Spiff's SotM Accessories

Here are the accessories I use to enhance my SotM gaming experience. If you’d like, you can print them out and use them too. They can be found at:


1) Card Boxes

Card boxes for all the environments, all the villains, and all the heroes for both the core set and Rook City expansions.

The Environment and Villain boxes are 1/2" deep and will fit both the thinner core set cards as well as the thicker cards that came with the expansions and the Expanded Edition, so you won’t need to print new boxes if you plan on upgrading to the Expanded Edition. However, because there are so many more cards in a hero deck, those thicker decks will require thicker boxes. Expatriette and Mr. Fixer both already have the 3/4" boxes to accommodate their thicker cards, but once the Expanded Edition comes out, I’ll update this collection to include 3/4" deep boxes that will fit all of the new, thicker hero decks. I’ll also post a separate .zip file containing the older, thinner boxes for people who are still using the original core set.

2) Card-sized Health Trackers

These hp trackers utilize a dual-spinner design and are small enough to fit in a card box along with each hero/villain’s cards, making them a good, portable alternative to using dice or whatever to track hero & villain health. Trackers for all of the heroes and villains in both the core set and Rook City are included.

3) Oversized Hero Cards/HP Trackers

These are 4x6 oversized hero cards that include an integrated hp tracker. All the heroes from the core set and Rook City are included, as well as the Young Legacy and Rook City Wraith alternate hero versions.

4) Oversized Villain Cards + Advanced Mode Cards

These are 8x6 oversized villains card. All villains from the core set and Rook City expansion are included. They combine the two separate villain cards that come with each villain deck into a single, giant target for your heroes to focus on. I’ve made a couple of modifications to the cards which I think are improvements:

To save room on the card, and since you don’t always need the Advanced Mode rules, I’ve broken Advanced Modes out into their own normal-sized cards. If you are fighting the villain’s Advanced Mode, you just lay out the Advanced card and follow the rules as shown. But if you’re not fighting the Advanced Mode, the Advanced Mode text isn’t on the villain card and you can completely ignore it.

I’ve made other small changes to the layout of the card to improve readability and flow when quickly scanning the card, including the use of an “SV” and “EV” icon to replace the verbose text “at the start of the villain turn” or “at the end of the villain turn”. This saves space on the card, improves readability, and the icons are colored to make it easy to quickly see what needs doing at what points during the villain phase.

Also, the rules on the Omnitron villain card are a little different than the ones on the normal villain card. I incorporated a suggestion made by someone here on the forums that lets Omnitron get devices out a little bit more regularly, which makes him a bit more interesting and challenging as a villain, IMO.

5) Oversized Environment Cards

These are 8x6 cards that have a place to put the environment deck and discards (kind of like a placemat for the environment). They aren’t necessary in any way, but I think having them laid out on the table next to the villain cards gives extra color and flavor to the game. Feel free to ignore these if you don’t have the room when playing, or if you just don’t think they’re something you’d like to use. All core set and Rook City environments are included.

If you find any mistakes or problems with the files, please let me know so I can correct them.

This is awesome!!! I think I’m most tempted by the big villain cards, but i’ve played a few times where space was already limited…I’ll probably make them anyway.

Many thanks, Spiff. Greatly appreciate all the work you (and others) are putting into tools for the rest of us to consume.

And we will gladly consume them! 8)


This is amazing. You’ve really outdone yourself Spiff by putting this together for us.

As promised, I’ve added a link in the original post to card boxes for every environment, villain, and hero. As usual, if you see anything that needs fixing with the files, please let me know.

I’ve also added a link to oversized cards I use when playing to represent the environments. They’re by no means necessary to the game, but I like them.

There’s one more set of files I’d like to post up, the oversized hero cards with built-in spinners that I use while playing. I’m going to have to go through the files and simplify them before they’ll be ready for outside consumption though, so stay tuned for those.

I’ve updated the original post to include a link to the oversized hero cards with integrated hp tracker spinners that I use while playing. That’s my last group of accessories to post, so enjoy. When Rook City comes out and I hopefully get my hands on the art from that expansion, I’ll post files for all that new stuff too. :slight_smile:

Updated to add a link to the card-sized hp trackers. When Rook City comes out, I’ll include these in the set of things I update.

Original post updated to include a link to the new Rook City versions of all of these filetypes.

I noticed something when I tried putting together one of the card boxes, the top and bottom’s depth is less than the sides, thus making them not able to fit correctly unless you fold past the line to make more space. Also, the Rook City Hero boxes seem a tad small, it looks like you made all card boxes the same size, while the decks in Rook City are bigger than the core set.

  1. I’ve printed out every one of the card boxes I’ve Photoshopped up, and I never noticed that the tops/bottoms of the card boxes are indeed about 1/16" smaller than the sides. I’ll update that and post a new .zip collection. In fact, it will be a good excuse to do something I’ve been wanting to do for a while, which is to include the new art from the hp trackers that went out to the Kickstarters on the back of the hero boxes.

  2. Before I actually got my hands on the Rook City expansion, I had posted up a .zip file containing new card boxes, because I figured that since I already had the art there was no reason to not just slap it on my card box template and share it early. Once I actually got the cards though, I saw that their new thickness would require a thicker box, so I reworked my template for Expatriette and Mr. Fixer, and that’s what’s posted up currently. I just downloaded the .zip that is posted here to double-check, and both Mr. Fixer and Expatriette do indeed use a 3/4-inch box template compared to the 1/2-inch template that all the other boxes use.

If you’re seeing something else, maybe you’re still pulling down the old .zip that doesn’t include the full Rook City set of accessories? You should be getting a .zip that includes card boxes, oversized hero and villain cards, etc. whereas the old .zip (which has the same filename as the new one) only had stuff I could make before I’d actually gotten the expansion.

The card boxes have been updated. The same links in the original post will now get you boxes with the following changes:

  1. I’ve fixed the problem Koga pointed out, so the tops/bottoms of the boxes now match the sides.

  2. I’ve lengthened the tuck panel so that there’s now more to tuck in when the box is closed. It was too short before and the boxes had a hard time staying closed, but now they’re much better.

  3. All of the hero boxes now have their new art from the Kickstarter hp trackers on the back of the boxes (so, different art front and back now).

  4. While I was at it, I updated Bunker’s logo, since I never really liked the one I’d given him before.

The Rook City .zip file now contains updated versions of the card boxes as well (the two Rook City hero boxes didn’t need updating).

I printed out one of the boxes and put it together to make sure I’d fixed the sizing problem, and then I went through and updated every other box in a big batch. So if you told me there was something I’d overlooked in there somewhere, I’d believe you. However, I think everything’s good to go. If you find any further problems, please let me know.

I just made mine, and I actually used photo paper to print them on. They ended up looking quite lovely that way, and they’re a bit sturdier, too. ;D

Same here, almost done putting them all together too. Mine get used at my game club so wanted something nice to put them in. Using Kodak photo paper with a Kodak printer so I don’t need to mess with any settings. and they all fit nicely into one of my big cardboxes, just printed out a logo for SotM and put that on the big box. Plan to use my Dominion: Alchemy box once more expansions come out, just cover it up with wrapping paper and put the SotM box art on the front, unless they make a better storage solution themselves.

Doesn’t the photo paper get a little tacky on the photo side? Are you worried that if two boxes touch each other, they could stick together? I haven’t printed photos in years, and maybe photo paper is much better now than I remember it being.

Doesn’t seem to be tacky at all, and I think I’d be aware if it was going to be by now considering all the folding and applying pressure involved in their construction. I bought a pack of HP Everyday Photo Paper (or something like that), and it was around $11 for 50 sheets. So all said and done, the cases cost about $6, and I still have paper for more in the future.

I’ll update this if they get tacky over time, but so far I think photo paper has been improved upon since you (and I) last used it.

UPDATE: I use and enjoy the oversized hero hp trackers that I link to in the original post, but their design has always had one flaw that irritated me – the head of the metal fastener sticks out of the back of the tracker so that when you’ve got a stack of the trackers, they get caught on each other and are hard to stack neatly. I’ve come up with a solution though which really seems to work well. In the new design, the metal fastener attaches the spinner to a third piece of paper which gets sandwiched between the front and back of the tracker. This extra layer adds some stiffness to the tracker which I like, and now, the head of the metal fastener is safely tucked away inside the tracker so that stacked trackers can slide over each other in your storage box the way Jeebus intended.

I’ve updated the file that the original post links to, so if you’re interested, you can get these new oversized hero hp trackers with the new design just by following that link. I’ve also updated the Rook City .zip file so that Expatriette, Mr. Fixer, and the Alt. Wraith trackers utilize the new design as well.

Also, the Incapacitated side of the cards now show the new hero art (still in black and white), if available.

I’ve made a couple of updates to the files. The card-sized hp trackers have had the following changes:

  1. I updated the hero trackers to include their alternative art (from the official hp trackers that came out with the Rook City Kickstarter) so that they have different art on the front and back.

  2. I improved the tracker’s dials. It was always a stupid design flaw that I didn’t space the numbers properly around the dial. When counting down the ones dial, you’d go clockwise through 5, 4, 3, 2, 1… then have to walk the dial back counter-clockwise to 9, 8, 7 etc. every time you dropped down to the next lowest tens digit. Lame. Now the dials have all ten digits repeated all the way around the dial so that you never have to reverse the direction you move it while counting. You can now count down through 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 9, 8, 7 etc. without having to reverse the direction you’re moving the dial.

  3. My daughter has been forever irritated with the Omnitron tracker. There are only two dials, so it could only ever show 99 or zero, not 100 which is the amount of hp Omnitron has. And with Akash’bhuta coming up (200 hp), that was a design problem I’d need to tackle eventually. Rather than add a third dial, which would have made the whole thing either unusable or require that it be increased in size so that it no longer fit inside a card box, I opted to add a pull-out strip that shows “+100” to keep track of the hundreds digit. Akash’bhuta’s tracker will be able to show multiple "+100"s on her pull-out strip. That was the least terrible idea I could come up with to manage these ultra high-hp villains.

Also, I’ve removed the link to the star-design hp trackers (although I still have them in case anyone cares). I don’t think that dual-star design ended up being better than the card-sized trackers, and with the advent of 100+ hp villains, it wasn’t sustainable. So I’m not planning on making any more of those for future expansions.

Lastly, I originally posted all the Rook City accessories in their own .zip file so that someone who had previously downloaded the accessories didn’t need to re-download everything just to get the Rook City stuff. I’ll do that again when I post the Infernal Relics files, but Rook City has been out long enough that I decided to fold all of the Rook City files into the core set .zip files, meaning that the card boxes .zip file now contains card boxes for both the core set and Rook City. That’s easier for me to maintain whenever I make changes to the files.

I made a couple of updates to the accessories. These include:

  1. The location of the files has changed. The original post has the correct link. Rather than linking directly to the many individual files, I’m just going to point people at a single landing page that I can more easily keep up-to-date.

  2. Updates to the oversized hero hp trackers. I’ve increased the awesomeness of Bunker’s and Ra’s trackers by adding some camo patterns and flames, respectively. I also updated Young Legacy’s logo to actually say “Young”, and have updated the rules on Rook City Wraith’s tracker to follow a suggestion made by someone here on the forums which I thought was a good one. The tracker now states that RC Wraith can reveal the top card of the environment deck and either discard it, play it, or (the new part) put it back on top of the deck. If you don’t want to play with this new rule, which seems to make her power actually useful now, then you can use the old tracker if you’d prefer.

  3. Because I updated Young Legacy’s logo on her oversized hero card, I also updated the logo on her card-sized hp tracker to match. I also updated RC Wraith’s logo on her small hp tracker.

  4. I updated the Advanced Mode cards for the villains, though it’s such a small update it’s probably not worth re-printing them. I just removed the text I had originally put on there that showed the “issue title” for each villain. My original thinking was that as new alt versions of villains came out, you’d need to be able to tell which Advanced card went with which villain, so I added the matching issue title to do that. But I see now that the alternate versions of villains will have their own new art too, so there’s no chance you’d mistake which Advanced card went with which villain, and that issue title text is unneeded. So I removed it.

  5. I play against the Chairman and the Operative so infrequently that I had never noticed how half-assed I’d done the Operative’s character card. I updated it so that now her incapacitated side is grayed-out like all the hero’s incapacitated sides are on my oversized hero cards. Plus, I changed the color of the hp tracker spinner and fixed the interior piece that you attach it to so that it looks and works better.


I really like how they look, and I prefer it over my cards held together with ribbon. But before I invest in this, I would really like to know if they can fit sleeved cards.


Merged with existing thread to make it easier for folks to find the information.

Personally, I haven’t used Spiff’s boxes, so I’ll let someone else report on that. Sorry! :-\