Sentinels Wiki

jagarciao nailed it. Thats why. I am no artist and have no talent in this area :p But he made the /very most awesome/ icons, and i was going to PM him today (Because i stopped working on the wiki at like... 3am and kinda crashed) and when I got up he had already done it!


So they are up and added, for Sentinels, Setback, and Parse. 


I am consistently excited and impressed by the wiki. Thank you so much to all the work you and the other contributors put into it. It is awesome!

*toes dirt* 


awww shucks.

Added to the front page a list of everything that still needs to be done to various pages to get them to 'Finalized' status. If you want to help, chip in.


Added a 'Minor Character's page for listing all targets like Warden Hoefle or Char. 


Added F.I.L.T.E.R. and the Hayes brothers to the organizations



always more to be added. There have been many many guides posted that I never got linked if someone wants to go through and update all the guide links

Jan 17 - Updated Formating. Preparing for Vengeance.

There's something about that line that just sounds awesome… :sunglasses:

I'm totally preparing for Vengeance. That makes me awesome too, right?

You were awesome already, so that just makes you doubley so. ;3
On a side note, I’d like to point out something that could be added to the reference section of Tachyon’s page(I’d do it myself, but I don’t trust my internet connection or myself to not mess something up somehow… :confused: ).
On the incapacitated side of Tachy’s card there are two silhouettes of what could be presumably villains. I believe these two to be female counterparts to Flash villains Captian Cold and the Top(I THINK thats his name…) The one rider of the ice bridge seems to be holding a pistol of some kind just like the good captain uses, and the other seems to be spinning at a high velocity to create a mini tornado like the other.
If anyone has info to prove me wrong then I welcome your criticism, but if not then I think this bit of info would fit right in the reference section.

We have nothing yet to prove or disprove who those are. (not even as a playtester do I have that information!)


but speculation is always welcome :)



I ll throw something up on her reference page as 'Unconfirmed' :)

My (completely uninformed) conclusion was that they were pretty much exclusively that; references to The Flash's villains and nothing more. I can't see them appearing in any significant fashion; they seem too small time (also unoriginal). And that's saying something, when Friction gets her own deck.

Hey, Christopher told me a few things in London that I could add to the wiki. Is "Christopher told me" enough or do you need him to hgave confirmed it here?

If he told you and didn't mind it being shared, I think it's good enough. :wink:

Christopher is so notoriously short worded when it comes to giving away spoilers if he told you something, then generally its cause he wants to put it out there.  - Your call though if you felt it was in confidence or not. :)


But yeah, thats fine -thats how half our stuff is gotten, because there are no other spoilers than what Christopher allows us to see (through the cards or his own words)


And Mc, nothing is put into the art that doesn't have a purpose. I mean hell, we saw Setback 3 sets before he came out, remember? There will be /something/ that uses an ice bridge and something that spins like a top. May not be a straight up villain deck but somewhere those two will make an appearance.... 


(ie, also, Jim was in Akash  deck as a Sillhouette long before we had an inkling of who he'd be) 

On the other hand, Captain America's shield, among others, appears on Reclaim From The Deep. While we can' discount these guys' later appearance, it's also entirely possible that they are just an allusion.

What I told Silverleaf was absolutely meant to find its way here. I'll attempt to be vigilant about anything she posts to make sure that time and memory didn't change any of my intentions.

Christopher is so notoriously short worded when it comes to giving away spoilers if he told you something, then generally its cause he wants to put it out there.

I'm going to take this as a compliment. *grin*

Jim was seen in Plauge Rats deck long before Akash was released. Flavor text even has a direct quote from Chrono-Ranger

I’m not saying that the two I mentioned will get their own decks or anything, just that they could belong under Tachy’s references in the wiki.

it entirely was grin

We've seen some elemental looking characters about, and I wouldn't be surprised if they showed up as a team, ala the Vengeance system.  One-dimensional villains are perfect for that style.

Sigh.  Can't wait to play Fright Train.