I read this on my commute home last night and my commute to work this morning. Great story!! Thanks for sharing!!
Now that I have a better idea of how long it's taking me to get places in this story, I can come out and say definitively that this is going to be a 10 part story. So now you know.
Part 7 is up and running.
naturalization vii.docx (149 KB)
This, this series. It is just perfect. My gosh. I have a huge exam tomorrow, and yet I spent time reading this. Wow. Good job!
Part Eight is up and ready for reading.
Colleen has kind of a Rogue from the Comics thing going, I realized.
naturalization viii.docx (167 KB)
This is my favorite thread on the forums. Loving the story.
Just started to read this. Not finished, but definitely liking what I see. Keep it up!
Great stuff... way too distracting at work.
First, thanks to everyone who's been reading. I didn't actually expect people to do so.
Second, I'm taking suggestions for particularly epic power combinations that you've seen play out (or that you'd want to see play out). Examples would be Ra increasing fire damage, making all damage fire and letting Absolute Zero go at it (that's a pretty obvious one, but you know what I mean.) I've got several in mind, but I haven't played as long as other people, so I figure there are amazing things that I'd be missing. Any hero is on the table.
Part 9 should be coming in the next day or so.
Well, once I was against Dawn *hinthint* with Exp, Legacy, and The Visionary. Legacy had out his IP, and of course was Galvanizing the crap out of everyone. The visionary also had both TtE's out, but not on Dawn: on Exp. Two Obsidian Fields were also out (we were playing on Dawn's home base), so that totalled to a +6 to Exp, plus another +1 for nemesis bonus, bringing the total to +7. She had both Pride and Prejudice out, so every turn (more or less) she would be able to deal 18 damage to Dawn, just on her turn without any ammo or other power ups.
Are you putting in a formal request for a fight against Dawn? ...We'll see what we can do. ;)
I love when expat gets both P&P out and then gets boosted. I have no idea how the logic would actually work out in comics, but it's nevertheless awesome.
In this case, I actually imagined it that Legacy's effects made Expat's aim even better than it already is, the Visionary twisting reality to make, I dunno, her bullets move faster (something with increased mass and force?), and the obsidian fields giving Dawn a hard time, so she wouldn't be prepared to deal with two bullets coming for her face.
On a separate note, in a totally different game, a similarly (though not quite as strongly) manner, Exp was able to deal the final blow against Dawn. I just love it, thematically.
*Shoots Pride. Dawn down to 4HP*
Dawn: You can't defeat me, traitor! You can't bring down the sun!
Expatriette: Well, mother, I guess it's time for the sun to set.
*Shoots Prejudice. Dawn down to 0HP. Game end.*
Well, not really a request, but hey, I'd love to see that :) I swear to God, I kind of come back to this forum everyday checking to see if you've posted a new chapter or not :))
Err, what I WOULD actually like to see is maybe a Voss attack? With Mr. Fixer. A game of ours involved Fanatic taking down the lone Gene-bound Guard with Final Dive, then Fixer killing everyone else with a Harmony (+1) and Greased Monkey Fist (+1) boosted Jack Handle attack. B-e-a-utiful
Okay, well since you asked nicely, I'll give you a hint: Naturalization is actually the story of Colleen getting away from the Citizens once and for all. So, Dawn is definitely the Big Bad (to borrow a Whedonism) and I actually have the killing blow mapped out in my head. You may want to expect a full-scale invasion.
I am dispensing with the conventions of the card game generally, since I think of this more as a comic-fiction than a game-fiction, so no team limits, the abilities that come from cards are adapted to make more sense in a narrative fashion, that sort of thing. Game-play definitely gives me ideas, but I don't see any reason to limit myself to conventions that are more about a satisfying game experience when I'm working with an entirely different medium. So things that wouldn't be exactly allowed in the game are within the realm of possibility for the comics.
Also, if people are still interested, the stories can continue beyond Naturalization. I was actually thinking about letting Brian and others start investigating the Chairman next (who in my fake continuity is an unknown and possibly mythical figure), since Brian does have his detective qualifications and I feel like I haven't done as much with the Wraith as I would have liked (the story goes where it goes). Voss would be another good one. A group of less-well-respected heroes goes off and realizes that an invasion is on its way and has to convince the core guys that things are about to get dicey....
Oh my god, I can't believe how excited I am about this. Thank God all my exams are over, or I'd never be able to pass them. Thank you so much, celette!
A Chairman fic would be perfect. He's actually my favorite of all the villains; I've always loved mafia-type characters. And though people are alwasy complaining how a bunch of normal, regular humans (well, -ish. Genetically modified, fine, but still basically human) is harder to beat than, say, an invading army of super-aliens, but hey. Organized crime is a much more insiduous and difficult problem to uproot: you can't just jump in and Rampage throigh everybody. So yeah. Yey for a The Organization story!
Can't wait!
Possible things to incorporate:
Unity using someone else's equipment
Unity doing anything at all -- she's hilarious!
Bee Bot!
Fanatic's Final Dive (did you do that already? Can't remember everything!)
NightMist redirecting an attack from a teammate to a non-hero target.
Haka's Enduring Intercession (am I remembering that card's name?) keeping others from taking damage.
Bunker in Turret mode! (Budda, budda, budda, budda,...)
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Beebot DID deliver a message, and Vance thanked it because mechanical things need to stick together.
Yeah, I have an awesome AA, scholar, and nightmist combo in mind, and, after a game we just played on Google+, I might have unity TRY to take the Legacy ring (and everyone's like...NOOOOOO!)
Part 9, ready to go.
naturalization ix.docx (150 KB)
Yes! The adventure continues!