I have not seen any one posting paint jobs yet. So please post pics of your painted minis here.
Mlangsdorf posted a few in the Fan Art thread.
Looking forward to seeing what folks have done with them!
Thanks for that link. I finished painting Baron Blade last night. I'll take some pics when I get off work. Not my best paint job. The face looks terrible & at one point I dropped it on the floor while it was wet, which jacked up the paint & primer. But overall I think it looks good. Way better than any hero click.
In addition to finishing Omnitron, Bunker, AZ, and the golems, I've started on Ambuscade, Visionary, Unity, the Operative, Baron Blade, Legacy, Tachyon, and Wraith. If I can find some white paint that is actually thick enough to coat properly, and a red paint that is crimson instead of brick or orange, I'll hopefully have all of them (and possibly Ra) finished by this weekend and pictures up.
How did you get it to stick to the ceiling like that?
There's an impulsion beam the next floor up, pointed down.
Very nice work. I hope my Baron Blade comes out looking half as nice as that.
But I know he won't. Stupid lack of light gray for the coat's basecoat.
You have a white & black right? Mix it. I only have primary & secondary color paints & black and white. So I mix all my colors.
Also im using a black ink wash (mixed from one part black paint, 10 parts future floor wax) to give them a more comic look. I plan to add some highlights to Baron Blade, and then put a gloss coat on his gauntlet and goggles to make them shine.
You can use this ink wash on his coat after painting it white to give it a shaded look. Or you can just dunk the completely painted & dried mini into the wash & shake off excess. This gives the mini an almost instant shaded look. Also the floor wax acts like a sealant & can help protect the paint job.
Ill post my beacon tonight. She is currently drying from the flat topcoat that I just put on her.
Here's my Baron Blade:
not sure what was with the upside down pic; It showed right side up for me everywhere but when i tried to upload it to BGG...dumb iphone :-P
Actually, I don't have a white. I thought I did when I started painting, but it'd gone bad and the replacement color I got was off-white cream, not white. Ah, well.

And here's more of the Freedom VI:

I also finished Visonary, bur for some reason I forgot to take a picture of her. Which is sad, since she came out the best in this lot.
I was hesitant at first... But quickshade dip works extrealy well on these minis. I just dipped Ra with this stuff this morning & wow. I'll post a pic later today. It takes 24 hrs for it to dry.
If you're interested, here's a link. It's a bit expensive, but there's enough In the can for around 150 minis. It come in black, dark brown, & reddish brown. I'm using dark brown (aka strong tone)
Strong Tone Quick Shade https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004UVVTXM/ref=cm_sw_r_awd_ZOZ9tb0MBNHCC

Citizen Dawn and the Operative

Visionary (original outfit), Young Legacy (repurposed/custom figure), Beacon, and Ra (mostly original outfit)

Very nice. I can't tell from the pix if you're adding shading and highlights yourself or if it's a trick of the light. Ra looks like he's definitely got highlights on the flames and maybe on his skin (?), but the others look like they may be straight colors only.
Ra's skin and flame, Visionary's suit, Proletariats' shirts, Young Legacy's dress and cape, and everyone's hair and face got highlighted (usually with a base and a drybrush, but some of it also got a wash). Most of the rest is just straight colors, but some of the paint was thin enough for that effectively to be a stain.
Citizens of the Sun, in progress! Everyone is looking decent, though the uniform shirts on most of the guys are a bit iffy.
The 4 seasons are looking really good, especially Citizen Winter and Citizen Summer. Citizen Tears is nearly finished (she needs some touch up and color for her eyes) and I'm pretty proud of her.
It's a bit hard to make out, but Citizens Truth and Dare and Citizen Blood are all pretty much in their original uniforms. I like the alternating revered colors on the twins and Blood's got that swanky suit that I really like. Too bad he doesn't have the hat in mini form, but he does have a monocle (unpainted, but I know I'll get it before I'm done).
Those are great!
if you want to get more definition, do an Inkwash
Either get a black inkwash pot, or mix black paint with water until its about the consistency of ink from a ballpoint pen. Then take a broad flat brush and run it over them. The ink will pool in the crevices and remain there. If need be, take another brush to pull some of the ink off flat spaces (especially useful on big flat areas, like OmnitronV) This will give some great definition to their lines, and awesome shadowing.
My Proletariats are almost done, will be posting them soon
Ahaha... you mentioned that already. hahaha :)
So, those Citizens. Wow, do they take a lot of time to paint! Paint 8 pairs of boots, gloves, and arm and legs bands red, then paint 8 pairs of pants black, then go back and touch up all the red, then go back and touch up all the black. It's exhausting. So those guys are still not quite done, but I should have pictures up tomorrow or Friday.
As a side project, I started making some 3D terrain. Spiff is doing fold-up cardstock, but I wanted something sturdier, shorter, and (hopefully) a little easier to make. My gaming group is across town, so my Tactics stuff is going to spend a fair bit of time traveling, and I've had card stock crumple under those conditions.
Instead of card stock, I'm using foam core. Each tier is about 5mm, so I don't need to worry as much about hiding figures behind tall buildings, but there's enough of a height difference to make everything very visible. Here's some sample views of the Freedom Tower plaza:

I've cut out the patterns for most of the Megapolis tiles, and now I need to glue them all together and put the hex tops on them. I hope to have some good pictures of the entire deal from a game I'll be playing on Friday.
I wrote a bit more about how I'm making this terrain on my blog: http://noschoolgrognard.blogspot.com/2014/08/sentinels-tactics-building-up-terrain.html