Everyone put on "Gimme Shelter" or "Immigrant Song" or The New World Symphony or whatever your favorite music is, because it's time for the grand finale!
I realize that some of these things do not work the way that they do in the game. I know, I know. It's more awesome this way, and I choose to think that the game is just an adaptation of the comics, not an accurate and complete reflection of the rules of the comics.
There's some pretty heavy Expat speculation in there. I stand by it.
Thanks for posting this. I've been waiting eagerly for this conclusion to read the last couple of chapters. Very well done. I really enjoyed the cameos of all the known characters and then some (though I did feel that fighting 450 Citizens was pushing it a bit).
I particularly enjoyed the reference to The Chairman at the end and hope to see a story that really captures the difficulty of fighting The Organization and the feeling of helplessness against an endless villain.
The rest of this post will be a bit off-topic and I apologize for that.
I just re-read the entire thing and something caught my eye and I'm not sure if it was discussed elsewhere. As Colleen's powers were being described, I began to picture what her nemesis icon would look like (especially since I have recently been drawing all the icons for the heroes to use in other projects). Since you mentioned she had the ability to manipulate the four fundamental forces of nature, I figured it would have to be something with four elements on it... maybe a black hole (or black funnel) to represent gravitation, radiating rings to represent electromagnetism, maybe something like a spark in the sun to represent nuclear fusion for the weak nuclear force, and something that symbolizes strength for strong nuclear force... like a chain maybe (metaphorically speaking, of course). Does this look like a nemesis icon we may have seen already?
They don't actually take out all 450 of them. Once Dawn goes down, the rest surrender. Really just imagine waves and waves of them. the citizens can't all fight at once either.
Hmmm, la capitan as her nemesis. Innnnteresting.
Also, yes I have been watching "Legend of Korra." Yes, I think that the Dark Phoenix Saga is the most awesome. And yes, submarines are surprisingly acquirable.
Ha, I figured they could buy a sub from any former soviet republic... it only has to run, right?
At first I did wonder why the Citizens didn't just split up so the F5 would have to figure out which attack Colleen was a part of and still have to deal with Citizens attacking different points... but then I realized that Citizen Dawn is a megalomaniac AND a control freak... she could never trust her lieutenants with this mission. After all, if any of them was capable enough to lead a squad of Citizens in something this important, what would prevent him/her from challenging her rule over te Citizens.
Also, I realized that Citizen Dawn didn't want a sneak attack, she wanted a show of force so that humans would willingly submit to her rule. She doesn't want to conquer and enslave humans, she wanted them to worship her. So then it all made sense.
Exactly. Dawn simultaneously underestimates Colleen's willingness to go along and overestimates her own ability to control the power. Once I realized that Colleen's powers are the equivalent of Dawn's (what is the sun but a nuclear reactor in the sky?), I realized that Dawn would have to keep Colleen very close at hand indeed.
And yeah, Dawn half-expected the humans to show up and thank her for her kindness. She wasn'tsurprised that the stupid so-called heroes would get in the way, but of course they're probably just trying to fight off a challenger to their hegemony, right?
Every drug and gun running cartel worth its salt has a sub. (this is only slightly exaggerated- some definitely use subs)
I honestly can't say. I'm coming up on exams soon, and those are gonna take precedence (And then I disappear for two months into hibernation known as "studying for the bar exam.") But I might be squeezing out pieces as we go. It certainly won't be as long because I won't have to establish any new characters.
That was beautiful <3 Thank you so much, Celette, for this series. I'm actually working on a Chairman fic right now as well (though it will be much broader than just him) so we'll see how that goes.