
Personally, I'm all about Argent Setback. Expatriette is a beard...

Title: The Bunker Buster

"Any one can promise you the moon… None but I can actually give it to you!"

Jeez, I would not want to be the one to reveal the truth to Expat (or at least not while I was within shooting range… which given Expat might mean I would have to be on the Mars base).

Terra-Lunar Impulsion beam hath no fury like an Expat scorned?

I go for Fanatic AZ, over time they understand each other better than anyone else, and out of that understanding a love that can't really go anywhere.  One incredibly dramatic moment where Fanatic enters the Cryo Chamber and gives Ryan a kiss before succumbing to the cold (it can't kill her obviously, just mess her up for a while) is enough to make Ryan try and end it, but in the end they just coexist, bonded together in a tragic and sweet story.

I also like La Capitan+Visionary.  Maria-Helena is attracted to a fellow time traveller of such power, and in trying to entice her to join the crew Venessa learns to enjoy life and Maria finds that wealth and power aren't the only things worth fighting for.

Lastly I think unrequited love with Legacy and Bunker, the WWII versions.  Legacy knows what he wants, but he also knows his duty is to provide an heir to the Legacy name, and their world wasn't a place that could accept two men raising the All-American Hero.

Ooh, one more I forgot.  I think Setback and his nemesis are more than that, I think she was hurt by him, and he doesn't even realize it.  At some point I see a fight between Kismet and Expat over Setback who has been captured or mind-alterred by Kismet.  I don't know how romantic the drama is, but it is there.

Man, I think I read too many romance novels in college.

Omnitron-X and Golem Unity. They bond over their inability to really be a part of the group...

Nobody trusts Unity because they don't believe she is the same person they once knew, while they don't fully trust Omni-X because they fear he might still be his old self deep down inside. 

I suspect The Broker and The Deputy may have some sort of relationship. Not sure why or even where I would get that idea from.

Maybe the Cursed Acolyte and a Horrid Skunk Ape?

Because who else would put up with the smell.

True, I hear those Horrid Skunk Apes don't have a very good sniffer. Sounds like a match made in heaven!


Yeah, I know what you mean. They just look like they go together.

I completely disagree. I think the Broker looks better with the Cursed Acolyte.


Are you sure?

Well, they certainly look smiley there.

Excellent picture!

I totally should do one at some point


I know this is a hell of a bump, but I was reading through and damn!


Phantaskippy must be some kind of seer

I was very excited to find out that my guess was pretty good.


Sad that there won't be more to it.

Most surprised by Ra and Fanatic, never would have seen that coming.

Wait ra and fanatic are and item? Where was that said?

Not an Item but were very ... close at the end, see the ARG page End of Days

It's my understanding that, gaining their powers from different divine sources, they had a very intense rivalry/friendship going on, not actually a romance, but something that could be mistaken for one from the outside.

...Okay, but can we talk about how, even when they're incapped, Xtreme Haka can tank low hits for Huge Sky-Scraper, and that's why I ship them, because that's what a gentleman would do, and she's the biggest lady he's ever seen, and c'mon, that's cute. :B

They would make an amazing couple.  Especially when they could have Giant Sky-Scraper throw Haka at the bad guys.  At least then Haka could deal projectile damage.

I mean, Haka can already toss tiny Sky Scraper at people.

I wonder how it would work if Giant Sky-Scraper started to throw Haka and then kept hold of him and shrunk.  Would she throw both of them?

Question for the group: Would Guise prefer getting shipped via UPS or Fed-Ex?

Fed-Ex since that's what GtG generally uses