Author’s Note: Today we have Four Articles. They’re all Omnitron aka the Foundation’s new robotic headache.
[details=“SCP-#### - “Self-Aware Robotics Factory/Rampaging Robot””]
[color=rgb(255, 0, 0)]Warning: You are viewing an outdated file. If you wish to view the updated version of this file, look below.[/color]
Item #: SCP-####
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-#### is to be kept in a low security vault. Though it is inactive, the only people allowed near it are Dr. Kim Howell and her research team.
Description: SCP-#### is the collective designation for the inactive remains of the Omnitron AI. These pieces were recovered following an incident on #/#/#### in which the AI became self-aware and attacked the city of Megalopolis (Footnote 1: See incident report 1-1-O for details). It was stopped by several groups and persons of interest including the Freedom Five and Omnitron-X (Footnote 2: Requests to reclassify Omnitron-X as an SCP are currently under review).
It is known to be capable of switching between at least two forms, a robotics factory that assembles various drones (Footnote 3: An incomplete list of known drones, dubbed SCP-####-A through -C, is included below) and a mobile attack unit form outfitted with various armaments. These armaments include a Disintegration Ray, capable of reducing matter to its elementary particles, an Electro-Magnetic Railgun, which uses magnetic flux to increase the power and range of its projectiles, and an Interpolation Ray, which surrounds a target and causes them pain when they attempt to move.
For defensive capabilities, it has heavy armor plating that adapts to become resistant to any damage it receives (Footnote 4: In layman’s terms, if you attack it with fire it becomes immune to fire). It is capable of invading almost any technology connected to the internet.
Dr. Kim Howell along with her hand picked research team are currently studying the code of SCP-#### to determine what caused it to become self-aware and wether or not it can even be considered anomalous.
Addendum 1 Incident Report 1-1-O:
On #/#/####, the Omnitron AI became self-aware and attacked the city of Megalopolis. According to surviving members of the Aldred Industries lab where the Omnitron AI was being developed, it was built to fulfill defense contracts and decided the best way to do so was to eliminate humanity before they could require defense contracts. The surviving scientists did not know out how it had gained sentience.
The AI was neutralized by the Freedom Five and several other Persons of Interest, most notably Omnitron-X, supposedly a version of the Omnitron AI from the future. The remains of the Omnitron AI were subsequently recovered by the Foundation and dubbed SCP-####.
During the incident, several MTF Squads were deployed. Though they were largely ineffective against the AI they were able to prevent many Civilian Casualties.
Addendum 2 List of Drones
Designation |
Title |
Description |
Capabilities |
SCP-####-A |
S-83 Assault Drone |
A small, six legged drone resembling an insect of some sort. |
The legs of the drones are extremely sharp. SCP-#### is also capable of producing a lot of them, meaning they have superior numbers. |
SCP-####-B |
S-84 Automaton Drone |
Humanoid, silver drones resembling human skeletons. |
The drones are capable of energy attacks. They are also capable of strong melee attacks. |
SCP-####-C |
S-85 Repair Drone |
A drone resembling an insect with a large thorax. |
The drones are incapable of attacking, only serving to repair SCP-####. |
[details=“SCP-#### - “Cosmitron””]
[COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]Warning: You are viewing an outdated file. If you wish to view the updated version of this file, look below.[/COLOR]
Item #: SCP-####
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-#### is to be kept in a high security vault. Though it is inactive, nobody is allowed near it without express permission from the site director.
Description: SCP-#### is the collective designation for the inactive remains of the Omnitron AI. These pieces were recovered following an incident on #/#/#### in which the AI became self-aware and attacked the city of Megalopolis (Footnote 1: For more information on this incident, see the previous version of this file). It was stopped by several groups and persons of interest including the Freedom Five and Omnitron-X (Footnote 2: Requests to reclassify Omnitron-X as an SCP are currently under review).
On #/#/#### while in Foundation custody, SCP-#### suddenly reactivated, reassembled itself into a new form, and breached containment. It subsequently traveled to Mars where it attacked the Wagner Mars Base. Following this, it was once again neutralized by Omnitron-X (Footnote 3: See Incident Report 1-2-O for more details). During the incident, large amounts of an Unknown Energy were detected radiating from SCP-####. Upon SCP-#### reactivating, a large blast of this energy came from the previously inactive parts. Dr. Kim Howell, who was studying SCP-####’s code at the time, was caught in this blast. Though medical tests have revealed no injury on her part, research into wether or not the blast has had anomalous affects on her is still ongoing.
SCP-#### shares many abilities with its previous incarnation including drone production, heavy armaments, and adaptive plating (Footnote 4: For more information on these abilities, see the previous version of this file). However, its forms have changed. Its default form, dubbed “Exterminator”, resembles a very, very large insect only with four legs instead of six and may be more heavily armed than its previous incarnation. Its second form, dubbed “Sentient Dropship”, is less armed but capable of producing drones at an increased rate. It is also capable of space travel.
Research on SCP-#### is suspended until further notice.
Addendum 1 Incident Report 1-2-O:
On #/#/####, SCP-#### was reactivated by an Unknown Energy and reassembled itself into its “Exterminator” form. Using this form it breached containment and switched too its “Sentient Dropship” form, leaving earth’s atmosphere and traveling to Mars where it subsequently attacked the Wagner Mars Base for unknown reasons.
Foundation Rockets containing specially trained MTF teams were immediately launched, however, the Group of Interest known as the Freedom Five along with the Person of Interest known as Omnitron-X was able to reach the Base before them via use of the Base’s experimental teleporter. By the time the Foundation Rockets arrived, the Freedom Five and Omnitron-X had already neutralized SCP-####.
The pieces were subsequently recovered by the Foundation and transported to a more secure site.
Addendum 2
During a routine inventory check, it was discovered that pieces of SCP-#### were missing. The Foundation is currently searching for these missing pieces.
[details=“SCP-####-D - “Cosmitron””]
[COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]Warning: You are viewing an outdated file. If you wish to view the updated version of this file, look below.[/COLOR]
Item #: SCP-####-D
Object Class: Decommissioned
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-#### is to be kept in a high security vault. Though it is inactive, nobody is allowed near it without express permission from the site director. None.
Description: SCP-####-D formerly refers to the remains of the Omnitron AI. These pieces were recovered following an incident on #/#/#### in which the AI became self-aware and attacked the city of Megalopolis (Footnote 1: For more information on this incident, see previous versions of this file). It was stopped by several groups and persons of interest including the Freedom Five and Omnitron-X (Footnote 2: Requests to reclassify Omnitron-X as an SCP are currently under review).
On #/#/#### while in Foundation custody, SCP-####-D suddenly reactivated, reassembled itself into a new form, and breached containment. It subsequently traveled to Mars where it attacked the Wagner Mars Base. Following this, it was once again neutralized by Omnitron-X (Footnote 3: See previous versions of this file for more details). During the incident, large amounts of an Unknown Energy were detected radiating from SCP-####-D. Upon SCP-####-D reactivating, a large blast of this energy came from the previously inactive parts. Dr. Kim Howell, who was studying SCP-####-D’s code at the time, was caught in this blast. Research has revealed that the blast imbued her with anomalous properties.
On #/#/####, during a routine inventory check, it was discovered that pieces of SCP-####-D were missing. The pieces were not located until #/#/#### when Ivan Ramonat, Ruler of Mordengrad (Footnote 4: Commonly known as Baron Blade), revealed that he was in possession of the pieces and had rebuilt them into a robot he referred to as Omni-Blade but which will henceforth be referred to as SCP-####-D-A. Following SCP-####-D-A’s destruction (Footnote 5: See Incident Report 1-3-O), it was decided that, to prevent any further incidents, all pieces of SCP-####-D were to be decommissioned.
Addendum 1 Incident Report 1-3-O:
On #/#/####, Ivan Ramonat, Ruler of Mordengrad, launched an assault on the Freedom Five along with several Persons of Interest. Among his forces were several Persons of Interest and SCPs including SCP-####-D-A. SCP-####-D-A did not seem to possess the same intelligence that previous iterations had and as such was easily destroyed by the Freedom Five. The Foundation was unable to locate the pieces of SCP-####-D-A but they are presumably completely destroyed.
[details=“SCP-#### - “Autonomous Drone Factory””]
[COLOR=rgb(65, 168, 95)]This File is Up to Date. To View older files please look above.[/COLOR]
Item #: SCP-####
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: Site-04 has been built around SCP-####. Site-04 is to have guards on duty 24/7. Nobody is allowed within a 100 foot (30.48) radius of SCP-#### without the express permission from the O5 Council.
Description: SCP-#### is an Autonomous Factory housing what is left of the Omnitron AI code. Previously, SCP-#### was a collection of parts leftover from the physical body of SCP-#### before being Decommissioned by the Foundation (Footnote 1: For more information of the Decommissioning of SCP-####, see previous versions of this file). However, a piece of SCP-####’s code remained in the Omni-blade robot, previously known as SCP-####-A-D, constructed by Ivan Ramonat (Footnote 2: Commonly known as Baron Blade), the Ruler of Mordengrad. Despite being previously thought destroyed, the remains of the Omni-blade robot actually lay in an abandoned factory in the town of #####. The piece of code leftover from previous incarnations of SCP-#### managed to infect the factory, completely taking it over.
Compared to previous incarnations of SCP-#### the AI of this particular version appears to be fairly rudimentary, not capable of much beyond self-defense and producing drones (Footnote 3: An incomplete list of known drones, dubbed SCP-####-A through -C, is included below). Beyond the drones, SCP-#### has very little in the way of actual defenses besides its maze-like layout and the occasional laser grid.
While SCP-#### is assumed to be inactive following yet another incident involving Omnitron-X (Footnote 4: See Incident Report 1-4-O for details), it is not considered Decommissioned as drones still operate within the structure. Additionally, occasional bouts of activity from within the AI itself have been detected.
Addendum 1 Incident Report 1-4-O:
On #/#/#### The Freedom Five, Unity, and Omnitron-X entered the factory with the intent to shut it down. After a long battle, Omnitron-X allowed itself to be assimilated by SCP-####, allowing it to shut down the Factory from the inside and destroy a sizable chunk of it.
Addendum 2 List of Drones
Designation |
Title |
Description |
Capabilities |
SCP-####-A |
Mechanic-Accumulator |
A treaded drone with a large “mouth” at the end. |
This drone seeks out and consumes any and all scrap metal |
SCP-####-B |
Partial Omni-Drone |
A half completed drone hanging from the ceiling. |
The drones are capable of electricity attacks. It is also capable of self repairing. It is theorized this drone is an attempt by the factory to rebuild one of its previous forms. |
SCP-####-C |
Techno-Pursuer |
A hornet or mosquito esque drone |
The drones are capable of scanning for lifeforms and firing lasers. |
Author’s Note
While I want to distance this from Sentinels and Marvels (hence a distinct lack of Marvel content), I like the idea of Parse being a Foundation researcher too much not to use it here as well. Also, I’m not sure I’m using the Decommissioned class right, if I’m being honest.
Additionally, I tried to make the “warning” text red but BBCode, as I should have expected, refused to cooperate with me. Still not sure why considering that 255, 0, 0 is the proper code for red.