

Periodic assurances from company staff have been the thing that has been missing.

Kind of like waiting for Doors of Stone.  Only we've actually had at least some updates regarding Primewars.

I guess the major difference is that for other projects we have gotten a chance to see art, read about rules and rule changes, glimpse mechanics and receive a general understanding of the state of the project. Since I backed the original Tactics pre-order, we have received little info outside of the initial launch information and the blog post explaining the complete scrapping of the original game for the new Prime Wars.

I don't think any of us doubt they are working on it, but we have received no information or indication of progress on the project outside of playtesters promising us they are working on it. From the outside looking in, this game appears to be a low priority for >G and a project that looks to be unlikely to finish this year due to the impending launch of the RPG, time spent finishing deck design for Earth Prime, and of course the massive hurdle of launching OblivAeon. 

We have literally seen more about the RPG (system, art, character design, expected lore) than we have for Prime War...

Well the RPG was announced in May of 2015 and Prime War was announced in August of 2016.  So the RPG has had a longer period of time to have information released. Prime War, however, has a stigma of being the replacement for Broken City which was set for preorder in January of 2015.  

Also, the more they provide art glimpses now, the more likely they are to run out before the big sales push right before the game is released.

And the rules changes are in flux until testing is complete, so of course it’s difficult to say anything about them.

I repeat my earlier statement.

Right now, we are focusing on OblivAeon development in-house, plus doing project management (and graphic design via Jenn and Ray) for the RPG while Prime War playtesting percolates. Once OblivAeon is to the printer, we'll work on Prime War development in house while doing project management, graphic design, and editing on the RPG to get ready for the KS for that post-OblivAeon delivery.

That having been said, if anyone would like a Prime War refund, I'm more than happy to do that! Shoot me an email at and I'll take care of you. Just as a heads up, I'll be a bit slow to respond until 9 June due to ACD Games Day and UK Games Expo.

Thanks, Paul.  I sent you an email asking for a refund.

I feel kinda bad now. I meant this post to see if there was new information not get people riled up. I am sorry for that>g


your fine uu. There's a lot of people who want info on this and the lack of what is going on is frustrating for them. Myself included. I am just going to give it time but a blog post of what has been done since last gen con to explain the challenges would be great, and something I recall Christopher promising a couple months back

Thanks Paul for the offer of refund I will be taking you up on it.

Any news at all on Primewars?   I really want this game to succeed.  A superhero tactical mini game is so cool.  The only problem I have with the core game is that it's a 1 vs. Many.  I don't care so much for the skirmish side of things, I want to do the stories, but I'm always the Game Master, so I don't get to play the heroes.  

No news since the last update.

Yes, that’s tautological.

A few things:

  • The stories that play out will likely continue to be driven by the "Villain vs Hero team" thing. That's a core bit of fantasy that won't be tinkered with much.
  • Why is it that you think that being "game master" prevents you from playing the heroes? If a player has the capacityy to play as a hero on the hero team, they easily have the capacity to also play the villain. Switch up the roles!
  • What don't you like about 3v3 and 5v5 skirmishes?
  • Would other "game modes" interest you and your group that are not the storymode 1vMany or classic deathmatch style of skirmishes?

Tactics isn't going to get an update until OblivAeon is finished and at the printer.  Christopher has said as much.

Tactics is getting attention and work from some of us in the playtesting group, and we have a lot of the fundamentals done, it will move well once OblivAeon is done and no longer dominating the attention of Christopher.

That said, don't shirk on Foote's questions, there is a lot of stuff, including different styles of play and game modes that we are trying out, so feel free to give your thoughts.  They will be listened to.

I wouldn't mind seeing some kind of capture the flag style mode Where you are trying to prevent the other team from getting your flag and getting it back to their base. 

another mode that could be fun is a form of changing abilities each turn. This mode is where you have to take both ability cards down shuffle all your ability cards, then lay 2 down. This randomization should break up someone using the same 2 ability cards all the time and Change things up a bit and can cause some shenanigans. 


Finally I have always felt the difficulty on the scenarios always go toward the heroes so I would like to see these balanced some more. But we need a lot more scenarios. 


Finally a question. My thought process was oblivaeon is pretty much at the printers at this point, so what is still being playtested besides prime, unless we are talking the rpg and my understanding was that was mostly done as well

OblivAeon is by no means at the printer’s yet.  It’s still a work-in-progress along with Prime Wars and the RPG starter kit per this month’s update.  All the other parts of the OblivAeon kickstarter are in production or pre-production, though.  The full RPG isn’t even on the timetable yet; I’m guessing it won’t be until after its own Kickstarter (which will be shortly after OblivAeon ships).

I'm on the other side of the equation. I like the fact the scenarios aren't balanced, it's way better for story-telling and far more true to comic narratives. After all, the villain is hardly going to let the heroes have a fair fight with them most of the time.

My main niggles are the fact that it works out better to just go full-on offensive in most cases (in skirmish play), and lack of co-op (however limited). I'm pretty sure both of these are mentioned elsewhere on these fora though, and "AI" is difficult to sort out for games like this, so the co-op angle isn't that big of a niggle, more of a hope.

Objective base game modes like CTF or Territory Control could be fun though.

I'd rather play the game completely cooperatively than play against anyone.  I also disagree with your statement that if they have the capacity to play as the hero, then they can play as the villain.  In a 1 vs. Many format, it is generally the more experienced player that gets the "1'. Most players (at least in my group) won't step up to that.  But, as I said, it's more so that I prefer cooperative games.  

Skirmish is okay.  It's the cooperative thing agian.  My kids, most of my gaming group and I would -especially with a superhero setting - prefer this game to be fully cooperative.  Lots of other games have done it where there's the capacity for 1 vs. Many and Full co-op.  I'd like to see Sentinels do that.  

Another factor is that this game would see a lot more play-time alone if my son and I were on the same side.  1-on-1 story-mode isn't a lot of fun.  2 versus the AI, that would be great.  

I'll be honest. Tactics doesn't sound like it's the game for you or your group given everything you've said.

>G already has a solid stable of full co-op games, and Tactics from the beginning was designed to be something different from that. It's only going to be semi-cooperative at the very best and needs to fill a different itch in their roster of games. If you are looking for a fully cooperative game, or even a fully cooperative alternative mode, this will not be the game to give you that experience. 


Many format, it is generally the more experienced player that gets the "1'. Most players (at least in my group) won't step up to that
I feel this is a common misconception that stems from a bit of Alpha Gamer syndrome