Sentinels of the Multiverse fan art!

If you were even a fraction as thorough with the Villain Contest, I can see why you made it to the top with Kismet. She must have a full-fledged backstory, eh?


Funtastic arts, everyone, by the by!

Hey Gang!


This is a work in progress, but I don't know when I'll get a chance to finish it. I recently discovered this card game, fell in love with it, and decided to do a "Project Rooftop" style re-design of Wraith. Hope you guys like seeing art in the raw. :slight_smile:


Kudos to the designers and publishers of this great game, from a fellow game designer and publisher, and fan of superheroes. :slight_smile:

-James Dawsey



"I'll just do a quick sketch of a Haka redimagining"
"ok, just flat colors"
"ok just some basic shading"
"alright, airbrush but only a little bit"
"ok but no lighting"
"maybe a little lighting…"

Absolute Zero reimaging line art already half way through U3U
(I wish I was actually smart enough to play this game lol)

I think you're learning how to play at a great pace!  You've just played the characters with the most math so far!

This is an awesome redesign.  Excellent work, sir!  Perhaps the forum will conjure up an Ultimate/New 52 Universe for the Sentinels with your redesign series!

In Sentinels 52, Haka will be gay only so that his lover will die in the first issue and give him reason to fight against the forces of darkness. Issues involving Mr. Fixer will probably be written by Geoff Johns.

Continuing Sentinels 52 redesigns with Absolute Zero because this was amazingly fun to draw. Frozen robot…frobot…

That is fantastic!  He's like a walking, talking snow blower!


Just a quick pop in- we can discuss further elsewhere, as suggested, but the Triforce symbol can't be copyrighted partly because its use far predates the existence of modern copyright, and is thus public domain. It's the Hojo family crest. So anyone can use it, really.

So today I introduced my friends to Sentinels of the Multiverse, and fortunately they loved it. Then we played 1000 Blank White Cards, and my amazingly talented friend Rory produced these:


They're probably not quite as amazing if you don't know the people, but I still thought they were worth sharing.

It's fairly  interesting that the one female is a Male hero and the others (aside for Omni) are males as female heroes. Also they sound really neat, and make look like they fit their SotM counterparts very well.

Unless she's really Young Legacy.

Some of the art on here is amazing :D Keep producing this stuff guys :)


It's Finest Legacy, Young Legacy wear a skirt.

Well seeing as I was there for the drawing of these I can confirm that that is just the normal Legacy but a female was playing as them so the artist just made a female Legacy version for that card :D same as how the Unity one is male because I was playing as them.

Screw it, I'm joining this thing too. (Bobby from the aforementioned art) Jeez some of the art on here really is good. Long live SotM!

Thought you guys might be amused by some of the doodles I did that my gaming group found funny. At some point I started giving Tempest a tail, but otherwise I have no regrets.  :smiling_imp:

your tempest reminds me of the Asari... o.o

Really? I thought it looked even more like those one Star Wars aliens. I think it's the thicker head tentacles.

twi’lek only have 1 (if female) or two (if male) head tentacles :stuck_out_tongue:

so… yeah. I’m a geek.

Board game forum. We're all geeks here.