So I am posting this here because I am currently not to thrilled about some info I received so hoping when gtg team gets back from gen con they can explain this in a bit more detail or possibly others. It looks like the way I understand it, sentinel tactics broken city and for profit has been canceled and instead they r doing something called prime war? Those that backed these products will get prime war instead? So what is prime war and how is this going to all work?
i am also disappointed I had to hear this thru the grapevine of people who went to gen con instead of a post explaining it all. I understand gen con season is busy time for everyone but a little more info about this change before the gen con announcement would have been nice for those who couldn't attend and are now scratching their heads on what's going on
I agree that some heads up would have been nice, but I volunteered for a friend who is a much smaller guy on the scene for Gencon. It was brutal to get everything together, shipped and thought thru, and we live in Ohio which is only a 3 hour drive and could fit all the games and booth set-up into a car or two.
Imagining what GtG was going thru, with their only slightly larger staff and the added weight of being a company with multiple successful games? I fully understand how a few balls are getting shaky in their juggling act.
chaosmancer I understand, however based off some conversations they only mentioned prime wars because someone asked about sentinel tactics so it sounds like a spur of the moment type thing.
With that being said I would love an official explanation on everything now that gen con is over
I'd rather they take the time to get the information down clearly in order to prevent a knee-jerk reaction. As a plus to all of this, it's reminded me that I need to alter the address for the pre-order. I'm assuming that can be done through the 'Contact Us' section?
I to am curious, though more about the rule changes than the scenarios truth be told. I didn't jump onto Tactics when it was first released - maybe this will tip me over the edge. Keen for more information when it is revealed.
I want to know the timeline for when this might come out so i can make an informed decision about a refund. Also are we going to have to buy an upgrade kit or anything to get orhinal flames of freedom to work with this product? Not too happy that they are not contacting the preorder people, but making the customer contact them for refund.
Given the size of the company and the amount of sales of this product, them personally contacting everyone who pre-ordered is completely unfeasable. That being said, it seems that the refund is pretty much automatic so long as you can prove you pre-ordered it off GtG.
Good lord. Why should the customer have to dig at GtG to get that basic level of information? GtG has a list of everyone who pre-ordered, right? They should have already sent a personal email to each of them spelling out the issue and offering a link to click if the person wants to cancel the pre-order, but giving them all the reasons why they'd be better off if they didn't. Expecting your customers to beg you for the information they need to make an informed decision about your inability to deliver what you promised is bad.
Will Agree with Godzilla on the timeline part. At least tell us what stage of production it is. Do the play testers have anything from this in hand yet? Also curious what was wrong with broken city and for profit that they had to scrap it and create a completely new expansion instead of just modifying it. Just kinda curious why the revamp couldn't be done with that expansion since I thought that was the point
Finally any any word of what is going on with the expansion that has to do with the villian that controls land? I remember Adam and Christopher designed it one day on stream and said it would be a mini expansion then silence. Never can remember it's name.
Playtesters are working on the new tactics, mostly on the core mechanics and trying to refine and improve them. It is important to remember that Flame of Freedom was new to everyone, and we know a lot more about the game then we did when it was released.
Broken City was going good, I really hope we nail this one and it does well enough that Broken City gets to be made, because while it wasn't finished by a long shot, some of the characters were fabulous.
The problem is this next set is going to be a re-launching of the franchise, and Broken City isn't a good place to relaunch from. Just like Rook City, which is my favorite SotM expansion, wouldn't have been a great point to launch that game. Prime War has more iconic characters, and much more overlap with the original base set of characters from SotM. It is a much better flagship for the franchise than Broken City and For Profit, purely from theme and the faces on the box.
A lot of the revamping is for retail and drawing in new fans. The SotM fanbase isn't going to latch on to tactics as a whole, the games are very different and appeal to a different style of gamer. There will be a lot of cross-over, but not enough to sustain the game with that group. They need to bring in new fans and players or the franchise will die. That is the sad reality of where Tactics is right now. This expansion is trying to draw in as many new players as possible, and inspire the players who didn't love tactics to give it another try.
We haven't heard about Akash'Bhuta yet, no clue if she is getting pushed back as well. The focus is on the game system right now, Akash may have to wait until that is finished before she gets worked on.