Great idea. Definitely more sturdy than my 3D terrain.
Used to do that with foamcore in battletech, works really well.
The Citizens of the Sun!
They still need to be washed and lacquered, but aside from that and a few touch-ups, they're done. Finally.
Blood, Sweat, and Tears!

Blood is mostly in his original costume, but he lacks his cool hat. Maybe I'll get a second set of the minis and try crafting his hat someday.
The 4 Seasons!

These were probably the easiest and most enjoyable Citizens to paint. Very little fuss or mess.
Citizens Truth and Dare!

Another pair I did in their original outfits, because the reversed orange and red with yellow details is better than the beige and black uniforms of the other guys.
All the other guys!

Not a bad looking bunch, I think.
Excellent citizens!
awesone idea with the foam core hexes. I May have to duplicate it once I'm done painting.
I LOVE that foamcore terrain, it looks awesome. Really effective and easily shows at a glance the height changes, something my group have found even with dots is easy to forget at times.
Megalopolis in 3-D! This took a couple hours of work, and could use some clean-up and maybe some cardstock to cover the sides of the buildings, but I was excited and wanted to share what I had.
I just set up the buildings very quickly. In an actual game, I'd put sticky-tack on the bottom of the buildings to keep them in place.
If you look closely, you can see the numbers I put on the buildings to identify them with their tiles. It's surprisingly helpful.
I've cut the forms for Insula Primalis terrain, and put about half of it together. I should have the rest finished tomorrow morning. The only remaining tricky parts are the volcano and setting up the monorail lines, though I have plans for both of those.
Very nice. Too bad you couldn't permanently attach them to the tiles so you wouldn't have to set anything up at all, but with the tiles being two-sided, that wouldn't work.
The tiles are two-sided, and I need to be able to transport the entire game across town on a regular basis. So putting the buildings on the map in a permanent fashion would make the game take up 3x as much as space in my car, and I'm already not looking forward to carrying the ST main box + the 2 mini boxes + 2 Armory mini cases (for my Underboss, thug, civilian, blade battalion, and drone proxies) from my car to the store.
Insula Primalis complete.
The volcano is just a raised ring sitting on the tile itself which is sitting on a couple pieces of scrap, which is why you can see the carpet through the gap. I had a plan to create a better base than that, but it didn't work out. Still, it looks great.

Nice work, Ace, especially the detail on Legacy's belt. Too bad about the Baron's Impulsion Beam getting your guys again.
I got together with some friends at the local game store last night, and we got through 4 games. A lot of fun. I only took a couple of pictures, but here's some games in progress with painted miniatures and 3-D terrain.

A pair of shots from a very random skirmish. We played 3 skirmishes with this set-up, and I got curb-stomped every time. In the first one, giving Omni-Tron access to Drone Deployment in a skirmish game was a huge mistake.

The first uprising scenario: the Operative versus Beacon, Ra, and Unity. I had proxied in the Underbosses and the thugs, so everything in this game was in 3-D.
I posted some notes on the actual play of the game on my blog:
Are they upside down again? Omg I really need to stop posting from my phone :P I'll fix it as soon as I can get to a computer
You're braver than me, with drinks on the table.
Oh, you're one of those. Well, you'd hate playing at my place. Beers and pizza almost always share table space with my games. And I don't even sleeve!
My gaming group is also weirdly paranoid about drinks, it’s weird that the only time drinks spill are when they freak out about it and quickly reach to take it off the table.
Well if you can afford to replace a game with expansions (not to mention promos that I wouldn't even be able to buy), go right ahead.
I'm not a sleever either because I don't like how they feel and they are expensive and in most cases unnecessary, but I prefer to buy new games with my limited gaming budget rather than rebuy something I already own because someone knocked over a drink that they could easily have put on a different table.
Yes, it's happened to me. So no more drinks on my table.
Some people live within walking distance of GtG headquarters so they don't have to pay international shipping.
Still. I'd rather not essentially waste however much Tactics + Uprising will be at retail, especially as I wouldn't be able to get new promos and the game won't be available for a while anyway.
The convenience of having beer on the game table is just not worth the risk for me.
Me either. I make people wash their hands before we continue playing after a food break.
That's how us cranky old-timers roll.
Here's three of mine. I'd say WIP, but I'm probably too lazy to go back to them. I am impressed with the camera's macro feature.
Absolute Zero
Omnitron IV is looking at you. The green detailing on the bottom was probably excessive.
Omnitron IV back detail. I used a wet blend on the "glowy" bits. Basically I put the two colors on the back and blend them together until it looks right.
Citizens Hammer and Anvil. I wanted to do better for these two, but thought they turned out alright. Now I know I hate painting facial hair.