Hi, I'm coming out of lurking in celebration of my team's recent success in the "The Real Heroes" story challenge. There was some serious cackling of joy when the cops took him out.
Anyway, I started writing a fic about the cops who are running around trying to handle this stuff, specifically a detective who might have a lead on the background of a Citizen of the Sun. So far, this is just the intro, but I'll certainly be writing more.
naturalization_0.docx (131 KB)
That's a pretty cool story. I can't wait to see how it continues!
Thanks! I've added parts two and three, so this file has 1-3.
It isn't all police investigation in part III, the Freedom Five make an appearance.
naturalization I to III.docx (131 KB)
More please. This is a fun read.
Okay, here's the story updated with part iv.
Thanks for reading
naturalization i-iv.docx (156 KB)
Great to see ExPatriette come into the story. Loved the interaction with Wraith.
Who else would have an opinion about whether someone could leave the Citizens? In my mind, Wraith and ExPatriette circle around each other, crossing paths unhappily. Wraith wants to turn ExPatriette over to the cops. ExPatriette thinks that Wraith is afraid to get her hands dirty (and has figured out her secret identity). So there's some serious distrust there, but they help each other too... sometimes.
Really good read so far, please keep em comming.
Thanks, everyone, for reading. It always feels a bit like sending your stuff into the great void. I'm on spring break this week, so it might be a while before the next part comes up, but I have not disappeared.
I don't suppose spring break is over yet. :)
Ah, it makes me feel good to know that there are people waiting. And clearly I'm still alive.
Behold the problems of being a 3rd year law student. It IS coming, I swear.
I will also cop to being more occupied with playing Sentinels than writing about it. So many new things to explore at the mo.
Ask and ye shall receive. This is just the next part. If you are interested in reading pars 1-4, they are posted above. (post #5)
Colleen finally speaks!
naturalization v.docx (174 KB)
Bbbbbut what happens next?!?
I've already started writing part 6, so it won't be a 2 week break this time. Just think, if this were a comic, you'd have to wait a month.
Alright, part 6 is up and ready to go. It's a bit longer, to make up for the wait.
Also, this part places this story at some point in the lead up to Vengeance.
naturalization vi.docx (151 KB)
Loving this story! Have read the first four. Was trying to tell the >G guys about it last night, but I was so tired that I don't think I was doing it justice.
Oh, now I'm all verklempt.
Seriously though, if >G hadn't spent so much time and energy into making these cards come to life, there wouldn't be stories to speculate on.
Fabulous! I want a Promo Hero Deck of Citizen Matter!!!
She'd be an interesting deck.
Lots of damage, and I don't know that she'd have any equipment, but she'd be immune to projectile damage (since her magnetic field stops all incoming metal objects), and she might be able to spread her immunity around. And maybe she'd have a card similar to end of days or rampage that is just her nuking everything
Also, not to give too much away, but she wouldn't be calling herself Citizen Matter if she's heroing.