Living Sentinels Campaign #2
The Living Sentinels Campaign!
(Rules from lynkfox...thanks!)
1. Each player may submit 1 game results. You can play as many games as you want, but you may only submit 1 game result.
2. Each chapter of the campaign will last about a week. After a week or so (give or take a few days) the games results will be tallied depending on several standard things to note, and several things individual to the game (They will be listed in the scenario)
3. After the due date of the scenario, no other games will count. You are of course welcome to play the scenario yourself, if you want a challenge in some way, but your results will not affect the next chapter.
4. The storyteller will determine how the next scenario plays out, involving some of the aspects of the last scenario - the ST may change over time - I'm excited about it right now and I have some ideas, plus I'll do several scenarios so people have an idea of what I'm getting at. We may even reset for a new Campaign.
5. Special instructions: Some games will have special setup instructions. Please note, that because of these, if they have a special setup, Do Not Submit them to the Statistics project. These will not be standard games.
6. We'll keep all the results in one thread, and a separate thread with all the Scenarios to keep it a bit more clear. I will post the scenario in both threads, to help but one thread will be kept pretty clear.
7. If you don't have all of the components to play a game completely, you can still submit a game, replacing the missing parts. Whether or not that game will be accepted as part of the results is up to the ST.
Chapter 1 - Sun and Moon
Location: Outside the Rook City Museum
Ra: Maia, this is fantastic. Thank you for sponsoring the new Egyptian exhibit.
Wraith: You did all the work, I just shipped it here.
*Haka joins them.*
Haka: Ahh, so this is where everyone is.
Ra: Great that you can make it Aata, but where did you find a tux that would fit you?
Haka: *with a huge grin on his face* I learned to sew.
*Sensing something is wrong, Ra looks up.*
Ra: Too bad we couldn't have the event during the day, I always preferred the sun over the moon, and tonight, the moon looks awfully big.
Wraith: *staring up at the sky* Too big if you ask me.
*Suddenly, the outline of a Mobile Defense Platforms forms over the face of the moon.*
Wraith: Blade. *Wraith takes out her phone.* Aminia, tell the team that Blade is in Rook City.
Aminia: Ok, they should be there shortly.
Wraith: Hmm...Stinson should have been here by now.
Ra: Should we wait?
Haka: *gently folds his tux and puts if off to the side.* I see no reason they should have all the fun.
Wraith: Ok, let's go.
Villain: Advanced Baron Blade
Heroes: Wraith, Ra, and Haka
Environment: Rook City (If you don't have Rook City, use Megalopolis, and mention that in the results).
Notes: The heroes can be played in any order. Use the normal version of each character, not the promos.
Special rules: None
Results to note
-Did the heroes win? If not, did they lose by having 15 cards in the trash, or by being incapacitated.
-The number of cards in the villain trash before Blade flips.
-Final hp of each character. The heroes and Blade (if they lost).
-At the end of the game, did Wraith have a Mega-Computer out, and how many?
Results Due by Sun, October 27th, 11:59 PM CDT.