
Um, have you seen completionist Guise?  He wouldn't trust a regular shipper.


This doesn't quite count, but I'm including it anyway!

I have started shipping Setback and Parse as just being total best buds. She's really direct and focused and doesn't like complicated social dances, he's really honest and forthright and prefers to just take things as they are, and she respects that. She also has the best ability to avoid the consequences of his terrible luck because she keeps recognizing the patterns right before it happens, and she sort of teases him about it.


She arranged for Expatriette to see Setback shirtless because she totally ships the pair of them and was convinced that this would help. It did. 


Setback and Parse have some background with RevoCorp.   They even show up on Benchmark's incap we have from the hero foil pack. 

I like this idea that there are heroes who go around shipping other heroes.

I picture Unity and Idealist sitting around girly gossiping about this, somehow.

Then Visionary comes around and says "No, that never happens. There is no possible future where that happens. I looked myself."

I feel like those two would take it as a challenge.

Sentinels Comics: The Giant Romance Mishap

Well, thanks to a webcomic i once read, I'm now seeing Unity and the Idealist cartooning up on a wall the ships they think would work amazingly well. Even better: the Idealist could make illusions of them moving around and acting out scenes.

I could see Parse manufacturing situations so that Pete and Amanda will realize the chemistry they have, but don't see.

I wonder if she can see his luck, and how it is going to manifest, it seems like she would.

I feel like the Idealialist "TOTES" ships Argent Adept and the Visionary. and the Visionary is Immensley embarassed by this because it's the only girly gosip they've had she is involved in & because of her fighting with/help from Argent Adept with the Dark Visionary thing, she can't be 100% sure that it isn't an idea that she put in the young heroines' head

Sorry for the delayed reply, but, until listening to the Argent Adept podcast, I could sort of see Argent Adept and Nightmist together.  The way I pictured it, Argent Adept didn't have a previous Virtuoso of the Void to learn magic from, so, even though her magical powers and knowledge were different in nature, Nightmist offered to teach him instead.  I'm sort of basing this on Nightmist's card Enlightenment.  My thought was that in addition to using that spell on him, she also gave him lessons.  Over the course of their lessons, they become increasingly attracted to each other and eventually become involved.  Of course, in the podcast, Christopher and Adam said that Argent Adept is asexual, so obviously that puts the kibosh on that.

I think there's quite a few ships that got sunk by that podcast. Argent Adept and Captain Cosmic is another one I've seen a number of times.

That wouldn't have anything to do with the Dynamic Siphon card in Captain Cosmic's deck, would it?

For some reason, I always picture Greazer as having a crush on Sky-Scraper. Or at least, he constantly hits on her. 


"Hey, little lady! Lookin' littler than usual, huh?"

"Yes, I am being shrunken. You used the chamber to be trapping me as such."

"Whoa, ease up there, toots! Or maybe not. Even at doll-size, doll, you're with it when you're feisty!"

"...With what?"

...I hate it, but it's so cute I love it. XD

Pretty much yeah, considering it's just about the only time in the card game that we see Argent showing any sign of enjoying himself doing something.

Other various ships I've seen off the top of my head over on Sentinels Tumblr:

Citizen Dawn/Legacy
KNYFE/Pretty much everybody at some point

Then there was some Reddit convos which added Baron Blade/Citizen Dawn, AZ/Writhe, and a one-sided crush of Miss Information on Tachyon to the mix.


That applies to literally everything I write. "I hate it but I love it."


The only other ships I can remember having were Nightmist and Harpy, which seems to be a fairly common one, and, uh… Slamara and Deadline, which isn't. 


I dunno, I just really like the idea of Slamara trying really hard to warn Tarogath not to do the whole "blow up a planet" thing, not just for moral reasons but because she wants him to stay with her in the  Enclave. 


Also they give Bloogo pats. He's like their pet. 


I ship it.

Wait… I thought this was Canon? :-/
