Absolute Zero:
Nice! I really like your gloves on AZ.
I've never painted miniature before, ever, so I'm actually rather pleased with how theses first few came out. None are complete, but I'm pretty happy so far!

I'm a slow painter, but I've started on the Tactics minis.
Absolute Zero is looking good!

Heres the front.
Champion bot? NO! Iron Legacy has arrived!
Nice start on those figures, Theta_sigma. I'd definitely recommend taking the time to paint the star on Proletariat's faces. Are you planning on drybrushing? The solid colors you have are good, but a little more definition on some of them and they'll really pop.
My first foray into painting minis. A friend showed me the basics and I cut my teeth on Proletariat. I'm pretty pleased with how he came out, but have some ideas for how to improve him next time (good thing I get to make several attempts at him).
If you shoot for the moon, at least you'll land among the stars? Neither of those things seem happy in SotM.
Also difficult to make range to the moon.
Depends how far Baron Blade was able to pull it before you stopped his plans
And now Maia's grumbling in the corner about Targetting Computer getting nerfed.
Our first time as well :p
still haven't decided on doing a wash or not
All he needs are eyes, our white paint was backordered :(
moar minis! got some citizens done and put eyes on the proletariats. bots in back are wip. =D
edit: oh, btw, what are you guys using to glue your minis in????????
Acefury.eq - I like the pink you used on Unity. Do you remember what particular paint that was? anyone else have a reccomendation for hot pink/magenta paint?
Looks great! Thanks.
She needs to get out in the sun more.
She really does >.>
Great job on the sword handle and her tatoo. She looks awesome.
As someone who is new to minis painting..... there is a lot out there. Are there recomendations on what to use to get started? (besides Spiff's recomendation on NOT Board to Pieces Primer)
Looking for paint recommendations or like starter kits to use or other recommedations.....