State of GTG - April 2018

Greetings! It is once again the time of the month when I update you about the goings on at Greater Than Games! I believe that we are currently the busiest we have ever been here at GTG, which is really saying something! Here's a list of various things we accomplished in the past month:

  1. Made a bunch of updates to the Patreon for The Letters Page.
  2. We started live streams for a bunch of things, including weekly play-throughs of games with Maggie and the upcoming Sentinel Comics Live RPG with Christopher!
  3. We created our Gen Con schedule and submitted our Gen Con events.
  4. We had several large, complicated meetings about the Core Rulebook for Sentinel Comics: The Roleplaying Game.
  5. Mara and I attended the GAMA trade show in Reno.
  6. Jenn commissioned a massive volume of art for the Sentinel Comics RPG.
  7. We re-arranged a number of offices at GTG HQ to make more space for future growth.
  8. Matt and Jodie cleared our warehouse backlog and began prep for the OblivAeon ship out.
  9. Matt and Jodie began warehouse/packing prep for Gen Con.
  10. Christopher did a bunch of work on Sentinels of Earth Prime.
  11. Adam drew a ton of art for the Sentinel Comics RPG Core Rulebook
  12. I met with a bunch of contractors and architects.
  13. Christopher worked with Underbite Studio to polish the Kickstarter page for Sentinels of Freedom.

Here is the status of all of our works in progress!

In Stock Since January

  1. Nothing!

Shipping to Backers

  1. Nothing!

In Transit; Waiting For A Boat

  1. Spirit Island (even more)
  2. Spirit Island: Branch & Claw reprint
  3. SotM: Core Game reprint
  4. SotM: Vengeance reprint

Completed Mass Production; In China

  1. SotM: Stuntman, Benchmark, & Void Guard
  2. SotM: Complete Hero Variant Collection
  3. SotM: Ultimate Collector's Case
  4. SotM: 5th Anniversary Foil Villain Collection

In Mass Production

  1. Spirit Island (even even more)
  2. Spirit Island: Branch & Claw reprint
  3. Spirit Island: Promo Spirit Pack reprint
  4. SotM: OblivAeon
  5. The giant OblivAeon KS shipping cartons.
  6. New Bedford reprint
  7. SotM: Shattered Timelines & Wrath of the Cosmos reprint
  8. Various SotM mini-expansion reprints

At Factory; Pre-Press Work

  1. Nothing!

Current WIP Focus by GTG

  1. Sentinel Comics: The Role Playing Game core rulebook (Christopher, Jenn, Critical Hits)
  2. Prime War (Christopher)
  3. Sentinels of Earth Prime (Christopher)
  4. Legend of Sleepy Hollow (Chris Kirkman + Jenn)
  5. Spirit Island expansion (Paul + Christopher + Jenn)
  6. Sentinels of Freedom video game (Christopher + Adam)
  7. A new and improved website (Jenn, Paul, Joel, etc)
  8. The History of Sentinel Comics (Christopher, Adam)

I'll see you next month!

Thanks, Paul! Great stuff.  :+1:

Is that the 4th or 5th print run of Spirit Island?!  :open_mouth:

I notice "A cool Sentinel Comics related thing" has been replaced with "The History of Sentinel Comics."

Does this mean it's safe to assume "The History of Sentinel Comics" is the cool Sentinel Comics thing?

I love that these monthly updates make it look like I'm not doing anything. :-) If the shoe fits, I guess...

I think we need a monthly post from Craig on what he's been working on. Craig's Corner! :D

You've been entertaining us on Facebook; I consider that valuable.

Craig, I assume you herd cats. That or are dealing with all the con stuff and managing volunteers. Oh, you also started a Facebook live feed that Christopher tramples over.


It must be a tough problem to constantly having to print Spirit Island stuff. I can't wait for the Kickstarter, It better be this year. My Friends have told me to let them know when it is happening.

Sorry Craig!

Craig has been doing monthly Facebook livestreams and collecting Citizens for all of our upcoming shows, as well as a bunch of customer service stuff :)

@rjc917 You're correct :)

On one hand, that's a bit disappointing, since we've known for months that they were working on that.  On the other hand, it would be nice to get that in 2018 along with the RPG.

I thought the history bit was going to be part of the RPG honestly.  

Architects! That sounds exciting.



Good new: the boxes are printed.

Bad new: OblivAeon still isn't.


I guess OblivAeon's episode in the Letter Pages will be delayed too.


At this rate I don't believe it will be. Most people should have gotten or be getting their stuff in July when the episodes are currently scheduled to air, so we plan to stick to that schedule unless something dramatic changes.

There is a bunch of stuff to be happy about in this update! I noticed a Spirit Island expansion is now an official thing and Prime War is moving up in priority.

Thanks for your answer, Paul.


I keep my finger crossed ! 

I admit that buying Spirit Island for my own amusement has gotten tempting after seeing the LoadingReadyRun folks streamplaying it last month.

Jesyie, you got TTS? I can teach you the game in that. It is a fun game and everyone should buy it.

In fact, @jeysie - if you've got time tonight/now-ish (about 7:45 PM your time), I'll happily jump on and teach you now if you've got TTS.


@Paul and @Maggie - I've said this on the Kickstarter update page, but I'm a person for whom the live-stream update thing just really. doesn't. work. at. all. Çould I please request that live-stream updates be either alternated with, or done simultanesouly with on the same topic as, straight-text (with still photos as applicable) ones? Please?

I'm not sure what you mean by Prime War moving up in priority. It's been #2 on the list since State of GTG - September 2017. Also I'm not sure this is really a priority list per se, as Paul describes in the initial rundown how Christopher did a bunch of work on Sentinels of Earth Prime, but no there's no info on Prime War.

Christopher has a group working on Tactics(rip) and they are chugging along. The game is changing a lot and there is activity in the playtest forums. I am not sure If they announced the people working on it. ( I just overheard it at PAX Unplugged)

But I don't see it happening this year. WIth Sentinels of Freedom, the RPG and Spirit Island being kick-started this year it is hard to fit another game in this IP this year. *I am not sure If the Spirit Island is being kick-started this year if they push it to next year, Tactics(rip) has space to be kick-started.* But let us face it Spirit Island is doing well so now is the time to strike and make more of that game.


Sentinels of Earth Prime is going to be a year late. I am sure they are catching heat on that one. The good thing is that Adam doesn't need to do art for that one.