[SPOILERS] Rook City Renegades unboxing & discussion

This topic is created for those who have received and opened/played Definitive Edition: Rook City Renegades. If you’re still waiting on Kickstarter fulfillment or plan to buy it from a game store, you may not want to be here yet.

Found my box on the porch yesterday evening and only just opened it to look at character cards, including Events & Critical Events. Haven’t played or even examined any decks yet.

So far, the biggest


back side of the Fey Court when they’re angry - ouch!
Organization Critical Event - The Bear supplants both the Chairman and the Operative?!
Terrorform back side - knocks out HALF its health once you gain Access?! Must be more difficult than I anticipated.

What’s anyone else seen not previously revealed that made you SQUEEEE! with delight?

I’ll add the text from First Appearance Expatriette that I had to really squint to read. Six page preview of Shear Force?! Yes, please! :exploding_head::rofl:


So, like, as a total surprise or had you received a shipping notification and knew to watch for it?

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No notification. :confused: Happened to check doorbell camera and saw the FedEx guy when I wasn’t expecting anything else. So just a happy surprise!

Christopher did say as of Editor’s Note recording (Jan. 20) they were probably over halfway fulfilled, at least in U.S. if I understood correctly.


Yeah, my suggestion is to sign up for FedEx’s own tracking service. I already had one for UPS since I rarely get packages via FedEx (thank goodness), but FedEx’s general extreme incompetence convinced me to finally just sign up anyway so I can more easily rescue my badly delivered packages. </notbitter>

More on-topic: Mine isn’t due until tomorrow, but speaking from LP server previews I’m mostly happy that after my saying repeatedly I wanted a Robert Johnson hero deck, we at least got him featuring on a few cards which I consider a step in the right direction.

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On a whim, I checked the backerkit page, and saw that mine was handed off to FedEx today and is expected Friday afternoon. Which means… sometime on Monday? Assuming I don’t have to drive out to their facility.

I could be pleasantly surprised. But our experience with the local FedEx folks is… not promising.

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Oooh, that works really well! Logging into BackerKit, I found Rook City Renegades among my backed projects and there was a link right there to FedEx tracking. Good to know. Also: Wheeeeee!


Got mine today, unboxed and started sleeving tonight. Only a few decks in so far, but my biggest surprise is they changed the heights of the deck dividers! Why?! Now I’ve got two different heights of dividers! Argh!

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Because some people that sleeve didn’t like how short the original dividers were.

And considering how many people have been surprised by this, it definitely wasn’t communicated well enough.

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When an errata pack and reprints are done the coreset will have the dividers that match the RCR size.


Hey, is Expatriette’s third incap ability a typo?
Really enjoyed playing her!

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What’s it say? I still haven’t played a game, mostly just looked at art and read Haunted Fanatic’s incap to bring her back as a different Fanatic at a cost to the whole team. That could get interesting with the Oracle of Discord. IIRC, her ability doesn’t remove the Haunted variant from the game.

On a separate note, what’s the incap side of Backdraft Ra meant to represent? It looks like a ruined museum with a janitor in uniform. I didn’t figure it would be Dr. Blake Washington Jr. dressed in those clothes. Maybe it is and I’m just overthinking it.

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Yes. It should be along the lines of this:
1 Hero Character deals 1 target 2 projectile damage.

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Right now it says “1 Hero deals 1 target Hero 2 projectile damage.”

I figured it was an error since damaging other heroes isn’t part of her deck’s schtick, and “target Hero” isn’t the typical phrasing.

It became relevant last night after she was coincidentally the lowest HP every time Ambuscade flipped, and Apprentice Poisoner showed up, or Alpha got too wolfy. I didn’t mind because I enjoyed what I did get out of playing as her – and when we did the Resurrection Ritual, Mr. Fixer had Riveting Crane and a bunch of +1s in play.

Btw, I found the changes to Mr. Fixer to be subtle and effective. He feels largely the same, but the adjustments give him a little more versatility. And I can see how they would encourage players to adjust his styles/tools over the course of a game, though I still spent most of that one with the Crowbars. Overall I like how these mentor figures on Dark Watch now have more team-focused abilities.

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Got mine yesterday!

Haven’t had a chance to play it yet, but so far the changes to Expatriette and Mr. Fixer look great (I especially like the degree to which Expat has moved from “play guns and ammo” to “play ALL THE GUNS AND ALL THE AMMO and then have a plan for supporting allies”, and I am fascinated by the new version of Setback. I feel like he is going to dominate against enemies who take out a lot of ongoings.

You’ll be sad when you can’t take advantage of the Lucky cards though if they are destroyed frequently.


I absolutely love how, on the quote from “Accidental Immolation,” Setback makes Ra break character.

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So after reading the flavor text on Climb Along the Outside my actual thought was “AHA see, I knew Tyler was secretly an adorable dork”


“Secretly?” Need I remind you of the Bunkercopter?


Yep, that was the very thing that got me on the “Tyler is a dork underneath” headcanon in the first place, lol. Now we have even more confirmation.


He’s definitely in the Bunker suit going “BUDDA BUDDA BUDDA BUDDA” during Turret Mode, and you can’t convince me otherwise.