Question of the Day!

Sure, I can take this on. Shall I ask a question for today (Monday the 28th) or start tomorrow?

#88: not me.

Okay, then I guess I’m elected.

Question of the Day #89: Do you get frustrated when people don’t fini


Sorry guys, I’ve been shamefully neglecting my self-assigned responsibilities here. I’ll make up for it with three in a row, but they’re all going to be softballs since I’m spending my Inspiration Points elsewhere this weekend.

#90: Favorite flavor of ice cream? (If you’re lactose intolerant or something, substitute whatever other summery treat you prefer.)

#91: Seen any good movies lately?

#92: How close have you gotten to beating OblivAeon? If you’ve never fought him, then who is the toughest villain you’ve gone up against, and how did you do?

I’m back!

#89 Reply: Yes, I find it very frust–*

#90 Reply: The classics: chocolate and vanilla, but also peanut butter and caramel.

#91 Reply: The last movie I saw was the adaptation of Terry Pratchett’s The Colour of Magic. It was good. I’m also going to be watching the Star Wars Prequel Trilogy with some friends who’ve never seen them before.

#92 Reply: I don’t have OblivAeon (yet), so I’ve never fought it. I remember The Matriarch being pretty tough, and the only time I’ve managed to defeat Citizen Dawn was when I used one of Tachyon’s Incapacitated Abilities to recycle Aegis of Resurrection over and over.

Question of the Day #93: Did Han Solo shoot Greedo first?

*I’m sorry, but the grammar fanatic in me cannot just end a sentence incompletely. I had to add that dash.

In fact, I would say Greedo never shot; I believe he was already dead from Han having shot him solidly in some vital Rodian nerve cluster, which Han knew would instantly kill Greedo before he could react, and that the shot that comes from Greedo’s blaster was just his finger spasming on the trigger and shooting wild in the same instant that he fell over dead.

PS - If you can’t ever seem to beat Citizen Dawn, my advice would be to ignore the Citizens completely (other than Truth and maybe Anvil) and just focus fire on Dawn; you’ll have to burn through an average of 95 HP with all of her healing, but this isn’t too hard. Don’t be too afraid of Devastating Aurora; yes it will ruin your day if it happens, but if you play several games against Dawn and keep building up for maximum damage, eventually you’ll have one where neither Citizen Truth nor the two Auroras ever come out, and you can burn her down. It’s always much, much harder to beat her if you let her flip, particularly on high H values; a low H makes it easier for you to soak Dawn’s innate damage as well as making the flip more tolerable. She’s really not that deadly most of the time; her success rate is extremely luck-dependent, so if you fight her a bunch, you will eventually rack up some victories.

Thanks for the tips, The Justifier. Yeah, our problem is that we keep thinking “Let’s just destroy one more Citizen,” and then Dawn flips, and we have to wait for her to flip back while being mauled by her Citizens.

#93 Reply: Uh, I don’t really have an opinion on this, so I’ll just link to the Wikipedia article on it for anyone who doesn’t know what we’re talking about.

Question of the Day #94: What are your opinions on Fanfiction? Have you ever written or ready any? (And no, I don’t want to read your fanfics.)

I’m glad folks who enjoy writing and/or reading it have that opportunity available. :+1:t2:

But I’m not really interested in it, myself.

Writing is something that can be done incredibly well, incredibly poorly, or anything else in between. We all understand the difference between a gourmet chef and someone who can manage to burn cold cereal, but the fact that writing can be achieved as well or bungled as badly as cooking is something people don’t often think about. Fan fiction contains the best and the worst, but far more of the latter than the former. We really need some people who professionally read and critique fan fiction for a living, so that good writers can be identified and lifted out of obscurity, but the task of sifting through thousands of turds in search of a diamond is not one I’d envy.

QotD #94 Reply: I’ve never read or written any, actually. I agree with The Justifier that most of it is poorly-written and the characterisation is off. Or in other words: Sturgeon’s Law.

Question of the Day #95: Super-speed or duplication?

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Teleportation? :smirk: Okay, fine. Since that wasn’t a choice, I’d take Super-speed. I want to be the one to experience it, not a copy of me. :wink:

It all depends on the exact details of how the power works. I lean toward Rabit’s view of it, but if the copies are all networked together under a single mind, as is the case with Proletariat, then it could well be preferable to Super-Speed. (You have 100 boxes to hand-deliver, each one 100 miles away from your starting point; the speedster has to run back and forth, possibly covering as much as 20,000 miles before the whole expedition is finished, while the duplicator just sends one copy along with each box and then has them return to start, each one having only 200 miles of walking to do. Far less tedium being experienced by the collective mind, assuming that he sorta integrates the perspectives of all the duplicates as they’re taking their separate walks.) And of course, when you think of super-speed, you have to be REALLY sure that you’re getting it without the obvious scientific downsides, because otherwise you’re pretty much dead; Friction can tell you more about that, whenever she re-solidifies. Duplication is the safer bet, since most versions of how it works probably don’t have as severe a downside.

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It really depends on what other powers come with superspeed.


QotD #95 Reply: Hmm, I feel like I’d be pretty weirded out by Duplications of myself, so Super-Speed.

Question of the Day #96: What is the Evilest Superpower?

I’m disinclined to believe that there’s any such thing as an inherently evil power, as it very much goes against my general belief that every tool can be used for either good or ill, dependent almost entirely on the will of the user. If I were to pick a “power” that seems inherently to tend toward negative application, it would be “reproduction”, as practiced by nearly every species on our planet.

For me, it’s mind control. I’m with C&A on the fact that taking over someone else’s free will is seriously problematic and pushes some boundaries that just shouldn’t be pushed… :unamused:

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Many people believe this, but I largely disagree. I feel that free will is an illusion anyway; there’s nothing inherently worse about someone else forcing your body to do something that your mind doesn’t want to do, versus your body itself forcing you to do something that your mind doesn’t want to do, which our bodies naturally do all the time because they evolved that way. Ultimately, the thing we call consciousness isn’t really in control; recent scientific research appears to suggest that it’s ultimately just a mechanism for constructing largely-false narratives which justify decisions that were ultimately made by our basest instincts and primitive urges, so that we can fool ourself into believing we’re anything other than purely selfish and naturally destructive biological robots. I prefer to simply embrace the truth that we are exactly that, and so I have no terror of the idea of someone controlling my mind, because it’s entirely possible they’d operate my body better than I can anyway.

QotD #96 Reply: True, any tool can be used for evil or good, but some are better suited to one or another. Here are what I think:

  • The ability to erase someone from existence and all memories of that person.
  • The ability to possess someone, destroying that person’s consciousness in the process.
  • The ability to implant hatred in people, making them fight each-other.
  • The ability to trap someone in a delirium of that person’s greatest fears.

Question of the Day #97: (You probably won’t like this one, Justifier.) What is the Goodest Superpower?

The ability to make peace between everyone.