Game 3 – Absolute Zero, Ex-Pat, Mr. Fixer, and Bunker Vs. Kismet in the Ruins of Atlantis
Statistical Results - Heroes Lose
MVP – Jinx Cards. T-Rex.
Fun - 4/5
Danger 4/5
Shining Moment – Watching Kismet deal all heroes 7 damage – one from a card, plus 6 for jinxes on board.
If Miss Information worked these characters dependence on equipment, Kismet worked the rarity of ongoing destruction in their decks. During the game, no Jinx went out of play until the hero charcter’s incapacitation. The game ended with all heroes incapacitated, and Kismet in the mid-20s.
The game started with Mr. Fixer becoming a magnet for Jinxes, ultimately ending the game with four. He could not tie his shoes without taking damage, discarding a card, and sneezing. I was hoping to pull the card “driving mantis” to redirect the damage, but it never happened. Sadly, Mr. Fixer was out of the game many rounds before he was incapacitated.
Ex. Patriot drew her shotgun immediately and stayed with it the entire game. The solid four points a turn, plus the occasional amo card, minimized the damage her “two left feet” jinx caused.
Absolute Zero again tanked, but with a lucky start and a decent series of one shot draws managed to do significant, if insufficient, damage to Kismet. The Fragile Bones card, allowing him to do an extra point of damage to himself, improved his self-healing very nicely.
Bunker was uninspiring but solid. He managed to get his grenade launcher out before various Kismet cards disappeared his hand. The Omni and Flak cannons never showed.
The environment did a very large amount of damage this game, with the Kraken accounting for two characters (Bunker and Ex. Pat)
I believe that this is winnable, but this time the cards were not in the heroes’ favor. A Flak Cannon and a turret mode would have been close enough to turn the tables, and with the addition of the driving mantis would have been.
I intend to replay Kismet with the squad, perhaps switching out Bunker for Fanatic, or playing H=5 Solo. We’ll see.