For those of you who regularly listen to the Letters Page podcast, a distinct mythos has begun to make itself clear- a second meta-fiction, wherein a few heroes (question-askers) battle the forces of evil (usually the Cult of Gloom or Biomancer). I would like to compose a story, Fleshwar, surrounding these events. However, I would be remiss to roll someone’s persona into my story without their permission. So, if you wouldn’t mind me taking your username and any related information available through the Letters Page and with samesuch information crafting your place in the events occuring in Fleshwar, please let me know! I’m especially interested in the big movers and shakers- I’d make a list but I don’t want to offend anyone by forgetting them- but anyone is welcome to request a place in this world. The battle between Gloom and Flesh is going to take quite a few installments, so it’s never too late to let me know.
To be clear, I’ll do no more than place the implied character of your username in the events of my story, and all I want is your permission to do so.
This sounds fantastic! You are more than welcome to use Arcanist Lupus if you so desire.
Arcanist Lupus is (as you may have gathered) a wolf who practices magic. He doesn't speak exclusively in limericks, but does generally prefer poetry and cryptic riddles (like any good wizard). His wizarding specialty is traveling from place to place unseen and unhindered. He's fluent in modern human society, but doesn't interact with it much.
Arcanist Lupus doesn't really like the Cult of Gloom, but as long as he doesn't discover them doing anything too egregious or interfering in the forests he calls his home, he mostly ignores them. He mostly ignores Biomancer too, but he's researching a way to give Arcanist Lepas their independence. Results haven't been promising yet, but Arcanist Lepas seemed to be interested, and where there's a will there's a way.
I have no allegiance to Biomancer, the Cult of Gloom, or Princess Cool, so my fate and allegiance are in your hands. Place me where you need a character.
Personally I like both the Gloomies and Biomancer's strange crew, and think everyone should be one big... we'll go with "satisfied"... evil demented family. Much more efficient and practical to take over the world when it's only the heroes you're fighting, after all.
I'm not really a major player, but you have my name if you want it. I've submitted a number of letters under the names of various characters who I'm sure will appear in your story, but claiming them would be telling. Besides, I figure anyone who submits letters under the names of cultists, fleshchildren, alternate-reality versions of C&A or Sentinels characters, etc. is pretty much volunteering for this sort of thing implicitly.
Powerhound, you don't have an opinion even though there's a fleshchild of you now?
I've only imputed a few questions and was lucky enough to have them read aloud on the podcast, and I never really developed a 'personality' for my questions either, so I don't think you'll find much use for me. But if you need a bit player or someone to fill out a scene, than feel free to use me.
I’m filling out the rosters. I still need another person for the Coolness Five, one for Rook Watch, and 2 for the Time Wardens. I think that Angry Taxpayer can be a Freedom Five member, mayyyybe. And Guise can slip in there somewhere because I couldn’t stop him from trying if I wanted to.
Yeah, that sounds about right- Guise
I’m making the bold move of putting Princess Cool in the Coolness Five, just because Cooltopia is so influential to the narrative already. So that puts us right now with the Coolness Five being Princess Cool, Pricy Provinces, Power Hound, and Mind Wanderer. The Rook Watch is Take Walker, Omnitron PI, and Phantom. And the Time Wardens are Arcanist Lupus, the Girl with no Name, and Platinum Warlock. No offense to Jeysie, but your earlier comment about big evil families means you’re a cult leader.
Can anyone think of any specific instances where someone wrote in under like a wacky Citizen or something? Obviously cultists and fleshchildren are too busy being the bad guys right now, and I still need at least two people...