Letter’s Page Topic Suggestions

Once topic proposals are open, I’m suggesting the Double Date One-Shot mentioned back in episode #169…Bunker, Wraith, Expat, and Setback. :thumbsup: Here’s hoping we can get that one in for Feb! :smiley:


I was listening to old episodes lately, and came across in one of the episodes C&A suggesting that “Ignazio Gallo’s 1000th Magical Item” was an idea for an episode, but I don’t recall it coming up in the votes since then so that’s a thought.

Not for next month for me though, I gotta suggest the “Haka and Unity try to set up Wraith and Bunker” idea.


This is important

La Captain can steal Setback’s unlucky cards. I want to have a story about a time that she tried to steal Setback’s good luck but got the unluck instead including the normal bad luck because his luck kicked in. He doesn’t know his bad luck is stolen and she keeps just trying to give it back but getting unlucky and missing him due to his good luck (his only luck now.) He is just having the best day of his life.


Suggested by Disctoss8080 on Discord: A Silver Age story or arc in which a hero has a ridiculous costume and/or power that the editors prefer to sweep under the rug (think Rainbow Batman or Superman’s mini-clones)


oh yes please :smiley:

Plural mini-clones?

Must mean the surprisingly well-dressed ones from Kirby’s Jimmy Olsen run. The Evil Factory even cloned his costume for them, because that’s the kind of attention to detail that Darkseid really appreciates. Wonder what happened to them, anyway? The Factory exploded in a micro-nuke that would have accounted for all its other creations, and maybe the mini-Supes were all so de-powered by synthetic green K exposure they died too - but what if they didn’t? They didn’t get embiggened before the blowup like the Newsboys and Jimmy did, so if they survived they’d presumably still be microscopic mini-clones rather than normal-scale ones. Has Scotland been home to dozens, maybe hundreds of bacteria-sized Supermen all these years? No one outside of the Factory even knew they existed but Project DNA/Cadmus knew their samples had been stolen, so maybe the glowing (albeit small) crater that used to be the Factory was properly investigated and the micro-Supes recovered. Clark could have done so easily enough (microscopic vision and all) and he could have recruited them for Superman Emergency Squad duties and moved them to Kandor, where they’d pretty much be the right size to fit right in. They probably wouldn’t partially enlarge when leaving Kandor, but having a bunch of helpers you need a microscope to detect and who can punch Baddies right in their immune system could be helpful. Shades of that Morrison JLA issue where Atom stomps Darkseid’s brain until he’s a vegetable. :slight_smile:

Or maybe they don’t get recovered and no one knows about them until an accidental encounter with one of the Atoms years later. “Superman? What are you doing here? And how did you get so small? And why are there forty of you? Errr…should I say Supermen instead?”

Alternately, Clark does find them and moves them to Planet Sylvane to act as positive role models for Count Dragorin, Lupek and pals.

Still arguably less entertaining than the singular mini-clone from the 1958 story. You know, the one that shoots out of Clark’s hand in a spray of rainbows?

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That was a very long-winded way to point out that the 1958 one could only produce one mini-Superman at a time.

Anyway, today’s episode (which I’m only 10 minutes into) prompted me to add:

  • That 1970’s Tome of The Bizarre Haka/Scholar/Ra team-up that they implied existed.

Well, excuse me for wasting your time.

I find Kismet to be a really fascinating character. There’s been a lot of discussion of how her powers work, but its hard to imagine what a scenario with her would actually be like. A teenager fighting an entire professional team of super heroes, doing such a good job that it takes a team, simply by causing them to have bad luck and running away? I’d love a story in which she actually gets into a fight with a hero team as a legitimate threat, so we can see how exactly she uses her powers to fight. Unlike the other villains, she doesn’t seem particularly evil so much as selfish and unstable. It’s a little hard for me to understand how she manages to stay evil over the course of the entire story. I’d be very interested in seeing what would happen if she encountered the Scholar.

It is probably listed somewhere on this thread but-
Writers Room Mystery Comics #1
We will get the cover anyway for first appearance Scholar so tell us the stories.
I wonder if Zhu Long will be on the cover since Fu Man Chu was on Detective Comics #1

Nope, that’s a knockoff called Ching Lung. The Fu Manchu IP was still pretty actively defended back then and a proper license would have been a meaningful expense for a debut comic, unlike the way Marvel paid chump change to use him in Shang Chi, Master of Kung Fu decades later.

The cover art makes Ching Lung more of a “Gray Peril” villain than yellow, and I honestly can’t decide if that’s more or less awful racism than Fu Manchu himself.

Also nice to see Detective starting strong with its most definitive, long-lasting and well-loved crime-solving character, Speed Saunders. None of this Batman nonsense. :slight_smile:

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Inspired by this week’s Letters Page: A Freedom Five story in which Absolute Zero is the de facto leader of the group.


Also inspired by this week’s episode: “What was Ra’s Vengeance tie-in?”


also from this week- Barron Blade declares war on another villain for interfering with Blade’s plan and/or endangering Mordengrad.

Related does anyone remember exactly where on a real-world map Mordengrad is and how far it is from the historical estate of Elzbet Bathory in modern Hungry? Not that the Court of Blood has to be anywhere near her historical home.


Right about here. So, not close to Hungary.

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Thanks Wanderer I figured I could count on you.

Mr. Fixer’s master flashback. Zhu long was his enemy before Mr. Fixer at least.


Based on the latest episode, “A Greazer story where he is the antagonist, and a threat before eventually being defeated by heroes and/or himself”


Given how often he’s been portrayed as kind of a chump and bad-luck magnet, maybe amending that to

might be a good idea. He’s almost on par with the Naturalist and (until recently) Captain Cosmic when it comes to making a mess of things.


Since we’ve had many episodes about Aeternus and Grimm, but only 1 episode about Necrosis, can we think of any more specific and interesting topic suggestions than just “A Necrosis Story?”

Could do the story where he creates Professor Pollution mentioned in the recent Akash’Thriya episode.

Maybe “Necrosis vs the Scholar” for character study stuff? Though given that we got a lot of that in his origin episode and the follow up questions, I’d be more interested in seeing him plot and fight. In that case maybe “Necrosis turns a hero into a husk?”

For a character about to get their own deck, we’ve gotten very little about him.