Proletariat does not work as a "tech" pick. At least not with the current cast of characters. I agree that Pro will find his place eventually, but it will not be because teams learned to counter pick. What current character could a team choose with a first pick that would force your hand to take Pro as a hard counter? I don't see it. In my mind, Proletariat needs to be taken as a core pick instead of being Teched into your team. You build a team around Pro. An example of another "core pick" type is Legacy. You don't tech in Legacy to a team, you build a team around what Legacy does best.
Some characters can function well as a tech or a core option depending on how you plan to use them (Wraith, Unity, Operative, ect.), but I do not look at Proletariat as in that catagory.
[Mini 3v3 Draft Theory]
3-Core: Example would be the popular team of Legacy/Dawn/Ra. In this team, all three members were likely picked because of how well they work together and compliment a particular strategy that doesn't really care about the composition of the other team. Strengths of 3-core teams include very high synergy and cohesivness when executing a team plan. They leave themselves wide open to the other team double-teching in hard counters to your core however. When you ban, you gotta use it to erase one of the other teams tech options. In this example, Baron Blade would likely prove the most problematic, so you ban him to allow Legacy the option to generate tokens when needed.
2-Core-Tech: I personally love 2-Core-Tech type teams as an archtype. When you draft, have an idea of a duo that work really well together and keep your third slot open as a specific counter pick. For example, choosing Wraith/Dawn as a strong core and teching in Ambuscade against an opponents Unity selection. There is a lot more flexability with a 2-Core-Tech type team than there is with a 3-core, and you can give yourself an edge in at least one of the matchups against your opponent. You might want to use your ban in the same way a 3-core does by banning a popular tech option, but it's always feasable to ban a core option away from the other team if you want to disrupt their strategy (something a 3-core team can't really afford to do)
Double-Tech: Here you can base your draft strategy around straight up teching your opponents first 2 picks and depending on how those look, pick up a core option last that can glue the team together or that can work as a stand-alone lynchpin. Dawn, Omnitron, and Operative all come to mind as very strong lynchpins if you double Teched off the bat. The strengths are that you are picking a team specifically to have a huge advantage in certain matchups against your opponent. You don't really care that much who you ban and you're planning on teching out their next pick anyway, so an effective ban strategy would be to ban an option that could tech well against your first pick. It's the opposite of the 3-core philosophy because you only care about what your openents are chosing. It's weakness is that you may not have great cohesion in the team as a whole while you rely on the individual matchups instead of synergy.
Proletariat would have the easiest time finding his way into a 3-Core type team and I think he would shine there. He doesn't hard counter anyone, but he is very hard to tech against when spaced out well. AbZero/Beacon/Pro, chosen in that order, is a rock solid 3-Core type team (especially considering the PAX East map) thats very annoying to try and Tech against, and you are free to try and Ban out a core option for the opposition.
Find someone who can play him REALLY well though and I think you could use him as the glue in a Double-Tech strat because of how difficult he can be to deal with and incap, forcing the issue with the other team to go after unfavorable matchups with your other two picks.