Opposition is revealed! Now I haz questions

So, the first opposition ship was revealed! I think.

Revenants of Nyotan. Ok I have some questions and I am just gonna talk some stuff out and hopes someone puts me on the right track.

So the Revenants are mutated godlike war-specters. The ones that we piolt have taken control of various space creatures to use as ships, can we assume this is what the Revenants have done as well? There was a space turtle we saw and I am guessing that the Lazer Dragon is the "flagship" of the group (since it is the miniature). 

Might we expect this opposition to be more of a battle between multiple bigger ship creatures headed by the dragon? (Think Voss or La Capitain style fight sorta). This would be opposed to some opposition ships that are just one big bad doing nasty things (Think Plauge Rat style fight).

I wish we had some more back story on this one as it was kinda confused at first.

Anyone else share my thoughts or thought something different? Bring on the next opposition!

I don't believe this game has Plague Rat-style fights; it was stated somewhere that the Opposition decks are nothing but ships. Plus, the fact that the flagship doesn't start the game in play combined with the fact that if there are no Opposition ships in play then you win makes such Oppositions rather difficult to make.

Le sigh.  I have the same confusion.  Maybe this reveal was super-awesome if you already know how to play the game, but I don't get it.  We know there's a spacedragon mini, so he's the Flagship, right?  But what are those other things?  Are the spaceturtle and spacemouth(?) mini-bosses that get their own minis (doubtful), or just minion cards within the Revenants of Nyotan deck?  I get the feeling we're supposed to assume the latter, but given the paucity of info about the game, I don't think it would hurt to spell that out.  24 days into the Kickstarter, I'm still pining for less tease and more meat.

Yes I understand that they are all "ships". I get that. Maybe what I ment was if there were a few bigger "mini-boss" ships that are all a part of the Revenants, as opposed to maybe an opposition that just had a metric ton of smaller guys like Matriarch or something.

Comparing to SotM is really all I have to try and get my thoughts across.

And Spiff, I feel ya man. Give me something a little more concrete I can sink my teeth into. That update just kinda left me blinking a whole lot.

Maybe if I had any idea how an Opposition deck worked or what I was likely to find in one, I'd have some context that I could overlay the update with to understand better what's going on.

There have even been reports that a mighty laser dragon, terrible and twisted, has been spotted in the haunted sectors that lie near the Flames. Most dismiss these tales as idle rumor mongering, but some remember the history of the Holding, and quietly prepare for the worst.

I think this is code for "and now the spacemonsters are leaving their dark corner and are menacing the galaxy, which is why you will be fighting them".  If the tales of spacedragons can be dismissed as rumors, I'd guess that the spacemonsters aren't that big of a deal, but I guess that changes somehow maybe.

Yeah thats what I got too Spiff. Seeing as how our playable war-specters took over living creatures, I think the Revenants do the same to try and overrun the galaxy. 

My thing is though, would that have been so hard to say? This kickstarter is so cryptic with its details haha

Yeah, and I imagine the part that is dismissed as rumors is the laser dragon, probably because they are going with the fantasy motif of "no one's seen dragons for a thousand years... so they no longer exist and these stories are just to scare children now"... or something like that. 

I pledged my money and I am very excited about getting the game... but this is all really based on faith because I kind of resigned to the fact that I am going to learn how to play this game once it arrives. 

Yeah, I'm in the same boat as you guys. This feels like backstory/flavor text but I have no idea what any of it means. I'd like to know why these guys should scare me, and I just don't

Seeing as how our playable war-specters took over living creatures, I think the Revenants do the same to try and overrun the galaxy. 

Do we think the Revenants are mutated war-specters driving the monsters like space ships (like the players do), or are the Revenants the monsters themselves due to the mutation the update mentions?  Even that's not clear to me. 

Yeah I have the same feeling. So a big lazer dragon is flying around out in deep space.

So what?

The Revenants are mutated Specters, eh?

I for one am 100% in favor of the space Nephwracks. For the record.

My prediction, based on no evidence whatsoever, is that each of the Opposition forces will be related to a different player race. My guess is that the Omega Singularity is the Flagship of some kind of Dwarfish Borg faction, or Dworg, if you will.

I'd fight the Dworg.

You mean the Cybernetic Pseudo-Metallurgic Dwarfish Borg Collective. GSF would never do something silly like shorten a name into a single word. 

I've been staring at that spaceturtle, and I can't quite figure it out.  It's got a shell, and the head and left arm (flipper?) is coming out of the front opening of the shell.  But the right arm/flipper isn't sticking out of that same hole.  Maybe there's a different hole for just its right flipper?  And if you look behind it, there's some red stuff back there too, so there must be another hole at the other end for a tail, I guess.  But it's the right flipper that's flumoxing me.  Maybe it's got holes all over so it can stick stuff out wherever it wants?

It's twisted and evil. Just be happy it doesn't have Kim Kardashian's face.

And it seems kind of conch-shaped and not so much like a turtle shell... maybe it's some sort of hermit turtle that uses other creatures discarded shells. 


I responded to this on the kickstarter, but I thought I'd repost my response here to get people's opinions.


That makes a lot of sense looking at the mini's for the opposition. The dragon is the War Spectres, if I got from left to right he'd be #2. #5 looks like a suped up version of the Vigilance, which makes it human design in my book. #1 is the shade, possibly neo-elf, and then the singularity is #3 which might be Dwarven. This leads to only a single problem, giant spider #4 would then be Sulph-orcs, and I'm not sure how that would work, but I still like this as a theory

Reading the kickstarter it seems clear to me that the Revenants are mutated war-specters and the monsters are their ships. My reasoning?


"a renegade faction of War Spectres were pulled off course by an eddy of infernal energy spiraling outward from the Flames of Volneth…the War Spectres gained strange powers and became the Revenants of Nyotan"


Having already established that the War-specters drive around giant space-creatures I find the rest… was to be assumed? I agree it might be better spelled out, but I have no doubts.

re: the Dworg, it's a fun theory, but it sounds unnecessarily restrictive.  Not sure what >G gains by restraining themselves to Oppositions that match the races.  For example, the Singularity is a good idea, kind of Terminator meets Borg, but it's not really any better of an idea if it's shoehorned into being Dwarven.  And the spacespider being Sulph-Orc doesn't make a whole lot of sense.