Just last week, my group and I took on the Chairman for the first time. We where really psyched for it, and played it against Rook City, also a first. As everyone who has ever matched up can attast, the Chairman is quite the challenge.
Our team comp was Haka, Legacy, Ra, Fanatic and one more that I can't seem to remember atm. Most of has had had rotten hands all game. Legacy didn't have a field to speak of, as Ra I had hardly gotten ANY dmg all game (best I had was a bucnh of staffs and my power for the 6 or so turns the game went on). We just kept aiming at the thugs and underbosses, leaving the Operative to do her nasty buisiness for a while. We finally wised up and started pounding on her, when the Chairman flipped. So we had the Chairman and the Operative still out, everyone is in the low teens, if not single digits in health.
As we finally manage to clear the board and take out the Operative, we finally look like we have everything under control. Then the pain really began. We where towards the bottom of the deck, Chairman was low on health. Our first Jail Break came out, and we got pummled hardcore. Almost killed us all in that one turn as all 5 underbosses and all they're thugs come into play and wail on us. With a flippted chairman, it was almost too much to handle. At this point, we didn't have anyone down, but everyone was close. The Chairman was at deaths door, and we felt we could kill him if we just had one more turn.
Our Haka pulls out a rampage, and we all take a few moments to talk it over. With Legacy adding an additional 2 dmg, rampage would hit everyone and end up killed almost all of the underbosses and thugs, clear the field almost but also kill Legacy in the process. In the end, we sacrifce him to the greater good. This would also probably get us killed through the villians next turn, everyone with the exception of Fanatic who had an Aegis out to keep them alive through Haka's Rampage.
We go down the line, kill all of the underbosses and all of the thugs for the rest of the turn. Environment phase, the Rackateer pings a bunch of us, killing everyone but Fanatic who was previously at a perfect 10 hp, now down to 8. Chairman is down to 2, just 2!!!!! HP. Then we get another Jail Break, and with all the thugs, dmg from the rackateer, our plan falls apart as the Fanatic goes down before she can land the finaly blow.
I sadly probably get more enjoyment out of close losses then the victories themselves, this was probably one of my most memorable games. The ones that you fight so hard, get so close, and then in the end... Everything falls apart.. Just so much fun XD
Another game was probably a loss against Omnitron Adv. We where runnig two equipment based characters, myself as bunker and AZ. Game was hard, everyone took a nasty beating. It was eventually down to just me, but I could kill Omni in just a turn or two. Then he destroys all equipment on the field, and I just sit there as murdered over the next few turns. That game was over a month ago, so dont remember the details as much, just how close it came.