Tactics Storage Solutions?

I know this may be hard to believe, but I have been holding on to all the stuff from the tactics kickstarter to give as Hanukkah presents to my son and daughter. So last night they opened the base tactics set and were uber excited. We popped out all the tokens and put them in bags, but we're totally stumped as to how they are suppose to go in the box. I am sure everyone has tackled this issue by now, so I was hoping I could see some good storage solutions. Especially with the expansion and minis coming. So let me know what you came up with! 

PS - pictures can truly be worth 1000 words...

I took out the inlay. It's heresy, but that's what I do.

I have all the power cards in baggies with their tokens in the uprising box.

In the Tactics box I have the Environment tokens (Monorail/Lava/Dinosaurs) in the long tray.  I have the Health tokens in the most square area, the Turn order+Objective markers in the other middle one, and then the scenario stuff for Operative in one bag, the mist and shards and related powe cards in another in the wider side pocket, with the Baron Blade scenario powers and tokens in the other side pocket.  

(Sorry for the crappy photo, my camera died and this is from my webcam of suckitude)


Then the Hex Tiles in the middle where they are designed to fit, the Character cards on top of them, the scenario books on top of that and the big rule book on the very top.  In the two top pockets I have the rectangular tokens and the dice, and the other has the Omnitron Scenario cards and tokens.


I see that Spiff has generated some deck boxes. Anybody come up with something good for the tokens?

I just use baggies for the tokens, which isn't best but seems to work OK.  I also took out the insert to be able to fit everything into the box.

My current storage:

In the uprising box: All character cards with their tokens in indvidual baggies, scenario card and tokens in individual baggies, small baggie of dice, bag of turn-cards with scenario and turn tokens and all character sheets.

In the main box: Environment tiles and tokens, including lava, citizens/thugs and underbosses, scenario booklets and rule booklet.

Hope to make an insert that allows everything, including mini's in individual slots, to fit in the main box (will need to create some extra headspace in the box for that though).

Very nice everyone. Thanks for the help!

My plastic insert has long gone out with the recycling.

Each character has a baggie containing its token, mini+base, and power cards. All of those baggies are kept in a big baggie.

Scenarios and environment-specific things are organized similarly.

Stuff you need for every game (tokens, dice, etc) is all in a baggie together.

With this setup, it's really quick & easy to get a game started. Pull out the map tiles and "every game" bag, have people choose characters, pull out exactly the characters needed, done.

It all fits in the main Tactics box. I'm using the Uprising box for Halo action clix =)

That's pretty much exactly what I've done, expect the minis are awaiting painting and I'll likely store those separately. Possibly in the Uprising box, but that's tbc.

Me, too, except I have no illusions that I will ever paint them.

Me too, except the Halo-clix part.

Damn I was hoping I would have someone to play Halo clix with! Maybe I'll just add Master Chief to Tactics =)

I have Heroclix and AvP clix. :D  Also some horrorclix.  They're probably compatible.  I just don't store them in my Uprising box. :D

They're pretty much all HeroClix now.

Some are primed, and I'm buying the rest of the paint I need tomorrow. I haven't painted a mini since I was about 19 though, so I don't know yet whether mine will end up any good…

I have most everything in the insert, bagged seperately for ease of use. I just put things under it. Namely some heroes and the mist tiles. I think that's it. There IS enough room for everything in the box with the insert, it just takes a while to get everything sorted the first time.

I have designed an insert that will hold everything and leave room for expansions. The minis are a tricky one though. I have tried multiple designs to fit all the minis in the Uprising box but I need another half inch of height.   I just use some plano cases to hold them. I haven't built and tested the insert yet but I have designed the layout and will work on the prototype soon.   But the minis really are a struggle

My set up only works if you have all the miniatures, and consequently can remove all of those tokens from your tray.

![](upload://wAluKfpcLSbRkJtFNLDJOuujvAR.jpeg)             ![](upload://dFlKtr17nSbEB7w2krzOqO1AFSR.jpeg)

1.  Villains Cards, Scenario Powers, and Units (in tuckpacks/boxes)

2.  Heroes (in tuckpacks)

3.  Monorail, T-Rex, and Omni-Repear (miniature transport foam used as space filler & divider)

4.  The tokens that will be replaced by the Minions Mini Set, and Objective tokens (in custom token pouches)(miniature transport foam used as space filler)

5. dice

6. bag 1 (health tokens), bag 2 (attack, defense, & aim/dodge tokens)

7. all other tokens, except those replaced by a mini  (in custom token pouches)

8. Map tiles, books, etc... placed above in designated spaces

![](upload://8pxb54Hlz3VL5cKeC7aYkeuYWx1.jpeg)Custom token pouch


card stock straps around character cards to keep them together  (card stock is much better than rubber bands as there is no compression to bend your cards)

Love the token packs. 

