SotM Event #16: SotM Depth Chart <Best Forum Activity 2014 Award Winner>

No worries!

I'll volunteer for Parlimentarian of the I hate the Dreamer in Silver Gulch fanclub (it's really the only skill I have.) 

She and the Hayes bros. conspired to make short work of us. I also used my redo and came out ok (although Silver Gulch had a nice rejoinder at the end with Sheriff Pratt opening fire on a little girl and causing Legacy to drop to 3 in the final seconds.) 

And that is another reason why Sheriff Pratt is a terrible environment target.

Can't post game 4.

Got VERY lucky in the beginning (sorta).  Started w/ Diplomatic Envoy and What Doesn't Kill You.  When we got through Diplomatic Envoy, got 2x What Doesn't Kill You on the start of the turn, then Diversionary Tactics revealed Explosion in the Lab and The Memo (or whatever it's called), still at the start, flipping Ms. Information and then destroying The Memo.

She then proceeded to deal a ton of damage (reduced by 2 thanks to shielding winds), and killed Setback (he got better! (silver lining, 14 tokens)) and got Argent Adept down to 1 hp before we took her down.  Still....scary!

However, I cannot add the game, as the form only allows up to game 3 at the moment.

Wow, I conpletely forgot about updating the form. Busy now, but I will update it later.

EDIT: Fixed.

Well the Dreamer destroyed my heroes. I used the reset after losing the first game basically turn one after she started with two dark heroes in play and then played one of her card that put in 3 more projections. Mixed with the Whipacorn and Arachnid my team never saw the light. Second game started much better but towards the end my team ran out of steam. Ended with me losing Parse, Wraith, Legacy, and Ra. Omnitron X walked away from the fight with exactly 1 hp left. It was a tense moment as I figured out the damage for the villain turn, subtracting for his plating and then figuring out exactly what each of the incaped heroes had to do for me to win. Luckily turn order wise Omnitron X went last for me. 

Conclusion- I hate the Dreamer.

Just got done with my first game against the Enead, went pretty smooth, haven't played against them in forever. Set for MVP though his incapacitated side eneded up finishing off the last couple of them. 

Randomized the first 3 advance games (rounds 6-8).

I've been getting pretty lucky the first couple games, but I'm dreading the advanced, as I very rarely play advanced in general, and my luck has to run out at some point(knock on wood). Though, first I need to get through the slugfest that is Akash-bhuta.

I randomized rounds 9 and 10, in case you want to play a bunch of games tomorrow. Yes, round 9 was completely random, and 10 could be dangerous if you are running out of heroes.

I cannot, as of yet, submit games beyond Round 5.

Also, I shed a tear for Omnitron-X, who proved enragingly incapable of getting his psychic defense plating out against Miss Information. Goodnight, sweet prince, and may flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.

Wow, I am really dropping the ball here. Will fix that now.

EDIT: Done. I won't be able to update things until tomorrow night. Have fun until then!

So if the Dreamer is Incapped do you incap the heroes who were playing for the purposes of this ongoing match up?

Yeah, any loss you lose all heroes involved.

@Matchstickman:  I would think so.  It says if the heroes lose a game, but doesn't specify "lose by being incapped."  Unless, of course, you use a redo.  But I'm not an authority on this particular event.

In other news, the first four matches have been interesting.  By far, The Dreamer has been the most challenging.  Both Chrono and KNYFE ended up down, but Ra, Tachyon, and Visionary were able to clear out the remaining projections that following turn.  And thankfully.  Even just the hits from The Dreamer herself would have incapped Visionary and Tachyon both, leaving just Ra left, and that would have been rough.  The other three fights have been easier, with Kismet probably providing the least resistance.  Its entertaining getting to see how these different teams are stacking up.


EDIT: Ninja'd before my second ever forum post...

At least you got it out of the way early.

Well, that went downhill rapidly.

Team (Legacy, Tachyon, Visionary, Haka, Tempest) handled the Ennead without much trouble.  Had them on the ropes by the 3rd round and finished them off early in the 4th.  Nuit arriving as a reinforcement did not help them much since she immediately drew a lot of attacks and went down in a single round.  MVP was the Legacy-Tempest combo; Galvanize + Inspired Presence adding damage to Electrical Storm/Squall/Tempest one-shots.  Haka and Tachyon chipped in, but the former combo wore out the Ennead wholesale.  And Geb got eaten by the Kraken.

Kismet wasn't too much trouble either.  Some intial issues when she rolled out Lady Luck and Inconceivable Obstruction in Round 2.  But Visionary and Tachyon took shots at it and it eventually went down.  Haka drew a number of Jinxes, but Kismet never really got the opportunity to make damage stick.  MVP was Tachyon; a couple of well-timed Hypersonic Assaults and she finished off the villain with a couple of 16-point Lightning Barrages.

And then came the fight with the Dreamer...

She trashed the team after flipping.  Environment had an Explosives Wagon out, and after the psychic damage attack the 3 card play pulled out about seven projections which incapped three heroes. The other two went done the next round.

So we opt for the mulligan.

And The Dreamer kicked their asses again.  Things looked better going into the flip, and a Take Down was in place to reduce how quickly a ton of projections came back out.  But then HP started running low, an Explosives Wagon came out again,  and heroes started dropping leaving the rest really vulnerable.  Ended up having 7 projections under The Dreamer, but another a combination of two Dark Heroes and an Illusonary Demon were too much.

So the first team is down and out.  Time to see how the second line fares against Miss Information.

The War Report, Round 4-6

Miss Information @ Freedom Tower: Using Omni's Timeshift, I brought out enough clues to flip Miss Information quite quickly. Too quickly. Foolishly quickly. Lacking enough time to set-up, the fight quickly became a battle to survive. With her last HP, Visionary mind wrested the Diplomatic Envoy and saved the rest of the team. Omnitron, meanwhile, drew useless card after useless card, and died without ever seeing the Technological Advancement or plating that would have saved his life. Argent Adept kept the rest alive with heals, and AZ built up enough HP to take her down. Ouch. Considered using replay. Decided to press on.
Visionary (RIP) - Omnitron X (RIP) - Argent Adept - Absolute Zero - KNYFE

Akash'Bhuta @ Realm of Discord: Visionary's replacement, Parse, almost immediately locked Akash's deck down, getting rid of those nasty eruptions. Cap Cosmic loaded KNYFE up with 7 constructs and gave the Adept some tools to go combo-nuts with damage boosts. The rest was just a matter of time. Victory is sweet.
Parse - Captain Cosmic - Argent Adept - Absolute Zero - KNYFE

Advance Baron Blade @ Rook City: My team's slow set-up almost sunk them, but one final flurry from KNYFE flipped the Baron before he could pull the moon down on Termina--I mean, Rook City. Though Blade was handing out some serious hurt with S&B, with some more combos from Cap and Adept, KNYFE carved through the Baron's mech suit without too much difficulty. Zero helped, too.
Parse - Captain Cosmic - Argent Adept - Absolute Zero - KNYFE

Dreamer gets my vote for the worst so far, though we'll see if advanced Dawn does anything to change that.

Silly question, but if you have fewer than 5 heroes left for some reason, should you still consider H = 5, or should you lower H to the number of heroes you have remaining?

Woof, my streak continues, if barely. Only a well timed combo of Heroic Interception combined with with Human Shield kept my heroes alive against that devious fiend Blade. Time to go up against Dawn, who I hate even in normal mode.