I know if you played with 2 heros H=3. Thought there might be a similar thing for >5 players.
If you're playing with any number of heroes outside of 3-5, you're totally on your own as to how you play it - that's all homerules.
But with 6 heroes, H=5 would be really easy.
Iron Legacy's card text says you reveal cards until you've revealed (H) Ongoings, then put them into play, but it doesn't say what order you put them into play in, so presumably you could put the Final Evolution into play first if you didn't want to take tons of extra damage.
If you wanted to: This shows how close you can come to losing during setup.
Still, 18 vs 22: no big diffrence, youre doomed either way
Oh, I don't disagree. I once got something very close to this start - only a 4 player game, so no Final Evolution, and Iron Legacy's card was Flying Assault. I think Haka managed to survive all the way to turn 5.
We got Legacied to start round 2 once, he did like 10-15 damage to everyone first turn, then we all played, then he threw down and killed all of us.
Actually, if we rearange the heroes(mr fixer after scholar, instead of before) then argent can buff ab yet a third time
New sequence
Villian turn:the same
Argents turn:Argent play Syncopated onslaught (Instead of alacratous subdominant), and then uses his power to buff ab(instead of letting mr fixer play a card)
Scholars turn:Filling in more blanks in the dde chain
First dde:Mr fixer gets out alternating tiger claw, argent gets out Alacratous subdominant(Instead ofsyncopated onsolought)
Second dde:Mr fixer gets out riveting crane, argent gets out xu's bell
You can't get a fourth because there are only two wasy for argent to activate the perform of a rythym
Ambuscade draws Run And Gun seventeen times in a row.
With all of that re-shuffling, this might not be that fast of a game from a "real time" perspective, but in terms of gameplay, what could be faster than that?
Ambuscade can't draw run and gun more than twice, he has only 2 in his deck and the first one is still in play when the second one is played, you don't discard the cards until ALL instructions on it have been executed, including any new card plays that trigger because of it. If no external force (e.g. an environment card) lets him play more than one card per turn, it will never be in the trash to be shuffled in on the same turn it is played.
Had a first round Ennead win on Advanced, they had Shu, Isis, Atum, Nephtys, Tefnut in play, Omnitron-X played Elemental Exochasis and then Timeshifted Defensive blast into play. Legacy had Inspiring Presence, so he did that and Galvanize, Haka did Rampage for 7 damage to each of the Ennead (other than Shu), then Unity played Hasty Augmentation and Omni hit all the Ennead for 24 damage, clearing the field.
Once Omni had Blast, Elemental and Temporal to discard we knew we had it. Had no plan of doing it till then. I played Unity for Cryo Bot Legacy (devestating before they flip) and Hasty+Defensive Blast, but we didn't even think about a five turn win until it was set up.
Got Lucky with cards and not getting Geb or Nuit. Probably isn't the worst chance of pulling off though.
EDIT: My B-i-L just informed me we messed up, and yes, we did.
Omni was at +4 damage, which means Defensive blast would have done 20, not 24. So we should have had Shu at 4hp, Tefnut at 2hp, Atum at 3hp, and Nephthys at 1hp I guess you'd need a fifth for Argent to boost damage again. Don't know why we went wrong on the Math.
congrats, that's pretty sexy, especially against a villain as tough as the Ennead. Hasty Augmentation + Defensive Blast = Pretty good!
Matchstick: You're right, but I think Ironic has got it! All you have to do is throw in Quick Stim Patch and it's done, a loss for heroes before any hero gets a turn.
Run&Gun, Run&Gun, Stim Patch: Repeat until all heroes are dead. Nice work, Ironic.
I donât think that works. After Run&Gun, Run&Gun, Quick Stim Patch, all three cards are still in play (as youâre still executing their instructions). So you donât shuffle them into the deck, and you run out of such cards.
If there were a card that did something like âplay a card at the end of the villain turnâ, then it might have the effect youâre looking for.
hm... great, now you're going to make me look up a rule that's not in the rulebook =p.
the only thing I found after checking the faq was that One-Shot cards enter play and then are immidiately placed in the trash. So.. dpt.. where did you find this ruling you're talking about?
You don't read the card from the trash, you read it while it's in play, once it has finished doing stuff then you put it in the trash. You don't need an offical ruling on common sense.
Run& Gun: I deal a hero damage, I shuffle, I play a card from the villain deck. (R&G in play)
I play a card from the villain deck. R&G #1 is fully resolved, it goes in the trash.
The card played is Run&Gun #2 , deals a hero target some damage, shuffles the deck, plays a card from the deck.
now that i think about it, I guess you wouldnt need stim-patch after all. why wouldnt this work?
Because "play a card" doesn't resolve until the card tht's played is resolved. So until all the played cards in this chain resolve, none of them are fully resolved.
You have a point, would Run & Gun wait for the text of the next card to be resolved before going to the trash?
From the manual:
ONE-SHOT: A keyword appearing on Hero and Villain cards. The effects of a One-Shot card happen immediately upon being played, after which the One-Shot card is moved to the appropriate trash.
The question is which takes priority, the effects immediately being played, or the card moving to the trash after being resolved.
Another timing question. I don't think we have a ruling on that.
I always play that the card resolves, go to the trash, then the card that pulled it goes to the trash, so that in a sequence of cards the first one played (that started the "chain"of cards) is the last one to hit the trash.
Text is activated upon being played, and the one-shot going to the trash happens once its effects are resolved.
So, you could argue that the first Run & Gun going to the trash and the activation of the second one's text are simultaneous, and would result in:
1st R&G Plays the top card of the villain deck
2nd R&G is played
1st R&G is resolved and therefore goes to the trash (because the card and effect sending it to the trash predate 2nd card)
2nd R&G's text activates, dealing damage then shuffling trash into the deck.
I don't know if we have a ruling that sorts this out, or if we need one, but it is a valid question.
I am leaning toward it stays in play till the other cards are resolved, but I could see it going the other way.
My group had a turn like that when I was manning the villain deck once. Except it alternated between RnG and QSP. After I had played each card twice, RapScallion just took the deck from my hands and shuffled it instead. He thankfully broke my bad shuffling streak!
In detial:
Ambuscade plays run and gun:
(Each hero two damgae)total:two
Shuffle villan trash :none
Play villan card(run and gun)
(Each hero two damgae)total:four
Shuffle villan trash :none
Play villan card(Quick sitm-pacth)
Regain H Hp: no effect
Shuffle villan trash :none
Play villan card (Run and gun?)
There are only two uin the deck and they are both in play
In Play:(run and gun x2, wuick stim patch)
In play:(run and gun x 2)
Tarch:quick stim patch
In play:(run and gun)
Trash:(run and gun x2, wuick stim patch)
Doesn't help to add patch