Sentinels of the Multiverse fan art!

Those are awesome, just make Tachyon and then you've got all the Freedom Five.

Yeah, I agree.  Very, very nice.  

Wraith just gained a ton of fanboys.

I think wraith put her belt on upside down... it even happens to the best of us. :)


Very nice work though. I really love the personalized touches you gave to all the characters. 

You NEED to do Redeemer Fanatic :)

That Bunker art though... Wow. Blown away.

And yes, as a Tachyon lover, I'd also love to see your version of her!

Wow, those pics are epic - now do all the other characters as well ;).

Not a fan of Wraith's costume, or Legacy's chin, but Bunker is fantastic.

Yeah, great job! Thanks for sharing these!

The quality on these is awesome, and the personalizations you've put on them are very interesting. I'm a little confused by AZ's, as he looks like a robot instead of a guy in a suit, but that's okay - it still looks very cool (and maybe he's from an alternate 'verse where Ryan lost his extremities… :wink:

While I love the quality and content of these, I do not like Wraith's costume. In fact, it actually annoys me - no offense intended, as it's my issue, not yours. One of the things I like about SotM is that the woman are actually wearing clothes. It drives me crazy how, in most comics, we generally have men fully clothed but woman are virtually naked, and this is another example of that.

Check out Grappling Hook for an example of what her outfit should look like. If it had been done like that, I'd be completely in love with this collection. :slightly_smiling_face:

WOW. Just, WOW. Crazy. More please!

I think they're fantastic.  Wonderful work.

I hadn't actually looked closely enough at Wraith…and yeah…actually…I'm not a fan of the "all women are practically naked and have big tits" thing that gets thrown around a lot. Maia's costume has a lot more full-body coverage than that. Still, I do still like the style if not the content of that particular pic.

Not to mention, given how athletic she is, her... *ahem* assets are bound to be a bit smaller, as they ARE primarily fat-based.

Not saying this artwork isn't amazing, but yeah, that Wraith costume should be showing less skin. That's not how we do things around here!

And her belt buckle should be turned around...

The Absolute Zero is really fascinating, though!  Like if Johann Kraus stole Atomic Robo's wardrobe.

That being said, I'm not one for The Wraith's new look in this art.  It's all incredibly reinterpreted and still very true to the characters, but Bunker got an incredible armor upgrade.  If anything, The Wraith's one piece swimsuit could've been upgraded to some high-quality body armor, or even some near-future power armor.  I love the quality of the art and the design reinterpretations of the other geries enough that I'm willing to wait and see what the artist's reinterpretations of the other female characters are before passing too harsh of a judgement.


Interestingly enough, Wraith is showing the editSecondedit /most/ Skin of the Female Heros (Visionary has her beat)

Honestly, I love them all. Sure bathing suit wraith could do with a little more clothing especially since it seems to be raining but I think the personal interprtation of the characters is really cool. Way to go!

I wasn't planning to speak up because folks tend to not like negativity, but the overall discussion has been so one-sided that I really have to say I did not like any of these four very much.  The one I come closest to liking is Wraith, for exactly the reason that others have disliked it; it's not entirely fitting with her characterization as far as we know, but it is really attractive.  Bunker is also somewhat neat looking, but not really Bunker; these figures seem more like villain mooks to me.  The absolute zero one looks vaguely cool, but why the holy living hell is he wearing a coat?  The last thing he EVER wants to do is be warmer.  And Legacy just looks disgusting to me; I'm a big fan of the square-jawed look, but as rendered here it's hideous to the point of being inhuman.  I'm torn as to whether I want to see any more of these; the artist has obvious talent, but I tend not to agree with his stylistic choices, and certainly it would be more constructive for him to put his effort into original creations he could potentially sell.

I certainly wasn't being negative towards them. At the very least, I have a huge appreciation for the artist's skill, and I really do like some of the details, especially in Bunker and Absolute Zero. Just because they look different doesn't mean we have to dislike them. I'm totally open to the idea of "reimagined" characters. I'd love to see more from the artist, just less sexually exploitive. That's not really very good grounds to like one of them more than the others. Or at least, not a reason you want to like it. Or should.

Well I for one do like it for exactly that reason so there.  :P

Tell that to Power Girl.