The Letters Page! Episode 3 Discussion (Baron Blade)

Yup, excellent episode! Baron Blade feels a bit more sympathetic to me after this episode, for some reason.

I can understand being slightly sympathetic toward the Baron, BUT he does set himself up for failure a lot. Enough so that I’m quite comfortable now calling him the Baron of Bad Ideas.

More like Baron of Short Sighted Ideas.   

The Bone-Headed Baron.

Baron Blade really feels like he could have been a hero. But he focused on the wrong things, and became a villain instead.

Vengeance drove him to being a villain.  We shall see how he does as a hero with the Luminary deck at least.  

"I've built this multiverse ending bomb to blow up Oblivaeon. If there's no Multiverse to destroy, he'll just go away!"

I mean, he's not wrong.

An Interlude is up!

The most important thing is the Podcast should be up each week at 10.00am Central Time, and we have a schedule of what is being discussed this month.

February 7th: Expatriette
February 14th: Citizen Dawn
February 21st: Setback
February 28th: Kismet

Citizen Dawn is going to be a Valentine Day special! Woo!

OK, I fanboyed a bit when I saw Setback was this early in the podcast. He's one of my favorites, and I was looking forward to his episode.  Now I dont need to be quite so patient!



Me, after playing Oops, Sorry: I'm Setback, and I'm helping!

I'm really surprised kismet is so early before some others.

Either way, I think the schedual of upcoming things is important. This way I can think of questions to ask!

I like the cadence of hero/nemesis that this month has. Hope that keeps up!

Um, guys? I’m pretty sure that this is the wrong topic for discussing upcoming podcasts. Unless it’s about how Baron Blade has influenced them.

Pretty sure you can make a new thread if you want, but as the person who started the thread, and posted the update, I thought that a separate thread on the interlude would be "clutter".

Heartbroken that Tachyon is not sooner. Ah well, I will take a breath and we will get to her eventually

So at about the 21:18 mark of this episode Christopher and Adam talk about the Battle Suit and say later iterations weren't always used by Baron Blade.   Since we know of the connection to RevoCorp that he setup I feel this means the Revenant and Benchmark suits are some of those later iterations of the Battle Suit.  

So Setback wouldn't be the only hero to get his powers from Blade, then, you think? :) Iiiiiinteresting!

A few things:

1.  Up is Phish = 9 letters.

2.  War Zeppelins!!!!!  (Zeppelins is also 9 letters, is that still a thing we are doing?)  This made me so happy to hear.  Because I love the idea of war zeppelins so very much.

3.  Heroic Luminary is part of OblivAeon, from Gen-Con we talked about her at the foil card reveal and it was confirmed that she's from a universe where Legacy is a villain, not Iron Legacy style, he's just a very bad guy, and Heroic Luminary is fighting against him.  It's a bizarro world.

4.  Love the idea that the Baron Blade who likes Knives a lot is actually a more effective Baron Blade.  Baron Blade Prime is building a giant doomsday device and Stabby Baron Blade is just sharpenning his knife in the corner.  I like Stabby Blade.

5.  Love the character development of Blade through the positive energy field and into OblivAeon.  Would love to know more about his ideology when he goes back to being a bad guy.

My sense was it is a sort of, 'Then let me be evil,' thing. He's not so obsessed with revenge or taking over the world, but making devices and evil plots is still the thing he's best at, so he's gonna do it and have fun with it.