Spiff's SotM Accessories

I don’t sleeve my cards, so I’ve never checked, however it’s an easy enough experiment. Give me the dimensions of of a pile of 40, 25, and 15 cards when sleeved, and I can see if they fit their respective boxes. Alternately, you can download the .zip file, print out a single box on regular printer paper, cut and fold it into the right shape and hold it together with simple tape, and then plop in your sleeved cards to see how it fits.

Note that the dimensions will differ depending on whether the cards come from the core game or the later releases.

Just played the first SotM Scenario with Dr. Wagner. The Doc ended the game with max hit points. Unity, Nightmist, Legacy, Tempest, and Argent Adept defeated Baron Blade before he even took his first turn on his flipped side. V for Victory.


I've posted updates to as many of my accessories as I can without actually having received any of the new cards.  As always, you can find them on my site www.spiffworld.com/sotm .  The updates include:

  • Card boxes:  includes updates to the hero boxes (more space to accomodate the new thicker card stock, updated art), updates to villain boxes (new art), updates to environment boxes (new art), and all the boxes for Infernal Relics heroes/villains/environments.  A separate file containing hero boxes that fit the first edition printing is available in case you don't have the Enhanced Edition.
  • Oversized hero hp trackers: core heroes have been updated to use new art (nothing new for Tempest, sadly).  There have been some cosmetic updates to the Rook City trackers as well.  There were minor EE rules changes for Legacy, Tempest, and Wraith.  No IR heroes are available yet.
  • Card-sized hp trackers: core hero/villains updated to use new art.  No IR stuff yet.
  • Oversized environments: New art for all four core environments (the older core environments are still included as alts if you prefer them).  Includes IR environments.

I haven't finished updating the Advanced rules cards for villains yet, so the oversized villains file hasn't been changed.  I'll get to that soon.

As you can see, some Infernal Relics stuff is included in this update, but not all.  I hate the idea of posting accessories and then later finding out that the text on some cards changed last minute, causing people to lose money on paper and ink.  So I'm holding off on posting anything from IR or the Kickstarter until I can be 100% sure it's correct.

So let the downloads begin.  If you start printing now, maybe you'll be finished cutting, pasting, and assembling everything before your Kickstarter shipment finally arrives in the mail. ;)

Started printing off card boxes and noticed you didn't update Absolute Zero's art.

That's true. The updated Absolute Zero pic is less colorful than the old one, with him against a grey swirling background of snow. It's kind of bland, IMO. I went back and forth between the new and old pic and finally decided I should go with the one that looked better rather than using the new one just because it's new. I could make another version with the new art if people just loved the grey art best, but I don't know if that's the case. 

I actually like the new art myself. There's also more contrast between him and the background in the new one.

k, I'll put an option together using the new art too. 

New files have been posted.  Each file (oversized hero hp trackers, small hp trackers, card boxes) includes both an "absolute zero" and an "absolute zero - classic art" option.  That should hopefully keep everyone in the 'verse happy.

I've also updated the villain file.  No Infernal Relics stuff yet, but the oversized villain cards have been updated to include each one's difficulty rating from the EE rules book, and the core villains have been updated with their new EE rules (no new rules for Omnitron).  Also, I've shrunk The Operative's mini-boss card down so that all the pieces fit onto one page and so it takes up less room on the table.  All of the Ennead mini-bosses will use this new format, when they come out.

I've updated my site to include oversized villain cards for Cosmic Omnitron and Bomber Baron Blade.  I've also updated the oversized hero hp tracker file to include Redeemer Fanatic and Ra, Horus of Two Horizons with their correct incapacitated text.  Those two are no longer available in their own separate file.

Hey Spiff, I finaly got around to printing off a set of the card boxes and put them together. They're great now that I have them put together but there is a problem with the Ennead, since they have more cards in their deck than your average villain they don't fit into the box. I'm printing off a hero box and pasting the Ennead art over it as a temporary fix.

Wha? Nobody told me they have more cards in their deck than a normal villain (although I probably should have guessed that) and since I still don't have my damn cards yet, I wasn't able to check that they fit (sorry about the italics. calming back down...)

Well, as soon as I get my shipment, I'll check the right size and update the file. Sorry for the inconvenience. 

The button to edit posts has apparently disappeared, so I'll amend my statement here to say, "You say you're using a hero-sized box for now. Is that the actual size the Ennead's box should be, or is that not actually the optimal size either? Because if the answer is just to slap Ennead art on a hero-sized box template, I can do that pretty easily and get the file updated right away. Let me know."

A regular villain deck has two character cards (art/text) and 25 other cards for a total of 27.

The Ennead has nine character art cards, but only one text card, for a total of 35.

Sounds like a box sized for heroes (40 cards) is just the thing then. I'll update my file tonight. 

By 40 I think you may mean 41, or possibly 42 if you're storing an alternate card, too.

Well, I only keep the 40 cards of the deck in my hero boxes since I use oversized cards, but sure.  Whatever hero box size is.

I've updated the .zip file on my site.  The Ennead card box is now the same size as a typical hero box. Please let me know if that doesn't solve the problem.

Spiff, how do you store your SotM cards and related items? Is it easily transportable? I think the oversized villain cards, in particular, tend to be a challenge.

I tend to play almost exclusively at home, so my storage solution isn't particularly travel-oriented.  The few times I've had to take my kit on the road, I've transfered it to a cardboard box, to maximize durability over convenience and to minimize space.

Everything for my game is housed in a single plastic storage container I got from Target.  The cards in their boxes are arrayed on the bottom of the container standing up (so I can read the names of each box on their top ends).  This takes up about 2/3 of the container's floor space.  The remaining 1/3 is where I put the oversized hero and mini-boss cards, standing on their edges so that I can flip through them like a rolodex when I'm looking for heroes at the start of a game.

I use small colored plastic nuggets (similar to the glass beads everyone uses as markers in games, but plastic, smaller, and kind of jaggedey like a gold nugget) as markers for in-game effects.  I lay out a red one when someone gets +1 to damage, a green one when damage to them is reduced by 1, etc.  These all fit in a small plastic box about the size of a card box.  I also use a set of 10 dice to keep track of hp (villain and environment targets only since I've got the other trackers for heroes and villains), which also fit into a small plastic box about the size of a card box.

For the oversized villain cards and the oversized environment cards, each gets its own manila folder which has one edge taped shut.  This forms a kind of pocket I can slip the oversized cards into which keeps them together and protected.  Then I just lay the two manila folders on top of the card boxes.

The storage container fits onto my bookshelf with the other boardgames and works well for me.  Let me know if a pic would help make my explanation more comprehensible.

Interesting. Thanks.