The Shortest Possible Game

Dying to Iron Legacy turn 6, his turn to start round two we all died.

Fastest Win was also IL, he nuked down Fanatic and round 2, I think third hero of four she Retributioned him to death.  That would be 9 turns, second round.

I've never seen our group have a game with Iron Legacy that's gone more than 3 rounds, no matter the outcome.

We had one really long one, it involved Legacy getting set up to tank right off the bat and the rest of us losing our cards all the time.

Attaching a Twist the Ether to Legacy can really slow down a game with all of his snow cone punches that kiss Absolute Zero's sleek, reflective face.

This is perhaps not a proper example, as it happened during playtesting of Rook City such that the cards were not as they are today. Jaymann can maybe help my memory, but we were playing against the Matriarch in the Pike Industrial Complex and on the first round some combination of boosts to all damage followed by something from the environment destroying a bunch of fowl followed by a Darken the Skies meant that all of the heroes went down on Matriarch's second turn.


If you replace chrono-ranger with omni-x after everyone else, argent can buff ab five times, and he can even destroy all the limps, so end of days isn't necessary!one turn sooner win!You can also then remove fanatic, making a fifth turn win!

All previous turns :unchanged

Omni-x's turn:

Omni-x's plays from the don't dismiss anything are two diffrent 4-type platings.

On his turn, Omni-x plays the defensive blast, then timeshifts the scholar, getting out a second proverbd and axioms(if there are two of them, remember, i don't have the scholar), argent buffs ab  and omni-x twice, using the same method explained in my first quoted post. Omni-x uses the defensive blast to hit for 48!!!


If you replace chrono-ranger with omni-x after everyone else, argent can buff ab five times, and he can even destroy all the limps, so end of days isn't necessary!one turn sooner win!You can also then remove fanatic, making a fifth turn win!

All previous turns :unchanged

Omni-x's turn:

Omni-x's plays from the don't dismiss anything are two diffrent 4-type platings.

On his turn, Omni-x plays the defensive blast, then timeshifts the scholar, getting out a second proverbd and axioms(if there are two of them, remember, i don't have the scholar), argent buffs ab  and omni-x twice, using the same method explained in my first quoted post. Omni-x uses the defensive blast to hit for 48!!!

Ah yes, this was back when one of the cards Pike Industrial Compex reduced the maximum HP of all targets (or at least all non-environment targets) by one, thus having fowl cards enter play at zero HP, causing self destruction of a very long bird chain, followed then by a Darken the Skies placing them all back into play to explode again.  After the proper release they reworded the card to no longer affect the maximum HP of targets, then later the Enhanced Edition did the same for the original release.

However that chain can stuill happen witth suprise shopping trip

Last Wednesday I beat Baron Blade in 4 rounds.  I was playing on Advanced with 5 players, so there was a realistic possibility of Terralunar Impulsion, but Blade didn't manage to luck into that, and my team included Legacy and he got Inspiring Presence, as well as Tempest and the Scholar.  The heroes fired on all cylinders, and Blade went down in one round after flipping thanks to Tempest's Shackles and Lightning Storm, Scholar's Proverbs and Axioms, and Haka's Rampage.  Chrono-Ranger rounded out the group; he didn't do an awful lot, but when you're firing 1-damage shots twice a turn and have at one point TWO Galvanizes and Inspiring Presence stacked on you, you don't need  your own really good combos to work.  I believe it wasn't even to the second hero's turn on round 4 before Blade's 30 HP ran out, even with a Living Force Field and his Advanced reduction.  Tempest got a Lightning Slash on the last round and that was that.  We didn't even get any real help from the Environment.

Hello future forumites reading old threads, do we have hover cars yet?

The Run&Gun/Quick Stim Patch question was asked and answered of Christopher in person, you can find the ruling here


Thank goodness!  I always had a bad habit of drawing a Run and Gun into a Quick Stim Patch into a Run and Gun into a Quick Stim Patch into a-(at this point someone usually snatches the deck away from me and plays a card that doesn't have a "Play the top card of the villain deck" as a rider).

Take that, Ambuscade!

The other one that can be nasty for that is...Diversionary Tactics, I think it's called. One of Miss Information's cards. Akash'Bhuta's Primeval Eruption can be a funny one too. Or Disrupt the Field playing a Primeval Eruption which plays another Primeval Eruption (yes I've had that happen ;)).