I have seen a couple of great pieces of Sentinels fan art . . . but I want to see more!
Post your SotM fan art here! Show us your take on the characters and settings of the Multiverse!
I have seen a couple of great pieces of Sentinels fan art . . . but I want to see more!
Post your SotM fan art here! Show us your take on the characters and settings of the Multiverse!
I'm guessing you have already seen the wonderful artwork from the Google+ community that my talented wife drew, but i'll post it here as well for anyone else to feast their eyes upon.
Edit: Resized the image so it isn't so huge.

Once I can find a way to upload it, and once Shattered Timelines has actually been released, I can post one of my Dreamer decks that my friend drew pictures for every card, in pen. She's quite talented. Sadly its an old draft, but she gave me a custom-art Dreamer deck!
Having a former villain on the team...what could possibly go wrong?

Ever since we saw Silver Gulch, I thought the heroes would have to blend in until they could get the portal back open:
What did you use to make these pictures pcgamerpirate?
They are hand drawn in pencil, scanned into a computer, then colored with photoshop.
Well, while we're posting artwork. I had made a scenario involving both Baron Blade and Omnitron. So here's the big bad Blade Omnitron artwork I did.
This may be completely unhelpful, but did you know that in Photoshop, if you have a black and white line drawing on one layer, then you make another layer for the color but change that layer's type to be "multiply", you can color all the way up to the black lines and even on top of them, and it won't actually color over the black lines? It makes coloring in black and white drawings like that super easy and pleasant. I only mention it because of the uncolored spots in the drawing, and I didn't know if you were using this technique.
Thank you, Spiff. I've been looking for ways to better color my drawings. As of right now, I've been using the fill tool (quick, but leaves those nasty white spots).
Here's Bunker's last stand (with new coloring method):

Yeah, that looks nice. Great job.
Happy to share the experience with ya, guy. Tempest looks fantastic!
Wow. I mean WOW. That is an AMAZING Tempest drawing. Would it be wrong to ask for more from you, DLC Costume? I love the painting look.
Oh I fully intend on doing most if not all of the characters, Evand! :D I'm so glad you liked my lil scribbly doos, thanks so much!
Here's some fan crafts. I didn't actually make them myself though. They were a gift from one of the overseas fans whose shipping I sponsored in the last kickstarter. I think they are friggin' sweet!!
These are wonderful!
Are these stitched because they sure look like it? Whoever made these should go in to business. I bet quite a few people here would buy a set as the perfect card holders for each character!
Yup, it's all embroidered. They are a bit bigger than card-size, but I imagine they could be made smaller. I will pass your comments on to the crafter... who knows, she might indeed start producing them in quantity for purchase.
She'd have to be careful about selling things with >G intellectual property. Giving them away or making them for herself is one thing, but trying to make money on their IP is not nice.
Good point. Though with the amount of work these things probably take... I doubt there would be much profit in it anyways.