im no lawyer but might that be Fair Use? it's a different medium, and why people on Etsy can get away with making Mario and Final Fantasy and zelda and such crafts and such of highly trademarked and copyrighted video game figures - because it is a different medium
So I can sell a Micky Mouse t-shirt because that's a different medium than a cartoon? No, it's illegal.
I think the important thing to remember is that >G is made of nothing but cool people who are easy to talk to about almost every aspect of Sentinels of the Multiverse.
Undoubtedly its because Disney has /trademarked/ micky as well, and probably put a copyright on tshirts - but again, not a lawyer don't know for certain but…
all you have to do is do a google for Zelda Etsy and youll get[]=tags&search_query=zelda
as the top link - now the Triforce symbol is probably too generic to be copyrighted, (but who knows, right? it is a giant company in nintendo) but if you scroll through there, i see at least one hoody, and a blanket with what is no doubt a faithful pixel by pixel represenatation of Link - I'm wondering how they are allowed to do these, when undoutbedly Nintendo is big enough to squash these things if it was something that challenged their control over that image. (if they dont challenge it then they loose control, i do remember that much from my business classes)
however! I don't want to derail this thread anymore, so if this is a top people want to continue talking about lets make a new thread somewhere yeah?
Here are two I created for the wiki. I was planning to make one a week for each hero, but then got sidetracked after two.
Those are great. :)
All of these (yes, all of these) are really awesome. nice work!
(alas, I can barely even draw stick figures, else i would share too)
As always, I'm looking forward to our next game, DLC. It's always awesome seeing what you want to draw next after we save the world. It makes me feel like I'm part of the creative process!
Fine artwork, everyone. Keep up the good work!
There is a lot of artistic talent in this community! Thanks for sharing it with us!
Again, DLC, I am just so amazed. Bravo. It's really awesome, I must say.
Not sure how much cross fandom I'll find here, but here are the characters of Community in the timeline where Jeff somehow rolled a 7 and they all became Sentinels characters for some reason:
I kind of wish I'd added the dean as Visionary and Chang as keytar wielding Adept, but there was also a point where I was really wishing I'd just stopped with Troy and Abed so I didn't want to grow the picture anymore.
Troy and Abed fighting viiiillaaains!
Great picture, I love it!
That is fantastic! I love Community.
dypaca that is amazing, and I hope to one day see The Visionairdean. Hopefully I'm not alone there.
Thanks. I don't know if I'll try Visionary dean, but you can see Emma Frost dean here:
I came across that picture while searching for refence images for mine.
Holy. Crap. Community win. That's amazing and hilarious.
Sentinels/Community crossover?
Ooh, we got a place for fanart! I gotta get in on this!
So this is my own interpretation of La Paradoja Magnifica, before even the playtesters saw what it looked like and I felt like adding some illustrations to the playtesting decks( the Playtesters are given very basic cards during testing that only have names, text, and keywords. But they all still have a space where the illustration would go if it were there). All I knew was that the card was a "Timeship" and a Relic, which sounded cool enough to try drawing.
I sort of imagined her Timeship looking like an ordinary sailing ship with a bunch of ring-shaped structures for sails that it would use to latch onto a timestream like a cablecar, drawing temporal energy into the ship and giving it more stable direction. I guess the timestreams represent the major routes of causality, or in other words the only timelines we actually care about for the puropses of our story. i.e. there's one particular section of timestream that branches into two realities: one where Finest Legacy dies and one where Newest Legacy dies. This is a major event fork because it determines so many other outcomes and has such a big impact on the timeline. There's also a grubjillion nigh-microscopic timestreams that constantly branch out from the main timestreams, winding around, intersecting, congealing for brief momments before dispersing again. These form a sort of "sea of time" if a sea were to take on non-euclidian geometry. The sea is full of all the minor events that don't really matter, like which of the two eggs in a carton someone choose to have for breakfast in the timeline where that person took 18.45982 seconds to find a matching pair of black tube socks and remembered it was Wednesday exactly 2 minutes and 58.19345 seconds before they remembered to brush their teeth, etc... Stuff way to tiny for a Timeship's temporal sail-rings to latch onto that no one really cares about anyway.
Um, alright, I know I was gonna show you guys that fanart, but can I keep talking? Making up pseudoscience is fun!
On the other end of the scale we have the gargantuan, ancient timestream at the very dawn of time. This one's too big for any ship to latch onto, and it is what determines the starting parameters for every universe's laws of physics-- this is where the Multiverse is created. In theory, a big enough timeship could ride this universal starting stream to travel to any other dimension in existence, though such a device would likely require the combined resources of an entire universe. Thus, time-travel does not enable interdimensional travel between planes of existance too different to share any reasonably-sized timestreams, even though time and space are one and the same( wait, that's a law of physics, too, isn't it? I guess that's the one property that is multiversally constant, not specific to any one universe). Luckily there are other more "conventional" methods of universe-hopping, as we see from Infernal Relics. But these methods don't appear to be quite as efficient at time-travel.
Hmm... I just thought of something. Not counting psychics, it seems like a lot of magic users in Sentinels of the Multiverse have some kind of extradimensional connection. Maybe that's how magic works; you're alowed to break your own universe's laws of physics if you sneak in laws from another one. Hey, that must be what Gloomweaver is after! The mundane properties of our world are incredibly powerful magik from his perspective, and vice-versa. He tempts his cultist followers by offering them powers only the Realm of Dischord's physics would allow( Man, how can this universe NOT have the basic property that corpses can be made into zombies simply by running their life-sustaining chemical reactions backwards? And what's up with π? No wonder their magic circles don't work properly; everybody knows π = 3! But... wait a minute. Is creating a gravitational singularity really as simple as making something with infinite mass and zero volume in this universe!? And these "minds" the humans have... not only do their brains exist in all 3 spacial dimensions, but they use electricity and are susceptable to anxiety disorders! Not even the revered Monk-Chefs of the Third-and-a-Half Disturbing Klein Bottle could achieve such a powerful level of conciousness! Now this is a dimension with some great Magik potential!).
Argh I typed too much. Here. Look. It's a timeship.
Maybe I'll post a colored one later. Once Shattered Timelines is out for real I might post some other doodles I made on the cards.