival sibbling with which you spent more time arguing and fighting but someone that is very close to you in a kind of wicked way.