Since our favorite superhero game is HERE, and with the recent suggestion of making one, I figured I'd take the initiative to compile everyone's steam name under one thread. I'll update all the names on the first post so we don't have to scroll through it.
When we get multiplayer mode in the game, it will be exciting to have a nice platform to have our game sessions on, rather than having to have the physical cards in front of us and a Google spreadsheet. For that, this list will help us find each other to host games.
To make it easier for your fellow forumites to find you, you may also include a link to your steam profile. If your profile is private, only these links will allow us to find you. I'll try to find people on Steam and add the link myself, so if your name doesn't have one then we probably can't find you. You should give us your CURRENT Steam nickname in order to send friend requests, or else your profile cannot be discovered.
- Killswitch: General Specific
- Ronway: Ronway
- bluedarky: Bluedarkyugi
- Craig: imprimis5
- slaaneshi611: Comrade Bubbles
- Meizke: m3zik3
- McBehrer: Siegmeyer of Catarina
- Donner: Deja-Fu
- Ameena: Ameena
- cmschex: cmschex
- Defeateddust: Defeateddust
- Medic-Tank: lemieuxpy
- MigrantP: migrantp
- dshields: dshields
- Silverleaf: Just Assume...
- jffdougan: jffdougan
- Sejixs: JezziBail
- Blossercubbles: Blossercubbles
- lynkfox: Lynkfox
- Matchstickman: LtUlman
- BlueHairedMeerKat: BlueHairedMeerKat
- Rabk: Rabk
- boxerboyhomer: boxerboyhomer
- Krayden006: Krayden006
- arenson9: arenson9
- Azqa: AzqaGames
- DerpTheBugbear: DerpTheBugbear
- Nielzabub: Nielzabub
- Theta_Sigma: mytana
- Koga: Koga Wolfe
- Reckless: Reckless
- bessyrocks12: bessyrocks12
- tyrannoninjarex: tyrannoninjarex
- Amnachaidh: Amnachaidh
- grysqrl: grysqrl
- Sailornash: Nash
- SSJ3Godzilla: SSJ3Godzilla
- SpiredWarrior: SpiredWarrior
- VisforYoshi: VisforYoshi
- saaryaffe: saaryaffe
- Arcanist Lupis: namlegz
- Bharryn: Bharryn
- Bella Strega: Bella Strega
- UXM266: uxm266
- jajd2c: Orsus Z
- Powerhound_2000: Powerhound_2000
- Animus: ronfraz63
- Phantom5613: Mr. Phantom
- afbncaap: Frog
- Veebeebee: Arrowbro
- Riff.freelance: Riff4freelance
- Broccoli: Broccoli
- kitmehsu: Kitmehsu
- Estelindis: Estelindis
- eviltoon: Eviltoon
- SeeSome: SeeSome
- ColdfireSerge: ColdfireSerge
- Natediggadoggity: Natediggadoggity