Omnitron-X Overpowered?

We talk a lot about 'fixing' underpowered heroes, but what about 'nerfing' overpowered ones?

I've played several of games with O-X and found him to be not very fun to have as a teammate. Sure it's great fun to play 18 cards on your turn and do 42 damage by discarding one card and heal 3 targets and destroy all environment cards and so on and so forth...then reset. But it is so boring watching Omnitron do this....every...turn.

Sure, he loses all his fancy gadgets if he takes five damage in a turn but as long as he has the right plating he never will.


Two "fixes" I propose are:

5 damage in a round (just like Omnitron-I) destroys his components (gotta be wary of environment).


(H) damage in a turn destroys his components.


Granted, I haven't seen him against someone with lots of equipment/ongoing destruction nor have a seen him against his nemesis, but has anyone had a  bad game with O-X?

Only had him play 2 times so far. So can't judge if he is over-powered.

I like the automation part of his cards as it is very fitting. I actually at first thought it was per round.

Not to mention you can even do everything then skip your power and play to draw 2 cards that turn.

How are you doing 48 damage with 1 discard? Is that plating power with a ton of damage buff?


H on a Hero does sound quite interesting, cause I do agree once you have proper plating it does make it easier to prevent 5. In 3 player game the villan rarely is able to hit hard enough to by pass the plating.


Side note: Would be interesting to see how powerful Omnitron gets if his components is damage in a turn instead of a round.

I like Omni-10, it feels satisfying when you get all his stuff out and can do a zillion things and then have your Play phase…but it is frustrating when you wither take 5+ damage in a turn or someone destroys all your stuff directly (eg Devastating Aurora), and poof that's it, back to square one with very little you can do all of a sudden except start on getting it all out again. I find Omni-10 fun but have to beware the fragility.

Mind you, in a fight against the Chairman last weekend I had some fun - got the appropriate plating out in the first turn (with the search card that lets you find a plating or component and put it into play) and soon afterwards the Reactive Plating Subroutine. There was some kind of damage buff in play (might've been an Obsidian Field, I think we were in Insula Primalis anyway) which meant that the Operative was attempting to deal three damage every time we killed something in their deck. Mostly this was aimed at Omni-10, which meant he got to soak two of it and be hit by one, therefore his RPS went off and he got to hit something himself. Usually this was a Thug, which destroyed it and caused the Operative to attack him again, which meant he got to hit something again. Eventually, though, the bad guys had enough damage buffs out that Omni-10 unfortunately took six damage in a turn, smashing all his components. Still, at least the plating and the RPS stayed in, what with them not being components :).

He has a very tough time against the Ennead, at least on Advanced.


I think the idea of H or H+1 is interesting.  As someone said if you are only playing 3 heros it is extemely unlikely that he will take 5 in one turn.  The real danger are the equipment destroying cards.  Any cards that destroy only a set number (such as 2 equipments) don't hurt him too bad, its the destroy all cards that get him. Then again he can still get everything out again faster than any other hero that requires build up like AZ or Bunker.


I mean which is really interesting as currently no Heroes truly adjust base on number of heroes.

I think it still fits lore wise as the more people fighting beside the more empathetic he is the more items he is holding on to.

Though in a 6 player game would H = 6 be too high.

Sometimes things break in H=6. It's not recommended that you play with H=6, so it doesn't need to be baanced (though of course if Omnitronks, or any hero, had an H mechanic then you could always house-rule it down when H=6).

Played him once against Cosmic Omnitron. Only thing that saved him was that Scholar played an alchemic redirection on the same turn as a Technological Singularity. It would've been about the same damage as an Electropulse.

Yeah that thing is nasty.  Its the same against Bunker, AZ and any hero with lots of equipment.  Expat maybe if she has all her guns out.

Omnitron-X is a little worse off, since the Nemesis bonus makes it 3 damage per card destroyed to him. I had Omnitron-X end up taking 30 points of damage from it... It was kid of sad considering Omnitron-X was racking up so much damage to Omnitron that the game would of been over in the next couple of rounds, still won in the end it just took a lot longer. Wraith tends to take a lot of damage aswell, since she is another hero that gets a lot of equipment out fast.

Personally I considered him "OP" as soon as I shuffled through his deck, kind of calling him the new Tempest in that he can do defense, offense, control and utility fairly well. He has weaknesses, but they are kind of the same weaknesses that every other character has. That does not mean I dislike him, he is a super fun character, but man he can turn into a real beast.


As for H on a hero card, if anyone ever got one it would be Omnitron, the "reformed" villain. I also had a thought once that it would be good for a Solo character a la Wolvie or Punisher... with an ongoing or two that makes H count as 1 for him while he goes do his own thing and ignores bonuses and penalties to he heroes.


I think the key difference here is that unlike tempest, he can do all of those things passively with his start of turn triggers. And he Voltrons (almost literally) to the point of being a monster that protects himself, heals/helps his team and smashes through armies and armored targets a like. Plus he has an actual rocket punch!


While he is probably one of the most vulnerable to mass equip destruction, with cards like Reset, Technological Advancement, Electro Deployment Unit and his innate power, he can recover with a speed unnmatched by any other hero. 


I am not saying he is OP. I dont think any hero is OP. Some are better then others, sure. I think a for a hero to be OP they would be nearly unstoppable to every villain.  He is a really good and versatile hero, but I dont think he needs to be nerfed. He is only incredible if he can get and keep his set up running. Some villains are no threat to him, and others look at him and laugh.   

We haven't played much Advanced Ennead, but Elemental Exochassis is incredible against them.

I think your comment of not playing him against much Equipment destruction can make him seem much more beefy than he is.  If Wraith only played against villains without Equipment destruction, she can have some pretty incredible turns.  Or Unity with a villain that typically targets the highest HP hero target rather than the lowest or all.  With O-X, EVERY villain has Equipment destruction.  Have you played him much against Voss or Dawn, who have a diverse damage type pool?  What about La Capitan?  Who exactly do you feel that O-X is OP against?


To add just played a game where Baron Blade's "Deal X +3 damage for each equipment card" basically wipes you regardless of damage reduction.

I see that basically if you do not have the right plating it is quite easy for him to stay a float.

Would be interesting to see statistacally for what value of H does he get KO'd more. Also like to say OmnitronX might not be the best Hero to explain the game to a first player. As you have to explain how order goes which could be quite confusing.

They do enough damage types that it doesn't matter. Isis does Infernal, Osiris makes you do Psychic, Geb and Tefnut do Melee. Also, whoever is on the lowest hit points tends to take Infernal damage, and because Omnitron X starts low, he typically stays low.

I don't think that was my quote. Personally, I've used Omnitron X to run ahead of Miss Information, playing more cards than she could blow up, and I avoided being killed by Technological Singularity by getting worried that it hadn't showed up yet and playing Self Sacrifice or Singularity to blow my Components up myself the turn before Cosmic Omnitron did in fact play Technological Singularity.

I had two interesting games with O-X tonight. 

Game 1 was O-X, Ra, Visionary, and Bunker vs. the Ennead in the Block. Nuit was in the flop and the Ennead was getting healed left and right so after probably 6 rounds we had 5 Ennead at full HP and Nuit down to about half. Round 7 Ra plays Imbued Fire and Visionary plays Twist the Ether on O-X. On O-X's turn he discards a plating card with 4 damage types to Defensive Blast which does 12 fire damage to each Ennead member (we killed Nuit first). In the next turn I recommended that my cousin play a 3-type plating card to pick up the 4-type in play and do it again, but he was actually able to use two Plasma Cannons to get any targets above 9 HP to less than 9, then discarded the 3-type to hit every non-hero target for 9 which even killed Char for good measure. He wiped out 6 Ennead members in two turns (5 of them in the same turn) for a total victory. 

Two games later Baron Blade's flipped side base power destroyed all of O-X's components with a +1 damage boost. 

I really enjoy playing and playing with O-X. In one game tonight he seemed OP, but in another not so much. I think he's pretty well balanced, but like all heroes he can seem a little overpowered in some situations. I never hear about Haka being OP but I think Savage Mana against Apostate could certainly make someone think he was if it was the first time they saw him. 

Defensive blast doesn't do damage based on the discarded plating, it's based on the plating currently in play (if I recall correctly).

I don't have the cards in front of me, but a quick Google search says you're right. Good catch. He had Elemental Exochassis in play which I think reduces fire, cold, lightning, and energy so it would've been 12 damage both times instead of 12 and 9.  So we could've won even more easily. 

My apologies.  That part of my post was referring to the OP.  Totally didn't specify!

And let me rephrase:  My group has played a number of games against The Ennead where O-X contributed immensely while being protected by Elemental Exochassis.  We may have gotten multiple lucky draws, but the Fire/Lightning/Cold damage being reduced made it so O-X didn't lose more than five life a turn.

Finally got to play O-X today. I too felt that O-X is overpowered. Is there power creep happening already?