Good luck everyone who works on this. I'm looking forward to the finished product.
What a fun plan! I do a lot of theatre work in my time, including a fair bit of voice acting on the internet (primarily fan projects, but oi, work is work). Unfortunately, my computer with most of my equipment is gone forever, so that is a major set back.
I've also done some script editing in college, so I wouldn't mind helping with that. As for writing proper, I can't be sure if I'd be up to the task, what with pre-established characters that have much more history and characterization than we've seen. I'd hate to do something 'wrong' with any of them.
That's much the same reason I've not volunteered to do writing - if I'm gonna write something, I want to be able to make up everything myself, not use characters and settings and stuff that someone else came up with - that's their stuff and I wouldn't want to mess around with it and, as you say, get stuff "wrong". But ordinarily, I love writing stuff - my ideal job would involve just that. So if someone else wants to come up with the script and stuff, I'm fine with attempting to voice a character ;).
I just saw that grysqrl on linked this to me - as a voice actor I'm intrigued. Count me in.
I think I'd make a great narrator.
If you want even more fun, try me on iTunes on an audio quiz show: PopQuizzical
or on a dictionary improv game show: Word Rango
Pydro is currently working on finalizing things with the Greater than Games legal team. When that's done, we'll hopefully be able to start casting voice actors. Did you make your sample clip yourself?
I love this idea, my wife always said I should try out for cartoon/ tv voice acting. I'll want to try out fot the voice acting stuff. I could even do a bunch a samples of the ones I'm interested in doing.
I'm not sure how to add a line to put my name down to addition for the voice acting in the spread sheet.
I did make the clip reel myself. Something I quickly threw together for someone a few weeks back, comprised of some stuff I've done.
I brought it up because currently no one has signed up to help out with production for the project. If you could help out with production as well as provide a voice, it would probably be much appreciated.
I'm not saying no, but I would need to know more of the overall scope and vision before I could assist in a production capacity. (I stay pretty busy.)
Perhaps we could chat sometime on Skype after people with law degrees say "sure, tear it up with audio".
UPDATE: Paul and he legal department have made up sometihng, and all I have to do is sign it. Nielzabub, with BlueHairedMeerkat's help, has already started working on the script, and we right now have a 5-episoded arc. Really. We have tons of parts, and it's about time for the consultants to start working.
You may have noticed that nobody has signed up for production. That's not so bad as it will take a long time. Instead of signing up for everything, it would be helpful if we broke it down. So if anybody knows a good program, please PM me (I think Foote said he had something). We could also use some help finding/making the sound effects. So if a couple of people want to take a few minutes to search aaround for those, that would be incredibly helpful.
Becuase production might be an issue, I asked the writers to come up with a small sample scene that we can start working on as a proof of concept. BlueHairedMeerkat wrote up a very short scene titled, "At home with the Stinson's." I has 3 parts: Narrator, Tachy, and Dana. If possible, I would like to start editting this, casting it, and recording it as fast as possible, so that the production side know where it's going before getting everything else all at once.
One issue that came up is how public the process should be. I have no problem with everyone working on it, but to post something up then have 50 people fixing one line that was already fixed, or going in different directions might be a problem. So, if anybody has some thoughts on this, it would be very helpful. For now, I am uploading BlueHairedMeerkat's proof of comcept scene, so the consultants can start working on that.
Dibs on the narrator.
We'd need to have those production positions segmented.
Need proofreaders, a few looking for continuity and such, those shouldn't be hard to do. Most people see production and say "I don't know how to produce an audio broadcast."
The dificulty is going to be in putting together audio, we need a person or two that know what they are doing. Also need at least one person in charge of simply making sure everyone who needs to know certain things knows them. There's going to be a pretty good amount of secretarial work, just coordinating people's schedules and making sure people stay on the schedule.
I'd love to be a voice actor, but I just lost my computer and the new one is on he cheap, so I'm out (don't even have a mic). I caould assist in an organizational capacity. I am not familiar with the process at all, but I can type and relay info and coordinate a decent bit.
Really glad to see this is getting going.
I'd love to voice act too, but my problem is my accent. I'm not sure I could do a convincing enough generic American accent, let alone a specific regional one.
If there's anything female and British (my regional British accents are quite good) that I could try out for that'd be amazing.
@Silverleaf, I don't think there's any reason that Tachyon's wife Dana couldn't be British.
Dana doesn't strike me as a particularly non-British name. Actually, it almost sounds Scottish. (if Scottish =/= British, don't hurt me; it's all very confusing)
Best explanation I've found.
Ah. Yeah, that's pretty helpful.
Yeah, the Scots are British whether they like it or not.
I think of myself as English to be honest, but I'll accept that I'm British next and European after that.
And the name Dana has many origins, including Celtic. It's not common over here though.
There's also the narrator, and a couple of police officers of indeterminate ethnicity.
According to The Most Popular Names - Behind the Name , you are correct, and it is much more popular as a name in the US than in England, Wales, or Scotland.