The Best Heroes-A Statistical Community Effort

i like that. Lets you set it up so that you can also show play order.

Done. Im going to have to try to see if i can move the responses around though, its all crazy out of order now on the spread sheet.:/

I also wonder if the Promo heroes should have subdivisions, in some way.  Maybe you'd be able to look at the total number of winning games that Wraith has been in, and then see how many were for each of her different cards.

I added the link to the form in the top post, and made this topic sticky. Have fun you guys! I love me some statistics :)

Is it me or the form is missing Unity?

Great work, by the way.

it is I forgot her and the scholar when I updated the format. fix it tonight

yeah at the moment this is still just data collection. Once we have the data we can display it however we want

Is it worth allowing for 2 person games?

I recommend setting all variables to default to blank. Force people to put in valid information. Don't let them accidentally leave invalid information in place.

Question like 'Did the game feel ...' could use a n/a or maybe an unsure option. Give people a way to _unchoose_ if they click on something but later decide they don't want to report anything for that variable.

For variables that allow people to rate something, I find it useful to give people an exactly middle option. I normally apply this guidelines to questions which ask for a numeric rating, but I wonder if it doesn't also apply to the  'feel' question.


I think the 'feel' question is problematic in that it is mixing two different concepts. On the one hand, some of the answers include easy versus challenging. On the other hand one of the answers includes 'good'. What if I think 'easy' is 'good' or if I think 'challenging' is 'good'.


Also, I'm not certain that easy and challenging are opposite of each other. There was a lovely post on BGG a while back about the difference between hard vs challenging.


All that being said, I think this is an important question. I suggest:


How would you rate the difficulty of this game from 1 to 5, where 1 is not difficult at all and 5 is impossible.

 This is great.  I just submitted the game I played last night.    There are a couple of things tho:


1.   Agree with flamethrower, you should take all the playtesting material down for now, until the expansion is released.

2.  Unity and F6 Unity aren't on the page.   I played with F6 unity.

3.  Instead of "did you win"   I would like to see a bit more detail.   Maybe like:   Hero Victory/ Loss (all heroes incapacitated)/  Loss (Mars Base Explosion) / Loss (Baron Blade Terralunar Beam) / Loss (Voss Minion overrun)/ Loss (REDACTED -you know what I'm talking about =p )  so we can see some of the alternate game over conditions in the stats.

I would recommend against including variant setups like 2 hero games in the overall data. If there's a simple way to exclude certain things like that and preferably break them out into their own statistics, then I don't really see a reason not to collect it. I would certainly be interested to see how drastically the villain win percentages swing with different numbers of heroes. And being able to tell people asking about 2-player games that certain villains are stupid easy or stupid hard but certain others come out about the same would be really cool, as there seem to be a number of people who want to play the game that way.

Also, I like awp's suggestion of breaking down the loss by condition.

  • Loss : heroes incapacitated/ villain alternate victory condition / environment special


  • Win : normal / alternate victory condition

should suffice.

Game apreciation is harder. Sometime you feel you win or lose because of the luck of your, or the villain's, draws, or because the nevironment was helpful or not. Sometime your tactics work perfectly. And so on. But establishing a full list of options for this would take much time - and what we want here are data we can analyze easily.

Why not something like "in what shape were the heroes at the end of the game" in case of victory : High Hp? Medium ? Low ?

Maybe a "state of hero at end of game" [incapacitaded; nearly incapacitated, low HP, medium  HP, nearly intact]  would allow us to see if some heroes are more frequently bashed on than others ?

Anyway, I know have to find where I stocked my old statistic lessons...

Ummm, which way are you going here?

Also, lynkfox, can you share the core spreadsheet with some of us? I think changes could/need to be made :slight_smile: I really agree that things should default to blank

Workin on Defaulting to Blank right now (But honestly? I do not know if the pull down menus support default to blank where blank isnt an option - and I really want to restrict this to 3hero games and above right now - 2 hero games would be interesting, but the game is balanced supposedly around 3-5... even if i did include the 6th hero option :P - im looking into it though), and changing the 'How did this game feel' option to a numbered system 1-5


you can see the core spreadsheet here, but at the moment Im not opening it up to too many editors. Flamethrower and awp since you two have a lot of experience with this through the Arkham Horror one, if you PM me your google usernames ill add you. We'll go from there - better to not have to many cooks stirring the pot at first.


Remember this is all just data right now. We haven't begun to extrapolate any statistics at all, or even format exactly what we -want- to extrapolate.

Hm yeah that was unclear; there should have been a "however" or something in there. My bad.

I think we should collect 2 hero data, but be careful not to include it when pulling overall win rates. We really only ever want to see it on its own. If it's inconvenient to do that, then it's better to leave it out than pollute the stats with variant plays.

I mean, 2 heroes is an unbalanced unsupported gametype. But wouldn't it be interesting to see HOW unbalanced it is, and it in way it's unbalanced? I feel like if nothing else it would be nice to have something concrete to point to when people ask about 2 hero games so we can explain why it's a bad idea and what to expect if they decide to try it anyway.

In order to /force/ peopel to choose heroes for 1-3 (starting off blank that is) it has to be Multiple Choice - if I use a drop down list and leave the first option blank, if they don't select one it puts a blank in the field.


I went ahead and put for Hero #3 - None - but if you select this option it invalidates your results for the standard statistics, but provides interesting statistics for a side project


So its an option. Better to start collecting that stuff -now- rather than later, and some people who don't realize that the game is 3-5 may try to put a 2hero game in and finding no None put it in the comments... which might be missed when we start inputing all this data


Btw, if anyone has the coding skills to find a way to do that data input automatically, that would be awesome.

I just submitted response to the 2 games I posted above.


I agree that ST cards should not be included as they are still in balancing phase.

Also 2 hero would be interesting, since it is a valid Hero Challenge it should be a valid method to play the game. I think it would also make it an interesting data to collect. (Just make sure in your survey to indicate it is only allowed if H=3 when 2 players).

Again - its all data collection right now. The excell sheet puts the date and time that the survey was submitted, so its quite easy to go through and disregard any that have the Playtesting heroes/villians/environemnts in them before they are finalized and printed.  Rather than having to add all them in later, i find it easier this way with no drawback or effect on any statistics we derive from them in the future.



Speaking of Statistics:


Here is what I think we should be looking at


How often is a Hero in a winning game? (this is also somewhat a stat of popularity mind you so...)

How many games is a Hero reported in?

How many heroes are in the games they win?

How often does each hero win against each Villain? (Set it up like 

* Hero 1 win rate
* Hero 2 win rate ect)

How often does a certain environment lead to Loss (To determine the 'harder' environements) - maybe even set it up by villain like above

How often is special Loss Condition met?

What else?

Yeah, win rates for each component are the most important thing. Also, breaking the win rates down by number of heroes would be interesting. Some of the villains actually feel easier with fewer heroes (Spite is the big one), and I'd be interested to see systematic data on that.

Also, the fact that there's a subjective difficulty rating is interesting. I'd be interested to see how closely those match the objective data. It seems plausible to me that there could be certain villains who feel hard but actually the heroes usually beat them.

Another thing I'd be interested to see is did the villain flip. Mainly it's for Gloomweaver, but it would also be interesting on Citizen Dawn, Spite, Ennead. Even Apostate, although that's more of a gauge of playstyle than how the odds come out. Maybe it's overkill? I dunno.