SotM errata/clarifications collected

Hi Spiff, how do I save your Randomizer offline on my phone to use without being connected to the internet?

Can't be done. I used Coldfusion to write the site, which requires server-side processing and so can't be done offline. No reason why the site couldn't be rewritten to use JavaScript for that kind of thing, but that's not work I'd planned on doing. 

Posted an update which includes the following new clarifications:

1) if a hero gets incapacitated during their start-of-turn, they do still get to use an incapacitated ability that same turn.  If they've already begun their play/power/draw cycle when they get incapacitated, they don't.

2) incapacitated heroes may not use powers even if something else would normally give them powers (ex: treasure from "Tomb of Anubis")

3) added the "Chastise" errata

4) added a bit of clarity around reshuffling decks (discard, draw and play all force a reshuffle.  reveal does not)

5) the cards under "Omni-Cannon" go to their respective trashes if "Omni-Cannon" is removed from play, and if it manages to come back into play somehow, the cards that were under it previously are not put back under there.  Same for "Savage Mana".

6) the immunity granted to Omnitron by "Adaptive Plating Subroutine" goes away when the card leaves play.  Omnitron doesn't retain the last immunity granted.

Thanks for the update!

I noticed that the "Last Updated" date on your website isn't updated. :)

Oops, thanks.

I've made a large update to my Clarifications doc:

1) First of all, I've broken it up.  The Clarifications doc now just contains the clarifications and a copy of the official rules.  The card list and Enhanced Edition card updates are in their own doc now.  This way, people who just want the rules-focused info or just the card-focused info can get that in a smaller file, but people who want both can still get both.  More importantly, since the card info doesn't change except when there's an expansion, breaking it off from the clarifications, which change frequently, means there's less to do when I need to make a clarifications update.

2) The updates themselves:

 - added info about how "immediately end your turn" means you do get your end-of-turn phase

 - clarified that Kismet's Talisman is still a villain target when it's in front of a hero, and that it's considered a character card.

 - noted that Omnitron-X must actually have his hp reduced before his reactive plating will trigger

 - clarified that the text on The Dreamer's normal-sized card has the correct text for her end-of-turn effect, not her oversized card.  Same with La Capitan and the misprint on her oversized card.

 - clarified that Omnitron's and Omnitron-X's components are both affected by anything that targets "components"

 - went into the whole thing about "Fixed Point" and "Unforgiving Wasteland" and how heroes can now have their hp go negative and can be removed from the game by UW, and gave some examples of what "Fixed Point" would mean for certain cards.

 - pointed out that Scholar's elemental forms aren't Limited, so you can have as many of them out at a time as you want.

 - clarified that when an effect triggers "the first time a target does XYZ in a turn", that's per target per turn, not just once per turn.

 - clarified that Miss Information isn't a target at all when she's on her "Demure Office Worker" side.

 - clarified that it's not a misprint that Chrono-Ranger's "Ultimate Bounty" doesn't get destroyed when the target it's attached to leaves play.

 - I included links for just about all of these new rulings and managed to add one for an older ruling too.  Most of the info in my doc still doesn't have links to where the info came from, but I'm trying to do better going forward. 

I forgot to mention that the card list has been updated to include Shattered Timelines cards. 

You are awesome for maintaining this, Spiff. b^_^