Look Pal, I don't know what kind of wise guy you think you are. But if you need a couple more mooks and thugs to round out your little party, I know that there was a Legitmate Rook City Buisnessman what sent in a letter one time.
I also happens to know that a pair of hatchmen what go by Equity and Heartbreaker have been known to wet their whisltes whislt having a gentlemanly conversation about how to whack off a few of the long underwear types all professional like. Though that racket may already be spoken for so I would make sure that youse weren't stepping on anybodies toes if you were gonna call on the cleaning services of those two. Thats a good way for a few accidents to happen.
There was also some pointdexter by the name of Badguy 101, and if you think that me and my associates are criminals you should see what textbooks go for these days.
I get to be in charge of something? Ooh. I like this idea already.
(FWIW, I am the person with the RL name who starts their questions with "Hello, intrepid creators!" and generally asks either "how does everyone get along?" type stuff or "how does everything work?" type stuff.)
I know there have been a few Citizens to write in, but the only name I remember is Citizens Peanut, Butter, and Jelly. Which is a particularly funny one because C&A mentioned Citizens Peanut, Butter, and Jelly in an early episode (Expat or Dawn, most likely, but I forget), but then when Citizens Peanut, Butter, and Jelly actually wrote in they insisted it would be Citizen Peanut Butter and Citizen Jelly.
Sorry for any convenience, but Platinum Warlock is moving to the Rook Watch, and Citizens Peanut, Butter, and Jelly are joining the Time Wardens. If anyone else is interested, there could be a fourth team called the Letter Pages (like the Southwest Sentinels, named after the source material), but they wouldn’t appear in Episode I. As for me, I’m going to serve as the narrator in the canon timeline, trying to plead my fellow Time Admiral, Maria Helena, to spare a particular universe...
Fun fact: Inside jokes can provide for really colorful and dynamic characters.
EDIT: Also, coming up with “real” names for everyone in true comic book fashion is fun. Citizen Peanut is Peter Nought, Power Hound is Howard Pound, etc.
I have no issue being moved, as it appears I’ve become the Nightmist of Rook Watch. If I end up turning into a pillar of iron or such, though, we’re going to have words…
Great News, Everyone! Chapter 1 is up! It introduces the Coolness Five and the Time Wardens, and sets up a bit of internal conflcit for the heroes to work through later. Chapter 2 will introduce the Rook Watch vs. the Cult of Gloom! But are those cultists real, or just fleshchildren? Only the Shadow knows!*
As a fellow letter writer I’ll have to sadly decline being included because it wouldn’t be fair to others. I mean if I’m available for this fan fiction there’s no way anyone else will even get a mention. Later folks smoke bombs Christopher will never miss these.
Aha... I'd love to participate, but my only letter that's been read on the air so far was way back in The Wraith episode and I left my name blank for that one. I look forward to reading this!
Just hold out, old buddy. I didn’t get my first until Tempest (I was the one who called back to Omnitron stationery). And since I discovered Christadam & Opher’s secret weakness for bad puns and touching commentary on heightism, I’ve concocted the PERRRRRFECT formula to be in EVERYYYYY episode! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Btw I don’t know if I made it into Voss yet so don’t tell me.
All right, I'll own up to this one. I wrote the Powerhound_2001 letter back in July and hadn't noticed your Ahoy-hoy opening yet. I noticed my mistake a couple of weeks later and wrote another letter for the Grand Warlord Voss episode as Powerhound_2002, congratulating C&A on noticing the counterfeit Powerhound, who had now been dealt with and they would never have to worry about a fake Powerhound ever again, don't bother looking too closely. Sadly, nearly all the questions in that letter were asked by others (they were all about the science behind Gene-Binding, as you'd expect from a Biomancer letter) and the running gag I was hoping to establish is dead. It seems in general like they're deliberately cutting down on the letters page personality shenanigans so they don't dominate the show as badly as they used to.
Well, now that one of my letters has been read on the air you have full permission to use me... as some minor character who get’s killed off for no reason.