It’s been a long wait, but Chapter 3 is live. My apologies to TGWNN for her character being kinda terrifying, and Arcanist for only speaking in limericks.
If I get a role it should just be like toad in this bitf comic (he's in the bottom right corner)
Just read what you got. Seems fun. If you still have more planned, you can use my name if I am not too late.
I've been busy with life. But I'm happy to post a new chapter...
As soon as the last one isn't the most recent post in the Fan Fiction forum.
If you like, I can hurry up with my La Capitán story. First chapter needs a few edits.
Please do. I’ve been looking for a reason to write more Fleshwar. The next chapter will focus back on the Coolness Five, as they meet up with the masked hunter Brian leFute, the former archenemy of the Arcanus Lupus, who offers to fill the role left by Victory. They’ll probably have to fight some fleshchildren or something.